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Beyond That, the Sea
Beyond That, the Sea | Laura Spence-Ash
31 posts | 25 read | 16 to read
A sweeping, tenderhearted love story, Beyond That, the Sea by Laura Spence-Ash tells the story of two families living through World War II on opposite sides of the Atlantic Ocean, and the shy, irresistible young woman who will call them both her own. As German bombs fall over London in 1940, working-class parents Millie and Reginald Thompson make an impossible choice: they decide to send their eleven-year-old daughter, Beatrix, to America. There, she'll live with another family for the duration of the war, where they hope she'll stay safe. Scared and angry, feeling lonely and displaced, Bea arrives in Boston to meet the Gregorys. Mr. and Mrs. G, and their sons William and Gerald, fold Bea seamlessly into their world. She becomes part of this lively family, learning their ways and their stories, adjusting to their affluent lifestyle. Bea grows close to both boys, one older and one younger, and fills in the gap between them. Before long, before she even realizes it, life with the Gregorys feels more natural to her than the quiet, spare life with her own parents back in England. As Bea comes into herself and relaxes into her new life--summers on the coast in Maine, new friends clamoring to hear about life across the sea--the girl she had been begins to fade away, until, abruptly, she is called home to London when the war ends. Desperate as she is not to leave this life behind, Bea dutifully retraces her trip across the Atlantic back to her new, old world. As she returns to post-war London, the memory of her American family stays with her, never fully letting her go, and always pulling on her heart as she tries to move on and pursue love and a life of her own. As we follow Bea over time, navigating between her two worlds, Beyond That, the Sea emerges as a beautifully written, absorbing novel, full of grace and heartache, forgiveness and understanding, loss and love.
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Beyond That, the Sea | Laura Spence-Ash
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Sadly, this just isn‘t my genre.

dabbe #fanofthepan! 🤩🤩🤩 2mo
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Beyond That, the Sea | Laura Spence-Ash
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Well, Julie, I finally managed to read another book from your #auldlangspine list. And what a wonderful book it was! I loved every character, I loved the settings (especially Maine ♥️), loved the story. The ending was just perfect 😊 #ALSpine #readyourkindle @RebelReader @monalyisha

RebelReader So glad you enjoyed it. I have recently purchased some of your list at used book sales and will hopefully get to them soon! 3mo
CBee @RebelReader fun! It‘s the gift that keeps on giving 😊😊♥️♥️ 3mo
kelli7990 I enjoyed this book too. 3mo
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Crazeedi Great book 3mo
robinb I didn‘t make it to this one this month. 🙄 I‘m so glad you liked it, Cydney. I‘ll look forward to getting to it. 2mo
CBee @robinb oh, it is SO good. Hope you enjoy it too when you get to it ♥️ 2mo
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Beyond That, the Sea | Laura Spence-Ash
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I was sent a physical ARC of this book from Celadon Books and an audio ARC was sent to me from Macmillan Audio in 2023. I liked the mom Mrs. G who lives in Maine in this book. This book is set during WWII and this young girl was from London. She was sent to Maine to live with this other family to get away from the war that was going on and they became her second family. This was a nice story.


BookmarkTavern Wonderful! Thanks for sharing! 4mo
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Beyond That, the Sea | Laura Spence-Ash
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Back then, Beatrix liked to sit next to Mr. G when he rowed them all to the mainland.


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Beyond That, the Sea | Laura Spence-Ash
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The story of these two families is one I will not soon forget. This book is a wonderful example of how historical fiction can be when it is done well. Spence-Ash weaves a story using real events with one that reflects on family, love, grief and compassion. I fell in love with the characters in this book as they grew in their stories. The multiple POVs and the over 3 decades long story really allows the reader to become a part of both families.

Beyond That, the Sea | Laura Spence-Ash
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One of those little surprise books, it‘s engrossing and just deals with life really (though obviously starts in WW2). A bit melancholy and sad occasionally. But a really good read.

KadaGul @TrishB I have a copy and I'm trying to figure out how to incorporate this in my few local library reading Challenges. #Publiclibrary #ReadingChallenges 8mo
Megabooks Great review! 8mo
TrishB @KadaGul hope you manage to read! 8mo
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RebelReader One of my favorites of 2023! 8mo
lynneamch Looking forward to this one. My bookclub chooses for the whole year and this one isn't until April. 8mo
TrishB @lynneamch hope you enjoy 👍🏻 8mo
TrishB @RebelReader a good read 👍🏻 8mo
RebelReader @TrishB I listened to the audio version which was so well done. 8mo
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Beyond That, the Sea | Laura Spence-Ash
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#12DaysofChristmas #Day6 #June

I‘ve moved away from WWII a bit, especially fiction, but since my dad recommended it I had to read it. I am so glad I did. The story of a young girl evacuated to the US, a perspective I hadn‘t read before.


Andrew65 Looks a good read. 8mo
TrishB Just finished this one, a good read that still made me a bit sad at the end! 8mo
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Beyond That, the Sea | Laura Spence-Ash
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My book for B in the A to Z challenge!

Oh this book had everything...War, undying love, literary fiction at its finest!

Beyond That, the Sea | Laura Spence-Ash
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I voted in Round 1 of the Goodreads Choice Awards and this is the book I voted for. I enjoyed this book when I first read it. In the Historical Fiction category, a book called The Echo Of Old Books by Barbara Davis was also nominated but I DNF‘d it when I read it this month because I didn‘t like it so I wasn‘t going to vote for it. I was looking at all the nominees and I haven‘t read all the books.

Beyond That, the Sea | Laura Spence-Ash
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I love local indie bookstores. 🤓 #bookstorebooty

Beyond That, the Sea | Laura Spence-Ash
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This was truly an absorbing read. This is a debut author and I found myself totally sucked in. Yes, it's a WWII story but from various points of view and not your typical storyline. Highly recommend this one #ARC

Beyond That, the Sea | Laura Spence-Ash
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Loved this story from a totally different perspective then typical WWII fiction. With bombs falling on London Reg & Millie decide to send their only child, Beatrix, to America to keep her safe. Just a lovely read from different POV from both sides of the pond. #TBRTarot #WithaPrologue

CBee That was fast! Glad it was a good one 😊 1y
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Beyond That, the Sea | Laura Spence-Ash
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“Back then, Beatrix liked to sit next to Mr. G when he rowed them all to the Mainland.”

Krdugan I didn‘t see which book you‘re reading at first and thought, “I don‘t remember Bellateix calling Voldemort ‘Mr. G‘!” 1y
Deblovestoread @Krdugan I don‘t think he would take that kindly 😂 1y
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Beyond That, the Sea | Laura Spence-Ash
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Was so glad to see this book has a prologue, excited to read this for June #TBRTarot

CBee This looks SO good! 1y
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Beyond That, the Sea | Laura Spence-Ash
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A remarkable debut. Told in short chapters from multiple points of view, it was easy to get swept up in this emotional story of a young British girl sent to America to avoid the dangers during WWII. At 11, Beatrix is sent to live with the Gregory‘s, complete strangers who soon become her second family. I loved that this story is told linearly. I‘m so sick of time jumps and shifting timelines. I loved everything about this book.

dabbe #stacked 🩵🤍🩵 1y
TrishB Stacked 👍🏻 sounds good. 1y
Cinfhen It was really good and nothing I knew about before @dabbe @TrishB 1y
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TrishB https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SS_City_of_Benares. My mum was supposed to be evacuated on this ship to Canada as she had aunties and uncles there. My nan changed her mind a couple of days before and kept her (and younger brother) in U.K.- they were then evacuated to Scotland where another auntie lived. 1y
Cinfhen OMG 😳 i literally got the goosebumps @TrishB - your nan had a premonition 1y
TrishB My Nan was very religious and went to mass every morning - she told me that God told her 3 mornings on the run not to put them on the ship. Eventually she listened she said. She still had the tickets when I was a kid, not sure where they went. 1y
Deblovestoread So glad your Nan paid attention! @TrishB My dad loved this book and sent me home with it. Need to not let it linger too long on #MountTBR. 1y
CarolynM I‘m with you about time jumps and shifting time lines. Sometimes I feel like it‘s done only because there‘s not enough story to hold your interest otherwise. 1y
Megabooks Wow @TrishB ! That‘s amazing! 1y
Cinfhen Exactly @CarolynM !!! This book was really a joy @Deblovestoread your dad picked a winner!!! 1y
TrishB @Deblovestoread it sounds a good read 👍🏻 1y
TrishB @Megabooks it was a story my Nan loved telling 😁 1y
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Beyond That, the Sea | Laura Spence-Ash
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I feel so blessed every time I visit my local library. This stack is a combination of holds & other books. 👏🏻😁📚

sarahbarnes I agree! 💙 Great stack! 1y
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Beyond That, the Sea | Laura Spence-Ash

It is 1940 and the bombs are falling in London. Reg and Millie make the heartrending decision to send their 11-year-old girl Beatrix to the United States to live with strangers until the war is over. Beyond That, The Sea is told through multiple POVs and is primarily character driven. This powerful, emotional, beautifully written complex story of love and loss carries the reader across the ocean and through the decades. Highly recommended. 5 stars

Beyond That, the Sea | Laura Spence-Ash
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My friend‘s SIL owns a bookstore out on Long Island, NY, so for #IndependentBookStoreDay I bought a book that the owner suggested and she shipped it to me 😁 We‘ll see🤷🏼‍♀️

Cortg I had a storytime mom recommend an adult Sandra Boynton book to me yesterday and thought, why not? I placed a hold. We‘ll see 😂 I hope you enjoy your pick! 1y
youneverarrived Gorgeous cover 😍 1y
Bookwormjillk It‘s pretty 😍 1y
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Cinfhen I LOVE Sandra Boyton‘s baby books @Cortg I can‘t wait to hear how the adult book is ! That‘s sooooo cool 😎 1y
Cinfhen It is a beautiful cover @Bookwormjillk @youneverarrived I hope it‘s as good inside 🫶🏼 1y
Cortg @Cinfhen It was written in the 80‘s! Has good reviews though. 1y
Cinfhen Interesting @Cortg I find a lot of books written 30+ years ago seem outdated. So I‘ll be curious to hear your thoughts 1y
RebelReader I just finished this audio and it‘s wonderful. 1y
Cinfhen Excited to hear that @RebelReader 😃I‘m looking forward 1y
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Beyond That, the Sea | Laura Spence-Ash
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I‘m a sucker for stories with time lines that follow the characters across decades. I thought this was a beautiful novel.

Beyond That, the Sea | Laura Spence-Ash
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Book 48/100 of the year.

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Beyond That, the Sea | Laura Spence-Ash
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Beyond That, the Sea | Laura Spence-Ash
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Such an interesting depiction of a bunch of complicated lives and how they intertwine! I ultimately liked the vignette style, but I would also read a version of this that had longer chapters and spent more time really diving into these characters ' psyches. Still, well worth the read! #historicalfiction

Beyond That, the Sea | Laura Spence-Ash
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This really puts a human face on some of the consequences of war on the innocent victims, while shining a light on inherent goodness in people, giving help when needed and doing what‘s right. The characters are very well developed and have an emotional rawness; they are realistic and honest, faults and all. I like how the story is told over such a long timeline, as well as the fact that all the main characters act as narrators at various times.

Beyond That, the Sea | Laura Spence-Ash
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This historical fiction explored yet another aspect of WWII...the effect on the children who were sent from London to the USA for safety. We follow the life of Bea who we meet when she is eleven and is sent to Boston. The chapters are short, there are many points of view and the time passes quickly, but it is a beautiful story of two families whose lives intersect and of love, sacrifice and adapting. I really enjoyed it. 4.5/5 stars.

Beyond That, the Sea | Laura Spence-Ash
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♥ 𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐃𝐫𝐨𝐩 ♥

The Bee Hive is an adorable Little Free Library here in Lodi where I happily deposited a copy of 𝐁𝐞𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭, 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝐚 by 𝐋𝐚𝐮𝐫𝐚 𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞-𝐀𝐬𝐡, courtesy of 𝐂𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐧 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐬. The cover is stunning & the World War II-era story sounds absorbing. I'm sure that a lucky Lodian will enjoy the book &, hopefully, share it with others. I can't wait to read it.

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Beyond That, the Sea | Laura Spence-Ash
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Here‘s my review for an ARC I finished reading from Celadon Books and Macmillan Audio. This book goes on sale March 21, 2023.

#celadonreads #celadonbooks

Beyond That, the Sea | Laura Spence-Ash
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Beyond That, the Sea | Laura Spence-Ash
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Beyond That, the Sea | Laura Spence-Ash
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I decided to start reading this book next. It‘s good so far. I got a physical ARC from Celadon Books and an audio ARC from Macmillan Audio but I‘m listening to this book on audio. This book goes on sale in March so I need to read it before then. I don‘t usually read ARCs before they go on sale. I usually put them on my shelf and then forget about them. I‘m behind on so many ARCs I received that were 2021 and 2022 releases.

Graciouswarriorprincess I am starting it now too as part of the Celadon reads. 2y
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Beyond That, the Sea | Laura Spence-Ash

I truly enjoyed reading beyond that, the sea. I love the short chapters which to me makes it a quick read. I liked how you got to know each character. You get to see how they characters grow emotionally. And her relationship with William and Gerald evolved into something I was not expecting at first and wondering how it would have played out if things would have been different I definitely recommend this book.

Beyond That, the Sea | Laura Spence-Ash
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Today, I‘m sharing a book that was sent to me by Celadon Books. It came with a note and 2 recipes for Blueberry Muffins. I‘m looking forward to reading this book. I‘ve never baked anything but seeing the recipes that were included has inspired me to try it. Maybe I will try baking Blueberry Muffins but I don‘t know yet. I might have to ask my mom for help because I‘ve never baked anything.