Linus was always the best!
Just started. This one is a lot of fun and I‘m only up to chapter two!
Very interesting stuff. Much better than the movie in my opinion
This was the book I was talking about last post. Was going to send a pic of the autograph and story. I had a bedbug scare and they ransacked my room and really wrecked my library :-/
This is why I love Neil gaiman. David sedaris once wrote me a very personal letter and again was very personal when I finally met him 10 years later. I‘m having trouble adding the image but basically this kid is tweeting gaiman about how his English teacher says he shouldn‘t refer to authors by their first names, as they are not our personal friends. So the kid asks gaiman to confirm friendship and gaiman says “of course!” :-p
Again, about the book/film thing I have started #lianemoriarity‘s big little lies and it is very different from the hbo miniseries, although the show is well written and excellently acted. The critic in me is always finding faults and #fails...
I‘m a big believer in book vs film. I like to see all sides. Currently reading two, this one, #thebonecollector is not unlike #lordoftherings where it has an interesting story but things get lost in too much unnecessary detail, like before that orc battle in the middle of #thetwotowers and #tolkien describes, in excruciating detail how each blade of grass feels about the upcoming battle. It can get annoying at parts but overall very good
After seeing #bohemianrhapsody I realized I didn‘t know all that much about one of my favourite singers #freddymercury. Time to pick up the best biography I could find! Have #audiobook as well