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The Resort
The Resort | Sarah Goodwin
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Wow! This just got under my skin from the start and I couldn't put it down... The creepy atmosphere and tension are built so gradually and so well that it literally has you looking over your shoulder the whole time!... I flew through it in a day and loved every second NetGalley review ?????
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The Resort | Sarah Goodwin
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On the way to Mila's sisters wedding, Mila and husband Ethan get lost and stranded in a deserted village. They stay the night. In the morning Mila wakes up and Ethan has disappeared. Story told from Mila's point of view. It is creepy, wondering what is wrong with the place and if it is haunted. ⬇️

bthegood Gets repetitive (Mila\'s survival issues and how she is such a screw up), then the \“twist\“ comes. I was disappointed in that I thought this story could have gone in some interesting directions, but it went in a very predictable way, with an ending that felt slapped together. Overall, the story was so-so.
Make a great day everyone 🍂
5feet.of.fury The husband annoyed me so bad 😂 3w
bthegood @5feet.of.fury omg - yes! 😅 (edited) 3w
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The Resort | Sarah Goodwin
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#SkiResort ⛷️🎿❄️ #StorySettings 🐝🌷🎣🏕️🌳

#BookNerd 🤓📚💙

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Perfect 💙🧊 6mo
Eggs Looks good 👍🏼 🩵⛷️ 6mo
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The Resort | Sarah Goodwin
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Perpetual screw-up Mila & her husband Ethan are enroute to her sister's destination wedding. After picking up the hire car, Mila falls to sleep whilst Ethan drives & when she wakes up, they are lost. As they pull over to get their bearings, the car engine dies & they can't restart it. The weather is turning cold & snowy & no cars have come past whilst they have been there, so they decide to head down to a village signposted on a nearby post.

OutsmartYourShelf When they reach the village, it is obviously deserted but as it's too late for anything else, they decide to break into & sleep in one of the empty cabins. It's not easy but they finally fall to sleep, but when Mila wakes up hours later, Ethan has disappeared. The snow outside shows no sign of Ethan having gone outside so where is he? And why does Mila feel as if she is being watched by someone or something in the deserted village? 10mo
OutsmartYourShelf The narrative is from Mila's point of view & we get the present-day & an occasional flashback to Mila & her sister's childhood. Mila is a difficult main character to like at first as she seems to have been the 'golden child' whilst her sister was the scapegoat & she really played into that, but Mila really wants to make it up to her sister & give her the wedding of her dreams.
OutsmartYourShelf It did irritate me that the blurb & the cover make you think it's a deserted ski resort, but it's not really, it's just a deserted village of 6 small wooden cabins. It was also pretty easy to work out what was going on, I had worked it out really quickly as the clues are all there, & just kept waiting for the realisation to dawn on the MC. The final few chapters certainly made up for the rest of the book in intensity & nerve-racking tension. 3.5🌟 10mo
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5feet.of.fury Yeah you would think a book called “The Resort” spends the majority of the time at …the resort… lol 10mo
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 10mo
Andrew65 Excellent 🎄🎄🎄 10mo
OutsmartYourShelf @5feet.of.fury Exactly 😀 10mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 10mo
BookmarkTavern Sounds thrilling! 10mo
PuddleJumper 💙❄️💙 10mo
Catsandbooks ❄️🍭❤️ 10mo
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The Resort | Sarah Goodwin
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🚨 I haven‘t heard much hype for this book, but this is a really good winter thriller. Some conclusions were easier to come to than others, but it was all pretty nuts.

Mila is traveling with her husband to her estranged sister‘s wedding when they become lost in the German Alps.

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The Resort | Sarah Goodwin
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So I got lit like a Christmas Tree at Miracle last night, but I had plans with my friend to take her son an appointment early today & then brunch, we go &I‘m like “I want to hang out more but I need a nap” so we went to her house & put on Christmas movies& took naps.I told her the beginning plot of the tagged book as if I know these people “can you believe how dumb this husband is?I hope he‘s the killer bc there no excuse.” “Maybe she‘ll kill him”

The Resort | Sarah Goodwin
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This book really had me going! I did not know what to think and then when the pieces started to come together…WOW. A mysterious, ghostly(?), abandoned German village, lost, trapped, hurt, alone, dead bodies, skeletons, a chance rescue, betrayal, it‘s all here. I read some of it at night. I don‘t recommend, but I do recommend this book! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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