Posing with one of my favorite purchases from this weekend. 😎✊🏻 #shoplocal #ISupportIndies
“Be kind to everybody. Make art. Fight the power.”~ Colson Whitehead
Posing with one of my favorite purchases from this weekend. 😎✊🏻 #shoplocal #ISupportIndies
“Be kind to everybody. Make art. Fight the power.”~ Colson Whitehead
#ILoveMyIndie because they have new releases (sometimes ARCs) that haven‘t yet become available to the mainstream! In this case just a couple days early, but still! Such a treat for National Independent Bookstore Day 💗📚 #ISupportIndies
FYI I did snatch this up for babe and I to share! 🤗
You might also see Mars Room on the shelf but I resisted because it‘s likely a BOTM pick.
Yesterday was so fun! I picked up a couple new books and a Karen Slaughter ARC (book picture to come - they are still in @Vbrrgirl trunk). Nothing better than books, rosé and friends!!!! #ISupportIndies
My purchases and freebies from two great indie bookstores here in NYC, Book Culture and the Strand, yesterday.
The Strand didn't have any promotions but I couldn't resist the "write drunk edit sober" pouch.
Book Culture on Columbus had a free intro to feminism and Harry Potter patch! The rest are purchases - I love the pile of books art and I think the pouch is specially designed for Indie Bookstore Day.
@BookaholicNatty #ISupportIndies - @Powells today with my kidlet. So many #bookloots
Also, I'm so uncoordinated that the teenager had to take the selfie after I successfully dropped my phone twice, and recorded someone's foot. 😁
Thanks to @BookaholicNatty I found out it was Independent Book Store Day, so I rearranged my errands to make a stop! I‘ve wanted to get the tagged book since it was first published, and found the Rachel Ward in the Celtic section. Sounds good to me! Was quietly busy today at Little Read Books in Wauwatosa, and was a nice way to start my to-dos. #ISupportIndies No giveaways at the store, don‘t think they knew about the holiday. 🤷🏻♀️
We are doing the #atxbookstorecrawl today for #bookstoreday -- at Book People we took a photo with the Harry Potter books, and bought some chapter books for the 6 year old. We also went to Malvern Books and Half Price Books. 📚🤓 @BookaholicNatty Happy Independent Bookstore Day! #isupportindies #atx
How stinking cute is this?! They turned this old camper into a mobile bookstore! I would not have found it if I hadn‘t been googling independent book stores. I will post more pictures later of the inside and the bookstore Corgi ❤️❤️❤️ #isupportindies
We are #1 in line this morning waiting on our local Indie bookstore to open. (Newtown Bookshop in PA) First 25 kiddos get a Llama Llama book and the first 50 adults get a special 20th anniversary Harry Potter item. We are super excited! Hope you can make it to your local Indie today!!! ❤️❤️ #ISupportIndies
Happy Independent Bookstore Day! This where I will be with @Vbrrgirl around 4! #isupportindies