HELLO LITSY IMMMMMMM BAAAAAAACCCCKK. I‘ve been busy with a new job so I haven‘t been on in a while but as you can see by this stylish pic that the wonderful and beautiful @mrozzz took the literary force is strong with me. It‘s good to be back
HELLO LITSY IMMMMMMM BAAAAAAACCCCKK. I‘ve been busy with a new job so I haven‘t been on in a while but as you can see by this stylish pic that the wonderful and beautiful @mrozzz took the literary force is strong with me. It‘s good to be back
Having read “ Ready Player One” first and absolutely loved it, I craved more. So when I saw this book I literally squealed with nerdy glee. By reading this book and “ Ready Player One” you will get a first hand look of what my brain looks like. I highly recommend this book and “ Ready Player One” to nerds and nerdettes everywhere
This book was a very good read. At first I was a little iffy about reading it because i absolutely love Wong‘s John and Dave adventures. But it took what I love about those stories and added a healthy dose of Blade Runner. I highly recommend it
I don‘t always read😉,but when I do I prefer Clive Cussler. Keep reading my friends 📚📚📚
One of the perks of working in a school is the unlimited access to amazing YA books such as these. Also the librarian is teaching me to check out my own books HAHAHAHAHAHA I WILL HAVE THE ULTIMATE POWER😈😈
A drug fueled journey, full of fear and loathing,into what it was like being Hunter S Thompson‘s assistant. Though the names were changed to protect the not so innocent. I found this to be an amazing book and if you‘re a fan of HST I highly recommend it
A very interesting read. This was my “ read at work” book and I feel like that‘s the best way to read this book. I feel like this book was a metaphor for something but I have yet to figure out what it is . All I know is that my feet literally hurt for some reason when I finished this
WARNING: DO NOT READ IF YOU‘RE ARACHNOPHOBIC!!!!!!!. Nah just kiddin😅. Another masterpiece in the John and Dave series. We find our “ heroes” caught in in another supernatural shit storm ( pardon my French but it is true lol) pick it up and tune in to find out how they get out of this one.
It‘s like the television show “Supernatural” had a baby with “ Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas” . I laughed out loud at this book and when I‘d read it in public, people would come up to me and say “ wow what a spoiler, does he really die at the end?” Such a good read and I plan to read it again and again until I die.......... at the end 😅
This has to bee my favorite book series ever. I‘ve read this series more times than I can count . I feel that this series was overshadowed by Harry Potter and deserves a place right beside it as one of the most entertaining YA book series ever.
Flew through this and was absolutely blown away. Quite impressed with the intricacies of the illustrations . I never thought I‘d be able to follow up with these characters so many years later. Had one of the most amazing and twisted endings I‘ve ever read .
This is my first quote and readathon. I‘m loving litsy already and I hope everyone is having a kick ass long weekend 😅
Has anyone else read this book?
I am also reading this one during my lunch break at work. I read it this way so it‘s like a good tv series reading an episode at a time to make the experience last. This book is a treat when I get to pick up where I left off
Still reading this... I just wanted to thank everyone for the warm welcome I‘ll do my best to give good honest reviews and I will be starting a segment on comparing movie versions of books so stay tuned
This is what I am currently reading ... I just joined litsy so I could be my fiancées 1000th follower