Throughout this series Matthew is THE WORST - definitely a character I love to hate!
#GratefulReads Day 10 #lovetohate
Throughout this series Matthew is THE WORST - definitely a character I love to hate!
#GratefulReads Day 10 #lovetohate
Two literary characters I LOVE to HATE: Jessica Wakefield of Sweet Valley High, and Scarlett O'Hara from Gone with the Wind...
Yet another series I should love, want to love and yet I don't. I find him boring and there is no chemistry with this couple. #lovetohate #booklove2017
I'm sure a lot of other people used this as their #LoveToHate pick, but it's just so bad. #BookLove17
#LoveToHate #17BookLove
I HATE George R R Martin for the things he does to his characters, but I LOVE the realism!
Nobody in Westeros is safe! NOBODY!!!!
(I'm not sure where I saved this picture from originally, but it made me laugh and I saved it... 🙂)
#17booklove #lovetohate & #booklove17 #bestlineinabadbook kinda fit together today!
My planner decided the quote for me!
I bailed on this series. Too much no for me (Magnus Bane is a-ok though!!) 📚
I. Hate. This. Book. So. Much. Tess here doesn't look happy about it, either. 19th century books about women written by men make me stabby. #lovetohate #17booklove #day6 @jess.how
#17BookLove #LovetoHate King Henry VIII, I mean, amiright?