This was my first Joan Didion book. I definitely want to check out some of her other works. It was a short and fast listen, not light though. She discusses the death of her daughter.
#audiobook #overdriveapp
This was my first Joan Didion book. I definitely want to check out some of her other works. It was a short and fast listen, not light though. She discusses the death of her daughter.
#audiobook #overdriveapp
Book #3! I‘m about 25% done with it, listening to it on my Overdrive app. I‘m loving this series!
How many of you have started reading or have read this series? I seriously love Marissa Meyer as an author! #lunarchronicles #book3 #cress #audiobooks #overdriveapp
Another #audiobook.
I could get used to this! I don't know why I never really had the patience for it before. #currentlylistening
And there are a ton of good ones available for free from my library on the #overdriveapp
Waking Gods by Sylvain Neuval. The sequel to last year's Sleeping Giants, one of my favorites from last year. This one picks up right where the other one left off, and mysteries are revealed while new ones present themselves. Also a great listen on audiobook.
#bookstagram #booksandcoffee #books #bookreview #booknerd #audiobook #overdriveapp #losangelespubliclibrary #wakinggods #sylvainneuvel
Why is it that after months of being on hold, all my audiobooks become available in the same weekend?! 😳 Am I the only one with this problem?
Here's to some heavy listening in the next week 👊🏼 #overdriveapp #audiobooks
Is it wrong that these are my FAVORITE emails to receive? I'm so excited to start this book! #bookworm #AgathaChristie # AndThenThereWereNone #MurderMystery #OverdriveApp
Concurrently listening on audiobook: The Secret History of Wonder Woman #booksandcoffee #audiobook #overdriveapp #losangelespubliclibrary #bookstagram #jilllepore
Next up: The Beekeeper's Apprentice by Laurie King #bookstagram #booksandcoffee #overdriveapp #kindle
When you leave your phone at home and you desperate missed being able to sneak a little reading time in at work on the #OverDriveApp... #longestday