This is the third book in a trilogy. I thought it was much better than the second. It has nice imagery and a combination of fantasy / Sci-fi and romance.
This is the third book in a trilogy. I thought it was much better than the second. It has nice imagery and a combination of fantasy / Sci-fi and romance.
The last of the trilogy and we have Doyle and Riley. Both hardass and kick ass so it's kind of interesting to read about them. But the love between them seems non existence to me. Out of the 3 books, I pretty much enjoy the first one. But I always enjoy a HEA ending kind of book. #paranormalromance Conclusion: It's a good read for this trilogy.
This was good conclusion and probably my favorite set for the dual perspective that each book had. Even though I enjoyed this a lot and was tearing up at a few places, especially with the things Doyle had to face, it didn‘t hook me as much as I wanted it to. I had maybe 15-20 pages left and I felt perfectly fine putting it down and waiting till the morning to finish.
#guardianstrilogy #quickread #summerreading #mpls #twincities
99 degrees here today so nothing to do but finish up the end of this trilogy. Really enjoyed it. This dotted all the i s and crossed all the t s.
Onto book 3! Can't wait to see how the story ends. I'm glad I kinda forced myself to read this because I'm really enjoying it :)
Finally finishing up The Guardians Trilogy by Nora Roberts. I am glad to be back with these characters. Riley and Doyle are my favorite characters in this series so I am happy to finally read their story.
I loved this trilogy, The Island of Glass was an excellent finish.
Finished books 1 and 2 in The Guardians Trilogy, by Nora Roberts. Just started book 3, Island of Glass. I am loving this series!
I really want to say "Pick" on this one because the ending was so darn happy but I didn't enjoy most of it. I so enjoyed Riley in the first two but she and Doyle just swear so much and are so angry and closed off that it was not a convincing relationship build-up. And it was a slow build to the "action scenes". Overall I did enjoy the series though ?????✨??????♂️????⛰⚔️??
Really loving the last book in the trilogy so far! Currently on page 53
It was a worthy ending to the series though it did feel a bit rushed. I'm not usually one to complain about a quick wrap up but I feel like a lot was left out and more could have been written. I liked the ending and of course a happily ever after for all the Heroes was called for and delivered.
It's an okay end to the trilogy. The best part came when I found out that I only had 15 pages left to read than 45 due to an excerpt from the FIRST book in the series!!!! It's not even worth it to take a pic of the book...it's over there!
Obligatory short vacation shot! I'm ready for this book to be over. Worst of the series!
Nora Roberts is like comfort food for me. This wasn't my favorite of the trilogy (hard to beat the mermaid story) but it was an entertaining ending to the trilogy. I loved seeing how it all turned out. #romantsy
A really fun end to another great trilogy. Is it bad that one of the reasons I love Nora is BECAUSE her books are predictable? 😂
I'm #happyandsad to be reading this one. Happy because it's Nora. 😄 Sad because it's the end of this super cute trilogy. 😩 #sweetemotions
A great wrap up to the trilogy, probably the strongest of the three books, although I also really liked the first one too. Fills Letter I for #LitsyAtoZ and #LRC24 for #LitsyReadingChallenge @jessica
The only Valentine's tradition we have in this house involves Reese's. Today's #booksandtreats for #riotgrams
I've never been to Ireland but I always gravitate towards books set there. I also love books set by water and in the mountains. #setinabelovedlocation #17booklove
I've been gone most of the day and haven't gotten to read much. Time to soak and enjoy one of my current reads!
Taking my #LitsyPartyOfOne to my bed last night failed. Because it was so awesome having it all to myself, I fell asleep right away and slept great until my hub came home at 3:30 am. But I'm back up and ready to continue until I have to leave for my other things this afternoon!
I don't have many #deckleedge books. At least not without really doing a deep dive on the shelves and in the basement. Here's 3: Island of Glass, Love Warrior, and Go Set A Watchman #feistyfeb
The final book in the trilogy and it was so great! New chapters were opened and new plot twists thrown in! If you have read the previous two books you definitely need to finish up all the unanswered questions and see what happens!!!
An entertaining conclusion to the trilogy, though my least favorite of the three. The two main characters didn't seem as well developed to me. However, the story was still satisfying if slightly predictable. This was exactly what I needed right now - a fast paced romance to break up all the nonfiction I have been reading lately. Nora Roberts always comes through for me.
I think this last book of the series was the best in the trilogy (like it usually is with NR'S trilogies). I liked it better than the first two. Strong leading characters that reminded me of Cian and Moira from the Valley of Silence - one of my favorite books. But still, Island of Glass strongly echoed Valley of Silence, so that's a 'So-So' rating for me.
The conclusion of the Guardians Trilogy (after Stars of Fortune and Bay of Sighs). While the trilogies tend to be formulaic, I enjoy Roberts' ability to let me escape from reality. I've enjoyed most of the books I've read by her. Romance and fantasy - this series includes some supernatural creatures - mix for a satisfying conclusion.
How many currently reading books can I finish before midnight? Here are my two helpers! #catsoflitsy