“My mother was troubled by my lack of beauty—and I knew it—as a child senses these things.” 🥺 This makes me so sad! Sheesh. It‘s a miracle she turned out the way she did.
“My mother was troubled by my lack of beauty—and I knew it—as a child senses these things.” 🥺 This makes me so sad! Sheesh. It‘s a miracle she turned out the way she did.
Lorena to Eleanor, 1933. The sense of longing is palpable. How lucky they were to have someone to look forward to that much!
How love swallows us whole. How it shoots us to the clouds, only to realize our parachute doesn‘t open. My heart breaks and soars for these two souls. Eleanor to Lorena, 1933.
If you are currently unaware of the some 3,000 love letters between Eleanor & her suspected lover, please find them and read them. Though written informally, the words of Eleanor‘s letters pierced through me. How poignant it is to know that our longings are universal longings. How love ebbs and flows through our veins, the universe lifting us and shattering us at the same time. I will share a letter of hers per day for the next week. 💕
You guys! I did it! I finally finished the ER autobio! 😊 This was my #bookspin for February. Unofficially I'm now going to try and finish my March #bookspin The House of Broken Angels. The ER book was good, but I think ER left out a lot of the story. It wasn't personal at all and in places read like an official diary entry. But she's been so many places and seen so much, it was worth it just for that.
Eleanor Roosevelt was a bit of a badass and that strength and perseverance grew over time. It was interesting to read about so many historical events from her first person POV. This was a long book so I also enjoyed what events she found worth expounding on and which were passed over quickly. She had some thoughts on politics that I wish our politicians would listen to today. She wasn‘t perfect by any means, but had a moral code that she stood by.
Two books done from last weeks list. My priority this week is finishing Eleanor Roosevelt. Just a bit more to go.
I want to get a start on Iza‘s Ballad. Maskerade is just on the potential list. Probably won‘t get to it BECAUSE... THE MIRROR AND THE LIGHT!!! I‘ll have that in my grubby hands by Wednesday. With one day off work this week I should be able to make a nice start on that!😊
Only one book finished this week. Got a good start on the Pratchett and good progress with the autobiography. I‘m sticking with this until it‘s done because that‘s the whole point of #bookspin! I‘m sad to miss this month‘s #bookspin, but I‘ll be right back there in April ready to clear another book off the old #TBR!
"Nothing we learn in this world is ever wasted and I have come to the conclusion that practically nothing we do ever stands by itself. If it is good, it will serve some good purpose in the future. If it is evil, it may haunt us and handicap our efforts in unimaginable ways."
#BookReport for the week ending February 15. A bad week for reading and not much progress was made. Working mainly on my #bookspin book for the month—The Autobiography of Eleanor Roosevelt. Finished one book and library time ran out on another.
My mother was one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen.
The #BookSpin spinner has spun! 🥳🤩 #12 is the winner so the book I will be reading and reviewing this month is The Autobiography of Eleanor Roosevelt! Thanks for this super fun way to give me a motivational push @TheAromaofBooks 🥳🥳👍🏻
I‘m not sure why this book has sat on my shelf for the past several years, but I am so glad that #nfnov prompted me to pick it up. Roosevelt was a singular woman who supported her husband in the American presidency as an active partner. She strove to protect her family and still serve her country by taking on challenges many would shy away from. #TIL She was actually distantly related to her husband and she was an eloquent writer. Great book!
I had to read something that reminds me we once had leaders who were driven by integrity and character and the belief that all decisions should be for the good of all the people of the nation. Eleanor Roosevelt was an amazing woman. This is not the greatest writing but she is honest and straightforward. I highly recommend to anyone who needs a break from the current circus our government is putting on!!
I had this #Quotsy on a poster through grad school (I think I may have had it in college but that‘s a little hazy). It was a daily reminder to work hard and #study. The poster was damaged in a cross-town movie after going from California to New Mexico to Texas. It had been a source of comfort to me for a long time and I was upset. I found it on a sign shortly after, which I took as a sign not to give up. #QuotsyDec17 #LitsyQuoteChallenge
I think she led an absolutely fascinating life, but somehow managed to make it seem really boring! Found this flat and impersonal, massively disappointing.
Just too many other life things sometimes 😀👍
I wish she had said what she liked reading!!
This is basically what the book has felt like so far - massively impersonal and flat! I'm hoping the next bit becomes a bit more dynamic.
#currentreading #riotgrams
Not a period I'm massively familar with, reading for one of the reading challenges and because it seemed it would be interesting. Not far enough in yet to have an opinion!
Teil 1 beendet und sehr begeistert. ☺Nun lege ich eine kleine Pause ein.
"The long and eventful life of Eleanor Roosevelt (1884-1962) was full of rich experiences and courageous actions."
Eine Frau, die mir sehr imponiert und die eines meiner Lieblingsbücher (You Learn by Living) schrieb. Es wird höchste Zeit, mehr über sie zu erfahren!
don't read it for detailed facts about the time period. read it for the insights into the mind of an individual.
"I have often thought, and still think, a good business executive does not make a good government administrator. Nor does an administration of businessmen make for good government."
Seems an appropriate quote of the moment.