Went to the library today to donate some books and got this one for 25 cents. #bookhaul #library #cheapbooks
Went to the library today to donate some books and got this one for 25 cents. #bookhaul #library #cheapbooks
The covers of both these books were very compelling to me. They both seem to feel as the people in the books feel. In the first, stories from inmates in solitary confinement. Heart wrenching. Hard to read. I can only read one at a time. In the second, a transgender boy has his secret looming over him. #ReadingResolutions #CoverLove
Note the photo bomb.
This was a great read. Shane faces family and school challenges as a transgender youth. He finds love and support, fear and anger.
Reviews praise the realistic experiences in the story, and resources at the end give transgender youth places to look for support.
This is a great read for 4th-6the graders. Whether you are looking for a good relationship story, a story about GSM youth, or a story to build empathy- it's all here.
I'm starting this story of a transgender boy tonight. It feels like the right book to read right now.
I have friends who are transgender and my heart is hurting for them today. My heart hurts for them many days. It's a hard life and I admire their pursuits of their true selves.
I cried so deeply reading this one. Cried because of the desperation, the frustration, the hate, the love, the friendship, but above all the courage. I could give many reasons why I think you should read this but I won't because my simpleton ways of book recommending wouldn't do it justice. Just read it.
Shane was born female but identifies as male. He's been living as a boy for years, with his best friend, classmates, baseball team, & crush none the wiser - but his life's not perfect. He doesn't like feeling like he's lying about who he really is, and his dad doesn't want him to start hormone blockers.
This book is full of heart, but I had some issues (fat-shaming, writing style). It will hit home for the right kid, but I didn't love it.
This novel certainly has its flaws, but I love seeing middle grade novels about transgender kids. I loved aspects of this novel, though there were some issues too (like comparing being transgender with having cerebral palsy). But overall it's a great story.
Sometimes angst but ultimately a good read. I was glad to see situations presented realistically: not all doom and gloom, but not all sunshine and rainbows either. Real, every day people with regular lives and actual emotions. And a trans boy who knows who he is but also knows the risks associated with being himself. A solid addition to the growing catalog of LGBT middle grade books,
Sitting at the car dealership with my mother getting her car serviced. Perfect time to dive into a new book.
My new bookshelf in iBooks: books to get lost in, since I need some escapism. I'm right in the middle of The Pants Project, and I think I'll start The Other Boy when I finish TPP. Or maybe I'll finish Pointe. Or Front Lines. I'm definitely looking forward to having most of Thanksgiving week off!
Wow. This book was amazing! I started it during lunch and managed to get half done. I could not wait to get home and finish it. So, so good! It follows a 12yo boy who is trans and what happens when someone finds out he was born a girl.
Shane justifies liking his body by explaining that it's kids who have cerebral palsy who REALLY have weird and wrong bodies; Josh's lunch always "reeks" because it's Chinese food; fat people are hilarious & repulsive; the only major Latina character lives in a noisy house full of assorted relatives (unlike everyone else).
Also, middle-schoolers are depicted playing 9-inning baseball games with a single pitcher (& a backup when he's out of town).
Whereas George is only in year 4, and only starting to find the courage to tell people she's a girl, Shane in The Other Boy is already 12 and has been transitioning since he was 8. Each book offers authentic characters who deserve our admiration and acceptance. They just want to be seen the way they see themselves. #trans
Buy this book. Read this book. Share this book. It's heartbreaking, hopeful, and so important. We need more books like this that give voices to young trans kids. Books like this one change the world. #weneeddiversebooks
I can't rave about this book enough. I honestly think it is essential for all of us to read this once - just to understand a child that feels differently from the others. To recognize sensitive feelings and fragile hearts. We come across children like Shane all the time and this book shows us how a little bit of empathy goes a long way! And it's a real quick read too. I finished it in about an hour.
I'm sure all of you can relate to this. I opened the book before work JUST to see how it was written.. And the next thing I knew, half an hour had flown by and I was in chapter 10! Now I'm fiddling my thumbs waiting for lunch hour so I can finish the rest of the book! Quick read but packs quite a punch!
Yesterday's book mail! Haven't heard of this book till now but the blurb looks really interesting. I can't wait to get started and read about the 'ups and downs in a transgender boy's life'.
I can't wait to dive into this book!!