Love when this happens, makes my pattern loving heart happy ! #bookmarks #readingresolutions #juneinbooks18 #startswithmyinitial #got #motherofdragons
Love when this happens, makes my pattern loving heart happy ! #bookmarks #readingresolutions #juneinbooks18 #startswithmyinitial #got #motherofdragons
Celebrating #womenshistorymonth by celebrating #womenwriters
In her 46 career years, she was the first woman to win the Hugo and Nebula awards. She paved the way for women in scifi by creating relatable and strong female protagonists. She wrote in a time where men were the primary contributers to the scifi/fantasy world. She was inducted into the Scifi Hall of Fame in 2006.
#annemccaffery #dragonriders #pernseries #motherofdragons #scifwriter
November 9: #fiercefemales - Fire and Blood, baby, Fire and Blood ... #bendtheknee #daenerys #targaryen #fireandblood #got #gameofthrones #thronesyall #motherofdragons #breakerofchains #khalessi #theunburnt #lilbookishthanks
Holly Golightly (my sister) and (me) Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, First of her Name, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Queen of Meereen, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, the Unburnt, Breaker of Chains, and Mother of Dragons (I know I‘m missing something...) (and a cameo from my HP tattoo!) #halloween #motherofdragons #khaleesi
"Ah, yes, yes, against grumpkins and snarks, and all the other monsters your wet-nurse warned you about! You're a smart boy, you don't believe all that nonsense ..." - Tyrion Lannister
Day 21: Mythical Beings - Aye, but what about dragons & direwolves? #septinbooks17 #GoT #asongoficeandfire #dragonsanddirewolves #motherofdragons #gameofthrones #fantasylit
"No one will take my dragons. "
~Daenerys Targaryen,
"Game of Thrones: The North Remembers (2.1)"
#amreading #bookfanatic #bookblogger #bookishlove #ireadeverywhere #quotes #bookishquotes #bookdragon #letstalkbooks #gameofthronesfandom #Georgerrmartin #motherofdragons
Despite George RR Martin irritating the shit out of me as an author (and a person), I do love this series. Dany is my favorite character, followed by Jon Snow and Ghost. #agameofthrones #gameofthrones #GoT #daenerys #motherofdragons #khaleesi #ironthrone