Hey, hey! This post on Facebook just added 2 more Littens! Welcome @Erayrn and @Ang4873 to Litsy!
I'm currently reading 4 tangible books, 2 Audiobooks, and 2 eBooks. Nothing new to this bunch though. 🤣
@LitsyWelcomeWagon @RaimeyGallant
Hey, hey! This post on Facebook just added 2 more Littens! Welcome @Erayrn and @Ang4873 to Litsy!
I'm currently reading 4 tangible books, 2 Audiobooks, and 2 eBooks. Nothing new to this bunch though. 🤣
@LitsyWelcomeWagon @RaimeyGallant
I've been slugging through my other readings lately. Mostly bc I've read the last 2 from recommendations and a bit of pressure. "You read so much it should only take you a few days to get thru 300 pgs." Yeah, only if I like it. I picked this book up from the library sale last time I was there. This book is the fresh air I needed. I seriously don't want to put it down at night. It's only 307 pgs, it should only take me a few days to finish it. ?
Book Haul! The last 6 weeks have been an introverts hell. I haven't sat down to read more than a few pages a night since Easter. Therefore I had a large library fine to pay because I forgot to renew the books I hadn't read. Paid my fine, checked out The Screwtape Letters and the boy 2 more books (he's on restrictions bc the fine was mostly his.) Then we checked out the books for sale. Checked 1 off my TBR, and the others on a whim.
#BlackCatChallenge: #Cemetery
Nothing like a mystery involving digging up body snatching. All for medical advancement...and profit, of course.
This book is a good entertaining crime novel. I like the historical background, and I found interesting the use of Walt Whitman as a character. If you like crime novel, this one is for you.
Seems like the perfect month to finally start this.
Walt Whitman, body snatchers, women surgeons, and a murder to solve. I'm here for this.
Sanders eloquently mixes historical fact with mystery fiction in a macabre period piece that keeps you turning pages. Who knew Resurrection Men was a career?
I've always liked the idea of mysteries more than actually reading them, but I thought this book was terrific. Making Walt Whitman the protagonist was such a unique idea, and the time and setting (Manhattan, 1843) were vividly depicted. It seems that there will be a series (Sanders tweeted that the next story will take place in New Orleans), and I'd like to see better secondary character development going forward. But this was a fantastic start.
I started this audiobook a couple of days ago and am really enjoying it. I do love historical fiction with characters from real-life. While there are significant contemporary overtones (regarding homosexuality, abortion, and women's agency), they seem fairly well integrated with the mid-19th Century setting. And I like the depiction of New York in 1843.
Cuddled up out back reading my cocktail book club book of the month in the crisp morning air!!
Interesting premise, but it just isn't working for me 😕
A fun read if you're a lit and history nerd, but not much of a mystery.
It was ok. It was a good mystery but I think I would have enjoyed it more if it hadn't been real people like Whitman and Poe in fictional situations.
I am only 3 chapters in but it is very interesting so far. I struggle with books that start slow but right from the prologue it got going and has kept my interest every since.
There was a mess up with contest and I actually won the signed audiobook. I love audiobooks, but it came as 6 discs...I don't have a CD player, a cd-rom, or any way to get the story off the disc and into my ears! LMAO!! I am taking them to work, I think my work puter has a disc drive....😝
I never win anything and am very excited to have won what sounds like a fabulous book, AND it is signed by the author!! Now to wait for it to arrive....waiting is the hardest part!
I'm thrilled to partner with author J. Aaron Sanders for a spectacular giveaway of his debut novel, Speakers of the Dead, published by Plume Books! I have 5 print and 5 audiobooks SIGNED by the author to award to 10 lucky winners!! Visit @sleuthsandspies on Instagram to enter!
With its convergence of realism, romanticism, and transcendentalism, Speakers of the Dead mimics the aesthetics and movements that Walt Whitman's poetics so seamlessly intersect. Sanders crafts a compelling mystery that thus contains multitudes.
Walt Whitman: Detective. Interesting premise and grounded in historical fact.
Awesome cover for this mystery set in in 1843 New York. Reporter Walt Whitman is investing a murder & discovers a darker underworld. LBGT themes. Can't wait to get started.