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@TheAromaofBooks #marchbookbingo I have way tooo many books 📚 it‘s becoming a problem 😆and they won‘t all fit on. Il be away on holiday when the numbers are drawn but taking a stack of reads on kindle and paperback . Full list to follow 👆 thanks 🙏 for hosting

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 8mo
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Watership Down | Richard Adams
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I did get a bingo for #MarchBookBingo!! Hoping to blackout the card by 28 February 2021!!

The Happy Camper | Melody Carlson
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This was a fun fluff read, although it did get a little repetitive ("I think he likes me. Ohno he is talking to her so I guess he doesn't like me after all. Oh wait, I misunderstood! He DOES like me!") and felt like it could have either been shorter or delved more into some of the side issues. Overall enjoyable but not life-changing.

Review copy from @revellbooks - thank you! Full review on my blog soon.

TheAromaofBooks #ReadtheUSA2020 / #SeparatedbyaPondTour - Oregon @Andrew65 || #FebruaryBookBingo - Flowers on the Cover || #MarchBookBingo - Published in March 5y
Andrew65 Love the cover. Holiday escapism for those in isolation! 5y
TheAromaofBooks @Andrew65 - yes!! Are you under government-mandated isolation there, or just highly-recommended-that-you-stay-at-home isolation? 5y
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Andrew65 @TheAromaofBooks Self isolation, but as principal of school schools are still open. Told today Shutting at end if Friday but still to stay open to the children of a range of people who are helping keep society and the fight against Coronavirus. So will be business as usual. 5y
TheAromaofBooks @Andrew65 - everything is so complicated!! Not sure how long people are supposed to go on this way!! 5y
Andrew65 @TheAromaofBooks Big worries about people‘s mental health. 5y
TheAromaofBooks @Andrew65 - definitely! And I see a lot of people bemoaning the fact that their elderly relatives don't want to stay in, but I think a lot of that is due to those older folks not being as comfortable staying connected via technology - that personal interaction is important to them. Uncertainty and isolation make a tough combination! 5y
Andrew65 @TheAromaofBooks I worry that some other people will just give up the will to live. 5y
TheAromaofBooks @Andrew65 - it's definitely a tough time. All we can do is keep reaching out to the people we know who are vulnerable and try to encourage one another!! 5y
Andrew65 @TheAromaofBooks Totally agree. 5y
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Mosquitoland | David Arnold
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This is an #LMPBC read so I don't want to say too much. I did enjoy this one but was also somewhat frustrated by some parts of it. I'm already intrigued to find out what the rest of #GroupD thinks of this one!!

Also love the cover layout for this one.

@babyruth2510 @Bookwormjillk @Professional_Book_Dragon

Professional_Book_Dragon I‘m excited to get it! I‘m just starting mine today. Should be done in a few days! :) 5y
TheAromaofBooks #ReadtheUSA2020 / #SeparatedbyaPondTour - Mississippi (although it could have been Kentucky or Ohio just as easily) @Andrew65 || #WinterBookBingo - Takes Place Locally (or at least, part of it is in a town only about 30 miles away haha) @Honeybeegirl || #ReadingBingo - Bottom of the TBR (there since August 2015) || #MarchBookBingo - Neurodiverse Protagonist 5y
TheAromaofBooks @Professional_Book_Dragon - looks like you will be the last one to read it, so you'll have the fun of everyone's notes!! 5y
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Professional_Book_Dragon @TheAromaofBooks Where did you see the schedule? She said she would post it but I only saw the last round. Did it miss it somewhere? 5y
Andrew65 Still going well! 5y
TheAromaofBooks @Professional_Book_Dragon - did you not get the email with the names/addresses of everyone in the group?? 5y
Professional_Book_Dragon @TheAromaofBooks I did but there wasn‘t a schedule that I saw. She said she‘d post it on her Litsy but I never saw round 8. I figured since I‘m 3 I mail to 4 and then to 1 and then 2. It looked like that was what happened last round? 5y
katy4peas Cool cover! 5y
TheAromaofBooks @Professional_Book_Dragon - Yes, at the end of this month you will mail your book to me (since I'm 4) and I will mail my book to Ruth (who is 1), etc. Jill (3) will mail to you. Then at the end of April, you'll mail Jill's book to me, I'll mail your book to Ruth, etc. Each person always mails to the next person on the list until you get your own book back. 5y
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Untitled | Unknown
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This old Regency romance from 1986 isn't in the database - it's a pretty regular read with a spunky heroine but didn't get too ridiculous. Set in Brussels just before the Battle of Waterloo, the background was fun and the characters likable. Good for a one-time read, but now in the giveaway box!

TheAromaofBooks #RomanceNovelBingo - historical not set in the UK || #MarchBookBingo - New-to-you author || #MarchUnshelving - 6th book of my own this month @Clwojick 5y
RosesintheOcean Without loaning it to me??? 5y
TheAromaofBooks @RosesintheOcean - do you seriously want all of these when I'm done?! This one was pretty bland. But it may still be in the giveaway box lol 5y
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Fallen into the Pit | Ellis Peters
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Despite the fact that I LOVE the Brother Cadfael books, I have never tried any of Peters's other stories. I came across this one secondhand a while ago and #MarchUnshelving inspired me to finally pick it up! It is a solid, although not mind-blowing, mystery with likable characters - once they got sorted, as there was a bit of a character dump in the beginning. While I didn't instantly bond with Felse like I did Cadfael, this was intriguing ⬇️

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) enough for me to get the next two books in the series from the library to see if the series improves. These were written much earlier than Cadfael, and it does feel like Peters is still finding her stride.

#MarchUnshelving readathon - this was the final book I needed to complete to attain my goals, and I finished it yesterday, so I did complete all six books I set out to read!!

TheAromaofBooks Also visited Shropshire for #SeparatedbyaPondTour (@Andrew65) and checked of Strong Family Bonds for #MarchBookBingo 5y
TheAromaofBooks As a side note, this book was published in 1951 and the main thrust of the story deals with a German POW being homed into this small, rural community. It's obvious that Peters is struggling with this concept as well - how to move forward from the war while still being constantly bombarded with the results of it. There was a lot to ponder from this story & it made me wonder how much Peters was drawing from real life. 5y
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Tineke What is this March Unshelfing everyone's talking about? 5y
Andrew65 @TheAromaofBooks 👏👏👏 5y
Andrew65 @Tineke The aim is during March to try and read books from your own books shelves, and clear books of our physical bookshelves. Have tagged in @Clwojick is leading this drive. 5y
TheAromaofBooks @Tineke - hopefully @Andrew65 was able to answer your questions!! It's just a loose challenge/encouragement for us to read books we already own for the month of March, and to also get rid of books we aren't going to read/reread. @Clwojick also hosted a readathon last week to kick off the month!! 5y
Clwojick Thanks for answering for me guys! @Andrew65 @TheAromaofBooks 5y
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Ninth House | Leigh Bardugo
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Bk5 of my #MarchUnshelfing #readathon & #challenge is done! This has been on my #MountTBRShelvesOfDoom since it was released in October. It‘s a so-so for me coz while the idea had potential, there was something just a bit lacking in it for me. I‘m not sure what, I was left feeling unsatisfied, like there was more to be told. Here‘s hoping Bk2 helps answer those questions🤞 #LitsyAtoZ2020 #LetterN #MandMChallenge #NewSeries #MountTBR2020 #No6

Clwojick This is on my TBR too 5y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Wowza—all those prompts! I have this on my shelf and hope I like it ... 5y
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Mystery in the Pirate Oak | Helen Fuller Orton
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Realizing that it may be difficult to meet my #MarchUnshelving Readathon goal, I sort of cheated by reading a very short children's book to make up my numbers!! This is classic 1940's Scholastic Book Club material - pleasant but not ground-breaking. It was crazy that the grandma had gone west in a covered wagon only 60yrs before!! Owned this since 1997 so I guess it was time to read it. 🙄 Now it is heading to the giveaway box!

Andrew65 It‘s a book! 🙂 5y
Laughterhp Wow! Since 1997! I‘m glad you finally read it 😊 5y
Clwojick I love that you held on to it for 23 years! ❤️ 5y
TheAromaofBooks @Laughterhp @Clwojick - soooo many books I picked up in the 1990's at book sales and thrift stores and then never actually read! Working my way through them now after a few decades! 😂 5y
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Coot Club | Arthur Ransome
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Ack I LOVE THESE BOOKS! Ransome does it again with another fun, lighthearted adventure about kids, families, birds, and boats. I've been meaning to read this next installment, but #MarchUnshelving inspired me to pick it up next. This is definitely one I am keeping, but happy to have another book read from my own shelves.

TheAromaofBooks #SeparatedbyaPondTour - Norfolk (all over the rivers!!) @Andrew65 || #FebruaryBookBingo - 5* Read || #MarchBookBingo - Green Cover 5y
Clwojick Woohoo! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 5y
Andrew65 Love his books! 5y
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TheAromaofBooks @Andrew65 - I wasn't sure if I would enjoy this one as much since it isn't about the Swallows and Amazons, but I loved it SO much. Every one of these books has been a delight so far, and I'm collecting these specific editions - perfect hardcovers with amazing end-paper maps!!! 😍 5y
rockpools ❤️ ⛵️ ❤️ I was fully planning to reread all of these and unshelve them this year. But I wasn‘t quick enough, so I have to keep them for at least another 10 years in case my niece wants them now 🤣🤣 It‘s the only series of kids books I kept! 5y
TheAromaofBooks @RachelO - I'm not sure how I missed out on these when I was young, but I am thoroughly enjoying reading them for the first time as an adult! They are so funny and adorable! 5y
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BookishMe Prompts are placed differently in this... Can they be rearranged by reader?? 5y
bibliobliss @BookishMe I don't see why not 😉 5y
BookishMe That's so COOL 5y
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