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One for the Money (Revised) | Janet Evanovich

I think I've finally finished playing catch up after not being on my phone much the last few days. Huge thanks to everyone who wished me a happy birthday, it means so much to me ❤❤❤ I don't really read Sci-fi, so my pick for #SciFiSaturday kind of defaults to Harry Potter, or The Cruel Prince (just based on descriptions since I haven't gotten to it yet). For #Reread, HP works again. As does One For The Money, & Furiously Happy. #MagicalMarch

The Fifth Season | N. K. Jemisin
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#magicalmarch #scifisaturday

Not a huge sci fi reader here but I'm hoping that when I get around to reading this series, I will be a fan.

GrilledCheeseSamurai I reeeeally enjoyed this series! ❤️ 6y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego So. Freaking. Good. 💛 6y
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vkois88 I'm not familiar with them but they def have beautiful covers ❤ 6y
SarahSaysRead I'm rereading and it's still SO AMAZING. 6y
mrp27 @vkoisk I've heard nothing but good things about these books and it seems that @GrilledCheeseSamurai @StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego and @SarahSaysRead agree! 🤗 6y
morgan_lionheart These are excellent. I would call them fantasy, not sci-fi. I'm really picky about this kind of book, but the world building in these is absolutely amazing. 6y
mrp27 @morgan_lionheart I've heard that about these books and that's a big plus for me. I do get confused as to what to label these as some bookstores have them shelved under sci fi and some under fantasy and some sci fi/fantasy. 6y
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I have read a couple of difficult scenes over the past couple days, but I just don‘t want this series to end. 😱😬😊 #scifisaturday #currentlyreading #magicalmarch @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @vkois88

PrezBookster I‘ve picked the first book up a few times, only to pass it up. Maybe I should give it a try! 7y
tjwill @PrezBookster I am a fan of YA, sci-fi, and weird formats, so this series feels like it was made for me. 6y
vkois88 I tried to listen to the first one on audio while at work, and it was difficult to keep up with bc all the different POVs and switching between past and present. It was a DNF for me. Maybe if I ever get the chance to read a physical copy I'll like it better 6y
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tjwill @vkois88 I can imagine that it would get confusing. It is all told through documents, and for me, the way the documents look helps me orient myself in the story. For example, there are chats and analyst reports and the AIDAN system narration and the journals and emails. All different looks. If you decide to try again, I definitely recommend going with the physical copy. 6y
vkois88 I'll have to add it back to my TBR and keep an eye out for a physical copy!! Thanks for the encouragement to do so 😊 6y
tjwill @vkois88 😁👍🏽 6y
Linear @vkois88 you need both audio and hard back, its awesome. Helps the story stay linear and gives you great images!!! 6y
vkois88 I'll have to keep an eye out for a copy somewhere... my library always has its copy loaned out 😑 6y
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#SciFiSaturday - SciFi is really not a genre I read much of at all but I did like the hunger games. I thought the first two were fantastic but the third felt rushed and the tone felt a little different. I‘m not actually totally sure The Hunger Games counts as sci-fi, it‘s really dystopian fiction I guess, but it‘s all I could think of! 🤔📚 #MagicalMarch

LazyDays I loved the second one!⌚ 7y
Christine11 @LazyDays Me too! 😊 6y
vkois88 It's about as close to sci-fi as I come, too. Except Harry Potter, of course 😉 6y
Christine11 @vkois88 Of course! 😊🌸💗 6y
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Aurora | Kim Stanley Robinson
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#magicalmarch #scifisaturday I have heard that Kim Stanley Robinson is good, I think why I have these is they were cheap at Half Price Books.Threw in an oldie just because.

vkois88 👍👍👍 6y
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Blackout | Connie Willis
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These 3 books are next on my TBR for my #HugoAwardChallenge2018 #SciFiSaturday #MagicalMarch ❤️🌈🍀

#BookNerd 📚💙

Lacythebookworm Among Others is wonderful! 📚💕 7y
lyradora I'll be curious to read your reviews. 😊 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks These look good!! 7y
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Jhullie Blackout and its sequel All Clear are among my top ten faves of all time. Enjoy. 7y
Beachesnbooks Oh I looooved Among Others! 7y
tjwill @Jhullie Mine too! 6y
vkois88 Among Others has a beautiful cover 😍😍 enjoy! 6y
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Yes!!!! Love these!!!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 7y
toria963 These are on my wish list 7y
vkois88 I need to try these again! 6y
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Some of my favourite sci-fi series ranging from complex and captivating to silly yet thought-provoking to dark and disturbing. #SciFiSaturday #OctoberLibrary17

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#SciFiSaturday ... "Is it true that long ago firemen put fires out instead of going to start them?"

Orbeck33 Finally read this a month or so ago! Such amazing prose. 9y
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