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Due or Die
Due or Die | Jenn McKinlay
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Answering tricky reference questions is excitement enough for library director Lindsey Norris. Until a murder is committed in her cozy hometown of Briar Creek, Connecticut, and the question of who did it must be answered before someone else is checked out--for good. From the Paperback edition.
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Due or Die | Jenn McKinlay

Decent enough

Due or Die | Jenn McKinlay
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You know that moment, when you read a story happening in severe weather and suddenly you look up and are a bit confused, that it‘s not that exact same weather outside your window? That‘s what happened to me with this book. For a moment I thought I was reading it in a snowstorm. I really like this series. It‘s not too deep but it‘s very cozy.

Due or Die | Jenn McKinlay
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These are my #CozyintheSun totals. I wasn‘t able to focus only on this challenge so some of the books I read didn‘t fit the challenge. But I finished several that have been on my list for a while and I discovered that I really enjoy Jenn McKinlay‘s books. Thanks for a fun challenge, @Librarybelle and @ferskner

Librarybelle Great job! Thank you for participating! 5y
MallenNC @Librarybelle It was fun! Thanks again for doing it. 5y
ferskner Thanks for hanging out with us! 5y
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Due or Die | Jenn McKinlay
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Ah what a cozy read! Here in 102 degree weather in Texas, this cozy sequel in the midst of a snowstorm hit the spot. Absolutely adorable and fun. The next 3 ebooks in the series are checked out on Libby- held the physical copies online! Hopefully they will be ready ASAP! I want MORE !!💙❄️ I am flying through this series it seems- planning to get a good chunk of the series finished before I go back to work next week 🤞🏻

MallenNC It was hot here in NC when I read this too, and it was a refreshing thing to imagine a snowstorm! 5y
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Due or Die | Jenn McKinlay
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This was a fun cozy. I haven‘t read any of the others in the series, but that didn‘t matter to the story. I like the idea of a crime solving librarian. It‘s 100 degrees here, so it was nice to read a book set in the winter. I could use a little snow right now! #CozyintheSun

Librarybelle I‘ve yet to read this series, but they look like fun! 5y
ferskner I want ALLLLLLLL of this right now! 5y
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Due or Die | Jenn McKinlay
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Why doesn‘t Lindsey ask Sully out? Why is she so passive?

Due or Die | Jenn McKinlay
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gradcat So sorry for you...hope you feel better soon. 😞 6y
Erofan Get well soon 💕 6y
ErikasMindfulShelf Feel better 6y
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mcipher Ugh same here - so congested. Get well soon!! 6y
BookishTrish @mcipher Feel better soon! 6y
mcipher Hey so I just spent like 45 minutes trying to make a Lincoln buddy read post to see if anyone wanted to join us. I tried Typorama for the first time and I got so annoyed that I just deleted the app. 😆 I may try again later... 🤷‍♀️ 6y
dragondrool Hope you're better soon! 6y
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Due or Die | Jenn McKinlay
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Started and finished this one today. As it's cold and rainy here in NC, it was the perfect day for this cozy winter mystery. I really love the characters and this lovely New England town. And the puppy made a big impact, too. He is so lovable! Enjoying this series and will have to get book 3 soon. I also want to pick up her other cozy mystery series as I have enjoyed her writting style.

rubyslippersreads Is that a Scottie dog? If so, I definitely need to add this to my TBR list. 6y
tracey38 @rubyslippersreads it looks like it on the cover but the book had him as a mix, I just can't remember of what. But loved him as a character in this book! 6y
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Due or Die | Jenn McKinlay
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Picked up two cozy mysteries yesterday on my way home from work for this rainy weekend. I started Due or Die last night. It's the second book in A Library Lover's Mystery series. I recently read the first book and really enjoyed it. I'm a bit over halfway through this one already and it's another good cozy mystery!

Due or Die | Jenn McKinlay
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Late afternoon #readingview

hgrimes Looks cozy! 6y
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Due or Die | Jenn McKinlay
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A book set in a library that includes a little black puppy and a budding romance. What's not to love?! 😉

Due or Die | Jenn McKinlay
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So on one hand I like cozy mysteries for a break from more serious reading, and I enjoyed this one, but on the other hand they always seem to have flaws in the minor details that get under my skin. Things that annoyed me in this one: preachiness about library reference vs. google, curly hair errors, and old-fashioned ideas about the man needing to do the asking out - it's the 21st century and women are completely capable of doing the asking!

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Due or Die | Jenn McKinlay
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This is one of my pet peeves - authors giving their characters curly hair but they don't have any idea how curly hair works: you absolutely never ever brush curly hair (I mean unless you want a giant ball of frizz on your head).

Chelleo 😂🤣😂 7y
lizzlehuff I don‘t even own a brush!! 7y
Notafraidofwords Exactly! 7y
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BarbaraTheBibliophage Obviously lacking in the research department. When my hair was long, I‘d brush it only about once or twice a week right before washing it. 7y
Tav True! I have curly hair and for years I assumed I was doing something wrong since I wasn‘t/couldn‘t brush my hair. 7y
Reggie Have you ever seen that Sex and the City episode where Carrie reads Burger‘s book and the only thing she found wrong was that he had the heroine in the book wearing a scrunchie. “No girl in NYC wears a scrunchie.” It was kind of hilarious. 7y
Amie @Reggie I think I do remember that episode. Just one little wrong detail like that can take me out of the story. 7y
BookishTrish It‘s so true! I was in class yesterday and the teacher was trying to explain that something basic (a specific thing I‘ve already forgotten) should be as habitual as brushing your hair. I was like “what?!?” And completely missed her point. 6y
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Due or Die | Jenn McKinlay
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I'm on one heck of a cozy mystery kick. I find them so relaxing and comforting, but they are certainly not perfect. For instance, if I hear the term "murderess" in one more of these novels, I am going to explode. It is not a noun that needs to be gendered.

Due or Die | Jenn McKinlay

Another fun cozy mystery in this series. The real stars here are the town & characters. The mystery is entertaining and centers on the library this time. I'm glad I have this series to help dull the pain of Murder She Wrote disappearing from Netflix.

Due or Die | Jenn McKinlay
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I'm really enjoying this series! I relate to a lot of what the librarian has to deal with - minus the murders. Haven't dealt with murder. 😉 My hotel room has a cute puppy pillow! Just like the dog Heathcliff in the book. 🐶

Due or Die | Jenn McKinlay
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I'm on vacation! In Winnipeg! Waiter probably thought I was weird but I read my book during dinner. Almost finished! Ps the steak was delicious!

BookishMarginalia 👍🏼 8y
DaviBooktrovert I do the same thing lol, Dinner and eating in general is a lot better with something to read! 8y
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Due or Die | Jenn McKinlay
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This is soooo true! We've closed our library a few times for bad weather and STILL patrons AND staff have shown up to return books (or check out more in the case of staff- there's a blizzard so I need more books!!)

Due or Die | Jenn McKinlay

I love cozy mysteries, and one with a librarian as the main character? Perfect. Such a comfort read.