Three words to describe Deacon King Kong: Surprising. Funny. Community. 📚 #deaconkingkong #jamesmcbride #booksbrewsandbooze Thank you for the tag, @Mavey !
Three words to describe Deacon King Kong: Surprising. Funny. Community. 📚 #deaconkingkong #jamesmcbride #booksbrewsandbooze Thank you for the tag, @Mavey !
Thoroughly enjoying this book, as I have everything #JamesMcBride has ever written. Beautifully written, funny, heartbreaking. Taking my time to savor the journey.
Day 17 - #Miracle #SoulSeptember #MiracleAtStAnna #JamesMcBride
I read and very much enjoyed this story:
Toward the end of WW II, 4 Buffalo Soldiers from the Army‘s Negro 92nd Div. find themselves separated from their unit and behind enemy lines. They discover humanity in the small Tuscan village of St. Anna di Stazzema—in the peasants who shelter them, in the unspoken affection of an orphaned child, in a newfound faith in fellow man.
Got an unexpected surprise last night as “LeVar Burton Reads” released a bonus episode. LeVar read the story “Goat” from the collection Five-Carat Soul to a live audience and interviewed the author James McBride about the story and its twist. It‘s powerful and sucker punches your gut at the end, and LeVar‘s performance only makes it even more powerful. Can‘t recommend listening/reading enough. #LBReads #JamesMcBride
#riotgrams Day 15: #booksandtreats...I'm a sucker for a fun bookish pin! And of course tea.
#goawayimreading #booksandtea #currentread #amreading #bookstagram #jamesbrown #ifeelgood #killemandleave #jamesmcbride #rnb #soul
#riotgrams #blackhistory - a little peek of what's on 1 of my shelves. I've been meaning to read the Taylor Branch books for years - America in the King Years. Have you read them?
#browngirldreaming #jacquelinewoodson #thecolorofwater #jamesmcbride #walkingwiththewind #johnlewis #partingthewaters #pillaroffire #atcanaansedge #americainthekingyears #taylorbranch #caneriver #lalitatademy #thehouseatsugarbeach #helenecooper #citizen #claudiarankine
My next pick for #NonfictionNovember is ostensibly about the groundbreaking musician James Brown, but is really about American racism, greed, violence, and poverty.
If you're interested in hearing about the book from the author himself, here's a live stream of his talk at the Free Library of Philadelphia that I attended - he is an amazing speaker! http://livestream.com/FLP/McBride
#currentlyreading #jamesmcbride #overit