Come important, leave important. Leave a bag of diamonds for all I care. Kill em and leave, Rev. WHATEVER YOU DO AVOID THE EXECRABLE MOVIE “GET ON UP”. Read this book, rather.
Come important, leave important. Leave a bag of diamonds for all I care. Kill em and leave, Rev. WHATEVER YOU DO AVOID THE EXECRABLE MOVIE “GET ON UP”. Read this book, rather.
A series of essays, really, about McBride's travels to learn about James Brown, and many interviews with family and friends. This was my first McBride, and his writing style sings with an original sound on every page. Particularly of note is the chapter about his first wife and their 2 sons, one who died in a car accident as a young adult.
Wishing James McBride a happy 60th birthday!
I'm eagerly awaiting his short story collection, FIVE-CARAT SOUL, being released later this month - and planning to attend his tour stop at the main branch of the Free Library of Philadelphia in October.
Reads more like a series of essays, rather than a standard biography, and covers issues such as race, music, and law in addition to recounting events in the lives of James Brown and his associates. I enjoyed the conversational tone McBride uses and recommend this book even if you are not a fan of Brown's music.
Today's #labsoundtrack as I write reports on this rainy, dark Friday and count down the hours until freedom! 💜
finely written musician biography
This slim volume tells a larger than life story. It's not a traditional bio. It's sort of a road trip/travel memoir as the author visits GA, SC, NYC, and even goes abroad to talk with Brown's family, band, business associates, and childhood friends. It was intimate and revealing, but wasn't trashy or gossipy. I could feel Mr. Brown's energy pulsing through the pages. Even if you're not familiar with him I think you'll find this book interesting.
#riotgrams Day 15: #booksandtreats...I'm a sucker for a fun bookish pin! And of course tea.
#goawayimreading #booksandtea #currentread #amreading #bookstagram #jamesbrown #ifeelgood #killemandleave #jamesmcbride #rnb #soul