Time for the bookish discussion question of the day 😁👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻!!! Here it is: Do books and book-related items pretty much take up your whole birthday wishlist? It's the case with me. ☺️🤓📚📚📚 #BookTalk
Time for the bookish discussion question of the day 😁👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻!!! Here it is: Do books and book-related items pretty much take up your whole birthday wishlist? It's the case with me. ☺️🤓📚📚📚 #BookTalk
@RaimeyGallant @Kaye
This is a page anchor. It holds your book open and allows you to easily move your pages back and forth. I have seen other things similar but none are still made. And this thing is $$$. So I don‘t have one.
I hope to get into my metal shop this winter and see if I can‘t creat something similar. With the arthritis in my ha da sometimes it‘s hard to hold my book open. #ergolitsy
I have a Levo book stand that I love which works for sitting and lying down, both printed books and e-readers. #ErgoLitsy for @RaimeyGallant
Post 4/4: Here's the underside view of my rigging for tablet/e-reader holders. I had been planning to use butterfly clips, but my mom had these plastic clamps lying around, and they're so much easier to use. I clamped all but about thirty pages to the piece of wood, which makes it easier to flip pages with the two paperclips as pictured. I did make a larger holder for trade paperbacks, but it was too heavy. Click #ErgoLitsy to see the other pics.
Post 3/4: Though there are gadgets for holding books word-side down, I thought they were either too expensive or cumbersome or simply not available for purchase anymore/where I live. I decided to jigsaw a thin piece of wood & clamp a book to it. It works well at the mass market paperback size. Notice how Bruce can multitask while he reads. See the rest of my pics for this or add to the ergonomic reading convo at #ErgoLitsy
Post 2/4: And here's the underside view of the tablet/e-reader holder. Click this hashtag to see the various pics of this product. In my last two posts, I'll show you how I retrofitted the device to hold paperbacks. If you have/know of ergonomic reading devices or advice, add to the discussion pretty please. #ErgoLitsy
Post 1/4: Got some difficult news from my chiro last week. Not only have I been exercising/stretching, but I've also been looking at gadgets that will help me read with my neck in a safe position. I got this tablet reader for $20 (link, brand, store in comments). Here, you can see the bear I painted when I was 20 enjoying Moriarty on my kobo. If you have/know of ergonomic reading toys or advice for Littens, please post on the hashtag: #ErgoLitsy