“Knowing your personality and your sensitivities does not excuse you from ministry. It means that you need to prepare for it differently than others might.”
Talk about convicting #gutpunch
“Knowing your personality and your sensitivities does not excuse you from ministry. It means that you need to prepare for it differently than others might.”
Talk about convicting #gutpunch
Currently reading Find You First and enjoying it.
I have that many birthday books I want to read them all now! The above may be considered this week 😁
Have a good week all.
November is a tough month…waiting to read books for upcoming challenges, having to finish up current challenges with books you‘re not quite excited about; waiting for holiday book gifts…Lots of waiting!! #BookNerdProblems 😂🤓
Hoping to start #DrZ for the upcoming #BuddyRead with my fabulous co-host @BarbaraBB #DecemberChill
Really enjoying my current books in progress 🥰
I was meant to grab dinner with a friend tonight, but last minute cancellation has me picking up this audio 🎧#Hoopla
Spending my morning crying as I continue this book. So many things were different in terms of the medical/situational details, yet those same feelings were all there. Even the quotations she includes almost tear my heart out, knowing how much I experienced them on a gut level after my husbands injury #gutpunch
First up for #vacationreads 💙OMG!!! I knew very little plot-wise going into this one & WOW❣️❣️❣️#GutPunch #Hooked
Starting a new book and this dedication got me, #GutPunch #TruthBomb "With limitless love comes limitless worry...To Lily and Ben, of course. "