This book was such a ride. It starts off really cryptic and you really can't connect the chapters and what happens in them. You want the book to go faster but then towards the end you just want it to last forever. I love the air of mystery about this book. A beautiful blend of fantasy and romance with great character development. I definitely recommend it!
#NightCircus #ErinMorgenstern #Enchanting #Fantasy#Read #ReccomendsDay
A mesmerizing world created by Erin Morgenstern that causes reality to become inadequate. Beauty, magic, and the unknown all tied together in the most intriguing venue I've ever imagined. Chapter upon chapter she leaves you yearning for the Night Circus to return. Who else loved this book? #bookreview #thebookkeepers #reccomendsday #fantasy #fiction #historicalfiction #romance #circuslovers #prettycovers #booklovers
"Adding this to my TBR pile. Anyone else read it yet? What‘s your opinions??” #YA #fiction #reccomendsday #newreads #tbr #bookloversunite
Current fall read, chilling and enticing 👻🍁🍂☕️🎃 (gonna be starting a YouTube channel soon, first video will be a fall book haul so be on the lookout 👀) #reccomendsday #currentread #booktube
I'm almost done with this book... it's amazing and heartbreaking. The dialogue feels a little forced to me in some parts, but overall it feels like a terrifyingly accurate portrayal of Alzheimer's. I have no firsthand experience with the disease or anyone who has struggled with it, but reading as Alice fights to hold onto herself while dealing with it has made a deep impression on me.
This was a book recommendation to me and now, I'm officially passing it along to all of you #Reccomendsday
Three stories come together in the most creative and delightful way in this book. Very profound lessons about authenticity. I absolutely adore how the author used the graphics to foreshadow the intersection of the stories. Fabulous!!
Wanted to recommend this book that was released yesterday. The author was a producer of Person of Interest, one of my favorite recent TV series. My full review is here: https://wellreadneck.wordpress.com/2017/03/21/lola-melissa-scrivner-love/