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The Outsiders | SE Hinton
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#SeptemBowie #day18 #JeanGenie Playing catch up on challenges.This is the first book that comes to mind when I hear this song.Set in the mid 60s it's about the rivalry between two gangs of young boys, the Greasers & the Socs.When that rivalry moves into bloodshed and murder, Ponyboy & Johnny, both Greasers, go on the run with the help of Dally, another Greaser. It's a sad book with a lot of death & loss, but also loyalty & hope. And lots of denim!

JazzFeathers As a kid, l loved both the book and the film 7y
AlaMich I named my cat Sodapop as a kid. Don't think I didn't get a lot of strange looks. Loved Rob Lowe!! ❤️❤️ 7y
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As a fan of Project Runway, I love Tim Gunn's gentlemanly ways. I just knew that he would have something to say about jeans! "The basic denim wardrobe requires two fabulous pairs, one for dressing up and one for running around. If you wear jeans every day, of course, your collection should be larger. However, we feel that even the most ardent denim lover does not need more than ten pairs." #septembowie #jeangenie

Susanita Make it work! 7y
Cinfhen Gotta love Tim Gunn! 7y
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Gezemice Tim Gunn! 😍❤❤❤ 7y
Blaire Love him and love this advice 👖!!! 7y
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Those are jean shorts that Gene Belcher wears, no? #jeangenie #septembowie

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The best I could do for #jeangenie #septembowie

Cinfhen Two things I love 😍 7y
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The Idiot | Fyodor Dostoevsky
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Bowie is the Reading Genie in his blue jeans on this ALA poster. Too bad he's reading Dostoevsky and not Jean Genet!

#jeangenie #septembowie

writerlibrarian Fantastic choice👊🏻👏🏻👍🏻 7y
kspenmoll Love this!!! 7y
merelybookish Classic! 7y
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ChicaReads I've started reading books off if his 100 books to read list. 7y
MariettaSG I have been meaning to read some Dostoevsky for a while, need to get around to it. 7y
Mamashep Perfect! 7y
Creadnorthey Is it time to attack the Russians? I've always wanted to save them for later... maybe when winter hits... 7y
Marchpane @MariettaSG @Creadnorthey I need to get around to Russian lit too - if only there were more hours in the day to read! 7y
Marchpane @ChristinaLuvsBooks sounds like an interesting project! Let us know if you find any gems on that list 😊 7y
Cathythoughts I started the Idiot a few years ago , but lost concentration. I really want to get back to it, because it was great & I know it will be worth the effort. 7y
DivineDiana @ChristinaLuvsBooks I have thought that would be a fun project! 👏🏻 7y
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I'm thinking a #jeangenie must have made these pants.

#SeptemBowie @Cinfhen @Marchpane

Melissa_J Nice! 7y
Marchpane Don't we all wish for perfectly fitting jeans? 😂 7y
Cinfhen Perfect 😇 7y
AlwaysForeverReading Welcome to Litsy!!! 💙💜♥️❤️💕 6y
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Jean Gent in Tangier | Mu?ammad Shukr?
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#septembowie #jeangenie Thanks @batsy for reminding me of Genet!This little gem of a book,only 67 pages,written by Choukri in conversation with Jean who he meets in the streets of Tangier, translated by Paul Bowles👍with intro by William Burroughs 👍.Love Thief's Journal and Our Lady of Flowers and that Fassbinders ❤️last film was Querelle .

batsy ❤️❤️ Must read this! 7y
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A Confederacy of Dunces | John Kennedy Toole
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#Jeangenie immediately made me think of my good friend Ignatius and his stint at Levy Pants. I just love Ignatius and will use him for any possible prompt. #septembowie

Cinfhen need to read this!!!! 🙈but I keep putting it off....don't know why?!? 7y
Reviewsbylola It's another family favorite! @Cinfhen People either love or hate Ignatius. 7y
Leniverse @Cinfhen I love him. He's despicable and unlikable in the best possible way. 😆 7y
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emilyhaldi Omg @Cinfhen you must read this!!! It's so unlike any other book I have read and I laugh just thinking about it. 7y
Mdargusch I feel another read along @Cinfhen @Reviewsbylola and @emilyhaldi ! I would love to read this again. 7y
Cinfhen Ha! @Mdargusch is this before or after #LonesomeDove and I saw @emilyhaldi signed up for #BlindAssassin #BusyOctober 😘😘😘 7y
Reviewsbylola Haha yes we will have to add it to the list for 2018. @Cinfhen @Mdargusch 7y
britt_brooke One of my favorite characters of all time. 💚 7y
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I love Anderson Cooper. I used to watch him on Channel One in homeroom in high school!

His mother, #JeanGenie Gloria Vanderbilt, has had a fascinating life. I thought this was a great audioread.


DivineDiana I also listened to the audio. It was fascinating! So nice to have it read by this famous mother and son. 7y
britt_brooke I remember him from Channel One, too! 7y
Cinfhen Thanks for the #audiosuggestion 🎧 7y
JacqMac I watched the documentary. It was really great. 7y
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