#FCBD17 round 12! And last, but not least, #abesapien. #crashqueensdoFCBD17
#FCBD17 round 12! And last, but not least, #abesapien. #crashqueensdoFCBD17
#FCBD17 round 11! Can I just point out how gorgeous the cover art for #prometheuseternal is? #buffythevampireslayer #motorcrush #empress #crashqueensdoFCBD17
#FCBD17 round 8! #DC, need I say more? #crashqueensdoFCBD17
#FCBD17 round 7! BUY ALL THE WONDER WOMAN THINGS! #crashqueensdoFCBD17 #wonderwoman
#FCBD17 round 6! Also can be called the #Marvel round up part 2! #crashqueensdoFCBD17 #msmarvel #civilwar2 #wolverine #ironman #captainamerica #moongirl
#FCBD17 round 5! Let's call this the #Marvel round up. :) #crashqueensdoFCBD17 #daredevil #ironman #loki #blackpanther #deadpool #spidergwen
Round 3! True Blood is one series I haven't read and don't really have an interest in, but the cover on this variant is just awesome. And, of course, #thetruelivesofthefabulouskilljoys ......because Killjoys. #FCBD17 #crashqueensdoFCBD17 #trueblood
The Star Wars round up from #FCBD17. #crashqueensdoFCBD17 #starwars #rogueone #doctoraphra #theforceawakens