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The Hidden Staircase #2 | Carolyn Keene
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I‘m really enjoying this trip down memory lane, even if I never read the original Nancy Drew books as a teen.

In this on a friend of Nancy asks for her help in looking into a “haunted” house. At the same time someone threatens her father. There were some scary moments in here.


Librarybelle I thought there were some scary moments too! I‘m #teamsqueamish 😂 5mo
AnneCecilie @Librarybelle I‘m a member of that team too, but I also think that some things will always be scary no matter how much time that passes, even if the technology changes. 5mo
Librarybelle So true! 5mo
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Walking John the local ghost..
“Don‘t worry he doesn‘t usually bother strangers ..” ?!!
Were you told ghost stories as a child ?

Sargar114 There‘s the St. James we expect to see!!! I was never told ghost stories as a kid so I‘m kinda meh about them. But St. James has a way of telling them where they feel almost real! She is so skilled! 3y
Librarybelle Agree with @Sargar114 ...she is so skilled! I am #TeamSqueamish , so I avoided ghost stories as much as possible growing up. Yet, I watch ghost shows and have been reading more spooky stories over the last several years 🤷🏻‍♀️ . I am in an area filled with lots of ghost stories and haunts, due to its richness in violent history. Also, lots of “mountain man” spook stories, as I live near mountains and wilderness. 3y
AmyG I loved horror as a kid. I grew up watching “monster” movies as we called them...Creature Feature. We had a house we would ride our bikes past because we were told it was haunted ( we never even saw anyone outside the house). 3y
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Karisa We were told ghost stories while camping as kids. Murderous ones with hooks for arms type of stuff.. Scared the hooey of of me! 😳 Probably just the adults' way of getting us to stay in the tents at night and not explore. 😉 3y
InkintheMargins Walking John's story is so tragic...and good! Creepy. I was told stories about a haunted bridge in our county. The adults would take us on a hayride every Halloween and always mysteriously "stall" while we were on the bridge. It was fun and scary! 3y
BookwormAHN I grew up with Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark and I love a good ghost story. 3y
mollyrotondo Oh yes kids would pass down local ghost stories to each other and they still live on. I think most are urban legends but they still scared me and I still think about them to do this day. But yes I thought the Walking John story was so terribly sad. He just wanted to be buried with his son! Uhhh! 3y
DebinHawaii I have always found ghost stories intriguing & was told many growing up—often camping or on station wagon road trips by my brothers. I laughed at the comment about Walking John ”usually” not bothering strangers. Yeah, that‘s comforting! 🙄🤣 3y
JaclynW I experienced mostly friends telling of ghost stories. The urban legends and Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark kind. Our town is known for a few famous stories. Ogden, Utah's famous 25th Street was notorious for crime back in the day - most of the ghosts come from that. Or Native American and Pioneer ghost stories. Fun! They all terrified me as a kid though. I was/am easily spooked. My kids love this stuff so I've grown brave now. 😂 3y
JaclynW @mollyrotondo It was sad! 3y
IndoorDame Like @JaclynW I grew up with some older girlfriends who would tell me urban legend ghost stories at sleepovers and reading some Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark kind of books 3y
CoffeeNBooks I've always been fascinated by ghost stories! 3y
vlwelser That story was so sad. I love ghost stories. I'm glad we're reading this. 3y
Helen19 I love them, one of my modules at university was the literature of the fantastic and we got to study Dickens‘ ghost stories. Yes, @mollyrotondo definitely feeling more sad than creeped out about that one :( 3y
kspenmoll My brother, at camp- i would get so scared I could not sleep. 3y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick I had a few boy cousins who were a few years older and they would try to scare the younger cousins. I laughed. I might've paused at a strange noise, but no lost sleep. My parents worried I'd get scared & were reluctant to let me watch scary movies. (A raccoon peeps into your window at 4 years old & scares the lights out of you once, and they think you're weak!) Luckily they came around and then were worried that I found them humorous. 3y
ElizaMarie So as a child I was scared with “cucuy“ and “la llorona“ that were supposed to be at every corner waiting to take me! 3y
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The Sun Down Motel | Simone St. James
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After answering the discussion questions for today‘s #BOTMBuddyread chat, I couldn‘t wait to finish this...

Fell, NY has secrets. And the Sun Down Motel outside of town seems to be the epicenter. Told in dual timelines, this ghost story is creepy and compelling, with a few twists and turns. I had some suspicions that were correct, but I didn‘t have everything figured out. There‘s mystery and suspense - so glad I read this during the day!

Librarybelle I realized I neglected to mention this is my #FreezerBook for #BBRC #GrowUp ...anything more intense and I may not ever sleep again! #TeamSqueamish @LibrarianRyan @StayCurious 4y
StayCurious I love when a book can surprise you. Sounds creepy! You must be reaching the end of BBRC😀 how close are you? 4y
Librarybelle @StayCurious I still have most of the teen category and a little bit out of middle grade, grow up, and the yeah baby category. Getting closer! How are you doing? 4y
StayCurious @Librarybelle not bad! Once I‘m done the picture books I‘ll move on to Easy readers. I‘m mostly done the other categories. June will be a mad rush to the finish! 4y
Librarybelle Haha, @StayCurious ...indeed! Great job! 4y
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Conviction | Denise Mina
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For the most part, this book was compelling, and at times a tad heart pounding for me (I‘m #TeamSqueamish , so I scare/thrill easily). But, by the end I felt very underwhelmed. It left me feeling meh. Still, this was a terrific distraction from a fast paced week. A little late for the January prompt, but I had this slayed for my #1WordTitle for #ReadWithMrBook .

Cathythoughts I did give it a pick .... but in hindsight I‘m inclined to agree & say “so-so” 4y
Librarybelle @Cathythoughts For me, it started out slow, then became very exciting, only to sizzle at the end. I did have pick in mind until the last 50 pages or so. 4y
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Blood on Snow | Jo Nesbo
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Not for the faint hearted! Very grim, slow and brooding but the tension is palpable. Unlike Case Histories where the humor fell flat, here I found the dark humor quite entertaining. I‘m just confused why a book told entirely from a male POV would be read by a woman?? Mind you, the woman is PATTI SMITH🙌🏻 but still a little odd. A quick read at under 5 hours😉 Audiobooks have really been my bff this week❤️🎧 #BorrowNotBuy

Librarybelle I‘m not sure if I have the stomach to read Nesbo‘s books. I‘ve heard they are not for the faint of heart, and I‘m totally #TeamSqueamish . 4y
Megabooks Agree with @Librarybelle ...also re: narrator was there a directorial reason? Like it‘s not really clear why Fleishman is in trouble is narrated by a woman, but by part three, it makes sense. 4y
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alisiakae His books are on the gory and heavy side, but I love the Harry Hole series (haven‘t read the his stand alones like this one). I‘ll be reading this for Norway 4y
Cinfhen It wasn‘t terribly brutal @Librarybelle @Megabooks @4thhouseontheleft but #TeamSqueamish should probably stay away 😅No, I can‘t understand why Patti Smith was the narrator although she does have a husky raspy voice which was smooth & sultry. Apparently there is a book 2 for this one but I‘m not that invested in the story to continue. 4y
BarbaraBB I hope you‘ll share your stats soon regarding #readingEurope2020! You‘ve covered half the continent already it seems 😉❤️ 4y
Cinfhen Ha!! Need to fill out my map @BarbaraBB thanks for the reminder 4y
GatheringBooks is this part of a series? i am scared to read a jo nesbo bec not very sure where to begin! 😭🤷🏽‍♀️ 4y
Cinfhen No, it‘s the first book in a new series that can each be read as a stand alone @GatheringBooks I think it‘s a good place to start with Nesbo 4y
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I‘m terrible with sticking with #tbr lists for the month. The closest I can come to a true #OctoberTBR is the hope to finish up at least some of the books that I have been reading for at least a month. They‘re all great books, but I‘m also getting distracted by other shiny books.

It‘s my hope to also include some mysteries and thrillers and other books that won‘t give me nightmares - totally #TeamSqueamish ! #FallIsBooked

MallenNC I so relate to not sticking to a TBR and being distracted by shiny new books! 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I can‘t stick to a list either 🤷🏼‍♀️🤣 5y
Sace Oh yeah. Planning my reading is just setting myself up for failure...or at least guaranteed to make my reading feel like a chore. 5y
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Librarybelle Glad I‘m not the only one who struggles, @MallenNC @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks and @RestlessFickleBookHoarder ! 5y
Sace Not at all. I've thrown all tracking and planning out the window and just reading wherever my mood leads me. Im not reading as much, but I'm enjoying it more. 5y
OriginalCyn620 I think we all get distracted by shiny new books! 😂 5y
Librarybelle @OriginalCyn620 Hazard of being a reader - #somanybooksnotenoughtime ! 😂 5y
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The Elementals | Michael McDowell
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Horror is not my genre so I can't compare this to other horror books but I suspect this was horror lite. The end definitely had some creepy, disturbing imagery but luckily it's wasn't too much for this member of #TeamSqueamish. Mostly I kept wondering why they loved that place so much! I really liked several of the characters and would have enjoyed a deeper look at their lives and relationships. Thanks @Cinfhen for organizing this #buddyread.

Cinfhen I agree, this is probably #horrorLite and I was fine with that!! 6y
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The Elementals | Michael McDowell
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I‘m going to disagree with many in the #Helloween celebration, but I thought this was just okay. I normally do not read anything horror - unless it‘s 19th century horror - so the low creep factor worked for me. But, it just felt so campy to me. I actually rolled my eyes a few times. The ending though - wow! I never would have read this if not for the #buddyread , so thanks especially to @Cinfhen for pulling me out of my comfort zone!

Reviewsbylola @cinfhen certainly agrees with you! 6y
Librarybelle @Reviewsbylola I‘m totally happy there was not much of a scare factor! I finished it in the dark, and I‘m very #teamsqueamish 6y
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Cinfhen I‘m with you 💯I did a ton of eye rolling 🙄🙄🙄 6y
Kalalalatja I‘m on #teameyeroll, too 🙄🙄 6y
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