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Malice Aforethought
Malice Aforethought: The Story of a Commonplace Crime | Anthony Berkeley
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Malice Aforethought | Francis Iles
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Thanks to reviews from @Ruthiella @batsy and @erzascarletbookgasm for putting this on my TBR 😘

Scratch beneath the surface of a pretty little English village and you get a variety of small minded self centred people being nasty to each other. But could one of them go as far as murder? We know right from the first sentence who has murder on his mind but the delight of this book is the dark humour as the plot unfolds ⬇️

Centique Photo is unrelated to book. Sculpture outside Wellington Art Gallery. 3mo
batsy So glad you liked it. The humour and the stoic creepiness really made it stand out. Also: that's a fab photo 3mo
erzascarletbookgasm And the ending was great wasn‘t it? Gorgeous photo ! 📸 3mo
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Ruthiella Glad you liked it! Such a small, uncomfortable mystery but fascinating. And yes, the end is gold. 3mo
LeahBergen This book really surprised me. Loved it! 3mo
Centique @erzascarletbookgasm the best ending!! 3mo
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I enjoyed the psychological aspects of the crime, and seeing how Dr Bickleigh goes about his evil plans, and the desperate measures he has to take. A satisfying read, and what a splendid ending.

Ruthiella Love the ending! 10mo
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Malice Aforethought | Francis Iles
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I can't think of a more delicious creepazoid than Dr. Bickleigh, the memorable villain in this "whydunnit" Golden Age crime classic. From the beginning the reader is privy to his nefarious plans, but what's truly baffling is how he gets to pull as many women as he does. I guess life in a small village can truly mess with a girl! A great read; scathing gallows humour & some truly repugnant people. #GoldenAgeCrimeClub #TitlesAndTunes #GuiltyPleasure

Cathythoughts Excellent review! I see I have it stacked already. 👍🏻❤️ 11mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Great review 🙌🏻 11mo
batsy @Cathythoughts Thank you! I think it's something you might enjoy 😘 11mo
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batsy @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Thank you! 🙂 11mo
jlhammar Total creepazoid! 😂 Glad you enjoyed. 11mo
batsy @jlhammar He is the worst! 😩😆 11mo
erzascarletbookgasm Hahaha love your review! 11mo
batsy @erzascarletbookgasm Thanks, J 😁 11mo
LeahBergen This book really surprised me. I loved it! 11mo
batsy @LeahBergen Me too! It was so unlike what I thought it would be. 11mo
Annmcoop I have this on my list because I enjoyed Before the Fact, which I read as a fan of the film Suspicion. I just realized this is the same author as Poisoned Chocolates Case, which is also excellent. 11mo
batsy @Annmcoop I have both of those on my list! I enjoyed Suspicion a lot too, but it's been awhile since I last saw it, so it'll be fun to revisit the film after reading Before the Fact 🙂 10mo
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Malice Aforethought | Francis Iles
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You know the murderer on page 1, but this still managed to be suspenseful. Seeing the world from the perspective of a sociopathic killer definitely called into question all the perceptions I had of all the characters. Was Madeleine really so bad? Maybe, maybe not. I felt sorry for Ivy, for sure. A great, but twisted read. #goldenagecrimeclub

Malice Aforethought | Francis Iles
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My goodness, Dr Bickley is a horrible human being. People‘s ability to rationalize awful behavior to themselves is amazing. The audio, narrated by Bruce Montague, is wonderful.

batsy Yes! It's very easy to read but I have to stop every so often and just sort of disengage from the creep that he is. 11mo
Aimeesue @batsy It‘s definitely the narration that‘s keeping me engaged - he does the voices SO well! I was thinking last night that Bickley‘s kind of the precursor to the “incels” of today- the (so-called) henpecked men who don‘t have as much power as they think they should have and resent the hell out of everyone who places demands upon them until hey erupt in rage. If nothing else, it‘s an interesting portrait of the resentful- ragey man type. 11mo
batsy @Aimeesue I just finished. You're on the right path with the precursor to the incel, in my view. I felt much the same. The idea that having the rep of being a player ("ladies' man" in the era of the book, I guess!) to gain social status, but in reality they don't like women much at all. 11mo
Aimeesue @batsy Yessss. Made me think of one of my favorite Terry Pritchett quotes, too: “Evil starts when you begin to treat people as things.” Women, and people in general, I guess, were just things to be used for his own ends or gotten rid of. Ugh. 11mo
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Malice Aforethought | Francis Iles
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Over to you guys …… anything you‘d like to throw into the discussion?


AmyG I found it amazing he was able to find young women enamored by him. He must have been very charming and attractive….and knew the allure of an omder man. 11mo
jlhammar @AmyG I also had a hard time seeing how any woman would welcome his affections. Maybe it was more his intensity and pushiness and perhaps, in the short term, the adoration, the neediness, that got them? I actually quite liked Julia (aside from her disdain of reading and listening to the radio!) because she wasn't enamored and seemed to see him more for what he was. 11mo
Mitch I know @AmyG ! Knowing we‘re both fully signed up members of the older, wiser, stronger type of woman - what we‘re these girls thinking! But he was in a position of authority. A doctor must have given such a heavy appearance of respectability and stability. But I pictured him physical as a weasely little man! 🤮 11mo
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Mitch Has anyone seen the TV adaptation of this? 11mo
jlhammar @Mitch No, haven't seen either the 1979 or 2005 adaptation yet, but definitely interested. 11mo
Ruthiella Does anyone think that Madeleine actually murdered Denny and let the Dr. take the fall? Like the irony is he is actually convicted of the one crime he didn‘t commit? 11mo
jlhammar @Ruthiella I loved that the crime he was convicted of was the one he didn‘t commit! Such a great ending. I was wondering the same about Madeleine. A definite possibility, I think! Or it really just was the unfortunate outcome of the outdated sewage system that Bickleigh had feared for Madeleine. It does make you think that a seed was planted… 11mo
AmyG Oh wow….a TV adaptation! 11mo
kspenmoll Yes great ending! 11mo
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Malice Aforethought | Francis Iles
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Frances Iles is a pseudonym for Anthony Berkeley. Are you tempted to read more by this author - or was one enough? !


AmyG I‘d read another. Yet not ao fast as I have a million other books tor read. 🤣 I really enjoyed this one. (edited) 11mo
jlhammar I'd be open to reading another book by this author sometime. 11mo
Mitch Yeah - interestingly having just spent time with a misogynist sociopath I think I would go back for more! He has an interesting take on #goldenagecrime I‘m not sure any of his books though will have the any strong female leads ☹️ 11mo
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Ruthiella I initially read this as prep for another book, “Eight Perfect Murders” a couple of years ago and at that time didn‘t think of reading more by him. But on this reread I was struck by how well crafted the book was and am now considering trying another, if I can find one easily. 11mo
Mitch @Ruthiella 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 11mo
kspenmoll I would read something else by this author depending on reviews 11mo
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Malice Aforethought | Francis Iles
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As we know the murderer right from page one - how is this book so filled with suspense! I raced though and was turning pages swiftly right to the very last one! How was the suspense created for you?


Cuilin I think the suspense builds by asking how will he do it and will he get away with it? 11mo
AmyG I wanted to see how he kills….and does he get away with it. Knowing it was coming…I wanted to see it happen! 11mo
jlhammar Same! I found this to be a real page-turner. How will others react to him? Will he get away with it? What crazy thing will he say/think/do next? 11mo
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Mitch I agree @AmyG @Cuilin @jlhammar I was desperate to see how he did it and then about half way through my ingests switch to will he get away with it. Will justice prevail was the theme that got me hooked I think. 11mo
Ruthiella For me the tension was between whether or not he‘d get away with it and the whole situation in the village…like would his position survive the potential scandal. 11mo
Mitch @Ruthiella the power of the village ‘gossip‘ I thought was a really interesting angle 11mo
kspenmoll So much tension! How he killed, who he killed & why, if he got caught- all this created tension for me! 11mo
Mitch @kspenmoll I couldn‘t believe just how tense it was, considering the first sentence of the book ! It was the most page turning book I‘ve read for a while , I couldn‘t stop reading! 11mo
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Malice Aforethought | Francis Iles
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Oh my goodness - Dr Bickleigh! So at times he gives us slapstick comedy, haplessness at others arrogance and entitlement. He walking that line between sympathetic and repellant - where does he sit for you? ( this is such a big question I know!!!)


Cuilin It‘s kind of strange, because even though Julia is an horrible wife and you feel sorry for him in chapter 1, Edmund‘s attitude towards women is completely repellent. 11mo
AmyG @Cuilin Right? Julia seems awful yet not as awful as Dr B….a predator of young women. 11mo
jlhammar Oh my gosh, so repellent! A terrible little man really--delusional, pathetic, egotistical. The complete lack of self-awareness was so fascinating. One of those people for whom the problem is always everyone else. Look in the mirror, dude! But it was oh so funny to follow his very flawed reasoning, justifications and self-congratulations. And very satisfying to follow his demise. 11mo
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Mitch @Cuilin agreed. I cringed at her superiority over him and her micro managing of him. But he was just abhorrent. I think the author was clever in allowing us micro moments to kind of feel sorry for him in amongst his nasty traits. I bet that wasn‘t easy (edited) 11mo
Mitch @jlhammar his reasoning was fantastic - he made a way to really convince himself of his actions and attitudes. But real@people do this don‘t they- sadly! 11mo
Mitch I‘d read that the author was going through a messy divorce whilst he was writing this book @amyg @jlhammar @Cuilin and his anger towards women and how they had ‘wronged‘ him, came out in this fictional vent! 11mo
Ruthiella My sympathy for the doctor definitely waxed and waned! The author really kept it balanced. 11mo
Mitch @Ruthiella he did a good job didn‘t he of building complex character that are grey rather than black or white! 11mo
AmyG @Mitch Ha! Better the author write a book then actually commit a crime. 11mo
Ruthiella @AmyG @Mitch Apparently that‘s how Sue Grafton got her idea to write murder mysteries-she was so angry with her ex husband, she started thinking about ways to murder him. 11mo
AmyG @Ruthiella Ha! Too funny. Much safer. 🤣 11mo
lauraisntwilder I think Iles was smart to make Julia seem like a monster and slowly show how awful Edmund was. Poor Gwynyfryd! He was so arrogant and terrible. I think my favorite part is that he's so arrogant that botches up the science and doesn't know it. 11mo
kspenmoll @jlhammar 😂 so well said!!! Including all your adjectives. I just loved this book! 11mo
kspenmoll @Ruthiella That is wild about Sue Grafton! (edited) 11mo
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Malice Aforethought | Francis Iles
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For the first sentence (and covers!) we know the murderer - it‘s more of a howdunnit than a whodunnit. How does this transform your reading experience of this crime novel?


Cuilin I‘m not sure I‘m a fan of the inverted detective story. I prefer an whodunnit but this had plenty of suspense. 11mo
AmyG I liked this as I found it a bit of a psychological study of Dr B. Quite the sociopath. 11mo
jlhammar That first sentence just grabs you! Couldn't wait to see how it all played out. 11mo
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Mitch @jlhammar I think it‘s up there as one of my favourite opening sentences! How can you not read on! 11mo
Mitch @AmyG it was I agree. I think he was quite inspired by a real life case at the time of a solicitor who was hanged for murdering his wife 11mo
Mitch @Cuilin I think I prefer a whodunnit too - although I never try to guess who it is! But I was surprised how gripping this was. 11mo
Ruthiella I definitely prefer a whodunnit over a howdunnit and a “will they get away with it. I think what keeps this book going is the great characters. No one is nice but Iles occasionally generates the reader‘s sympathy by showing their pathetic sides. 11mo
Mitch @Ruthiella I think if we didn‘t see a different side of a few characters every@now and then I don‘t think I could have read it! Pure evilness is hard to engage with! 11mo
lauraisntwilder I prefer a whodunit, but there was something intriguing about this format and wondering first how far he would go and then if he'd get away with it. 11mo
kspenmoll This book had such great characters- & Dr. B was so incredibly evil that it made it so much more intense for me, watching him do his evil deeds- Not knowing that he was the would be murderer would make this a very different story. The author was so clever to present him this way 11mo
Mitch @kspenmoll I think the calm way he went about it all was super chilling. And I agree @lauraisntwilder finding out if justice would prevail became the tension rather than who did the crimes 11mo
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Malice Aforethought | Francis Iles
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Hi Everyone. It‘s time for this months #buddyread for our #goldenagecrimeclub. Looking forward to the discussion on this one - I think there will be lots! First off what we‘re your initial thoughts / impressions of this 1931 classic?

AmyG I didn‘t realize it was from 1931. Seems quite relevant today. Dr. B cheating on his wife with all these young women. Ha, same old, same old no matter the time period. 11mo
jlhammar Thoroughly enjoyed! Loved the dark humor. 11mo
Mitch @AmyG agreed. There was so much here that felt so ‘now‘ which was utterly depressing - particularly around that weird mentality of women MUST be attracted to me! 11mo
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Mitch @jlhammar there were so great one liners weren‘t there. I wasn‘t expecting it to have such a humorous side. I wonder if the author that that made everything else a little more palatable! 11mo
Ruthiella This was my second read and I had forgotten how humorous it was. The psychological astuteness also stood out to me on this reread. 11mo
Mitch @Ruthiella it‘s intense and farcical at the same time - which I thought was brilliant! 11mo
lauraisntwilder Dr. B seems sympathetic for about 5 pages, then just gets worse and worse! I don't think I've ever read anything quite like this. 11mo
kspenmoll I just loved this book! Dark humor, Dr. B turned from a henpecked man into a man who enjoyed murder for murder‘s sake. 11mo
Mitch @kspenmoll He was a complicated character wasnt he - I felt real energy from the author in his creation! 11mo
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Malice Aforethought | Francis Iles
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It feels a bit wrong to say that I enjoyed being in the mind of a murderer, but I really did. This book is so darkly funny. So many great lines. And that ending was pretty perfect.

Looking forward to Sunday‘s discussion!

Aimeesue I‘m halfway through and am finding it very funny as well. Such dry, dark humour! Exactly my sort of thing. 11mo
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Malice Aforethought | Francis Iles
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Apparently I like the idea of Golden Age mysteries better than the reality. Also, I seem to have overestimated my ability to enjoy books with unlikeable characters. I hate everyone I‘ve met so far and Dr. B makes my skin crawl. He‘s disgusting and his wife deserves what she gets. I have too much else I want to read to keep slogging through this. #allhailthebail

ChaoticMissAdventures Writing good unlikable characters is a true skill. There has to be balance with the writing and storytelling to make it worth it. 11mo
batsy I've just started but was unprepared for how dark it is! Even though it kind of says it right there in the title with "malice" and all ? 11mo
kspenmoll It is a very dark book w despicable characters! I persevered through it & ended up liking the book. 11mo
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Malice Aforethought | Francis Iles
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I‘m only a few chapters in but this is a cracker of a book! I think they‘ll be lots to talk about in our buddyread at the end of the month. Join us if you‘d like! Chat opens Sunday 25th

AmyG Dr B is a fascinating character. 12mo
DGRachel I am swapping out one of my other planned books for this one so hopefully I can get it read in time! 😍 12mo
jlhammar I can't wait to get started! 12mo
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Malice Aforethought | Francis Iles
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This bookmark is title on the back - “High Jinks”. Seems thoroughly suitable for this book! 🤣

kspenmoll Yes!!! 12mo
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Malice Aforethought | Francis Iles
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Arrogant. Delusional. Wicked. @Mitch This book is at the top of my list for #goldenagecrimeclub choices! Thank you! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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Malice Aforethought | Francis Iles
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“ it was not until several weeks after he had decided to murder his wife that Dr.Bickleigh took any active steps in the matter.”
So begins this month‘s #goldenagecrimeclub mystery.

AmyG I‘m enjoying this one. 12mo
Tamra Want to read! 12mo
jlhammar That‘s a promising beginning! My copy should arrive soon. Looking forward to it! 12mo
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batsy Oooh, yes! A good start! 12mo
kspenmoll @AmyG So am I ! 12mo
kspenmoll @jlhammar @batsy @AmyG That first sentence set the tone & drew me in! 12mo
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Malice Aforethought | Francis Iles
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Trying to kill two challenges with one book here 😅 Mysteries & thrillers tend to be my #guiltypleasure reads so I'm going with Malice Aforethought this month, which is conveniently also the #GoldenAgeCrimeClub pick! Lol.

Debbie Gibson's Out of the Blue album was my obsession when I was 7 or 8. I never grew out of bopping along to some of her songs 😁 'Only In My Dreams' remains a fave 🍭🎶 #TitlesAndTunes @BarbaraBB @Cinfhen

BarbaraBB I‘m off to listen to that song ❤️ 12mo
TrishB Blast from the past with that album 😁 12mo
Cinfhen I was OBSESSED with this song!! I was probably more like 17/18 😂😂😂 12mo
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Cinfhen Did you like both like Tiffany too @TrishB - 🎶I think we‘re alone now….the beating of your heart is the only sounnnnd 🎶 12mo
batsy @Cinfhen @TrishB Yes!!! Was obsessed with that song ... Thought she was so cool with the red feathered hair and the denim jacket 🤩 12mo
batsy @BarbaraBB It's pure bubblegum pop 😁 12mo
Cinfhen Definitely Bubblegum pop!!!! 12mo
Books_et_al Aah Debbie Gibson! That takes me back 😆 12mo
Liz_M Debbie! 12mo
erzascarletbookgasm Ahh yes, I remember Debbie Gibson! 😂 12mo
sarahbarnes Omg! Debbie Gibson - I saw that face on your post and it transported me back to being 11! I‘m pretty sure she had a perfume that I spritzed all over myself at that age. 😂 12mo
batsy @erzascarletbookgasm 🕺🏼🎶 12mo
batsy @sarahbarnes OMG, I had no idea there was a perfume! I would have totally been bugging my parents to get it if we had it available here 😂 12mo
Bookzombie 💗 For me, it was her Electric Youth album. I wore out my cassette, lol. I also loved Tiffany. 🙂 12mo
LeahBergen I loved this book! And now I‘ll be singing this song all day. 😡😆😆 12mo
dabbe @Bookzombie Oh, Lordy, me, too! 🤩🤣😍 12mo
jlhammar Debbie Gibson! Haven't thought of her for ages. I was also a fan in my girlhood. And that cover of Malice Aforethought is pretty cool. Really looking forward to reading that one later this month. 12mo
batsy @Bookzombie That album was so good, too! Electric Youth was such a banger lol. And that was the name of her perfume too (I had to look it up, @sarahbarnes 😂) 12mo
batsy @LeahBergen My job here is done 😂😂🎶 12mo
batsy @jlhammar It looks like we've all been under the spell of Debbie at some point 😁 The book sounds like it'll be a good one! I'm looking forward to it, too 🙌🏾 12mo
sarahbarnes Omg yes! Electric Youth - that was it! It was hot pink of course. 😂 12mo
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Malice Aforethought | Francis Iles
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repost for @Mitch:

Can‘t believe we‘re 6 months in ! Junes #goldenagecrimeclub pick is more of a WHY dunnit rather than a WHO dunnit.
We‘ll be chatting about the book on the last Sunday of June. Happy reading!


original post:

Malice Aforethought | Francis Iles
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Can‘t believe we‘re 6 months in ! Junes #goldenagecrimeclub pick is more of a WHY dunnit rather than a WHO dunnit.
We‘ll be chatting about the book on the last Sunday of June. Happy reading!

LeahBergen I loved this one! 👍 12mo
TheAromaofBooks Looking forward to this one!! Is this group continuing past June? I only seem to have written down titles through this coming month, so I wasn't sure if I missed an update somewhere along the line!! 12mo
Mitch @TheAromaofBooks thanks for reminding me! I‘d set the first six months of books and can‘t believe we‘re running out of titles already! I‘ll get the next batch up asap! 12mo
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TheAromaofBooks I'll keep an eye out!! I haven't been on Litsy much lately so I just wanted to make sure I hadn't missed it!! 12mo
Mitch @TheAromaofBooks I‘ve chosen the book and have them in order. As soon as they all arrive I‘ll do a photo of covers to get you excited! I‘ve tried to find really different things! 🤞🏼 12mo
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! I haven't been able to read all of the books this year, but the ones I have read, I've enjoyed!! I have Malice Aforethought on my list for this month!! 12mo
kwmg40 I love the choices you've made so far and am looking forward to seeing what you have lined for the rest of the year! 12mo
Mitch @kwmg40 thank you! I‘ve agonised over them! Later in the week I‘m going to post the next 6 months of books 12mo
Mitch @TheAromaofBooks the list has just gone live! 12mo
Mitch @kwmg40 just posted the next 6 books 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 12mo
TheAromaofBooks Oooo thank you!! 12mo
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Malice Aforethought | Francis Iles
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I‘ve just started the next read for my IRL book club.

Summer, 1930. Dr. Edmund Bickleigh is hosting a tennis party and has discovered that he needs to kill his wife. And that‘s good enough to intrigue me! 😆

This is one of the classic crime novels mentioned in Peter Swanson‘s Eight Perfect Murders (for any of you who‘ve read and enjoyed that one).

batsy Ooh! I would like to read this. Hope you enjoy it! 2y
CarolynM Sounds good 2y
Cathythoughts This sounds good 👍stacking 2y
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LeahBergen @batsy @CarolynM @Cathythoughts I‘m thoroughly enjoying it! It‘s subtly witty and weird and yet oddly cozy. 😆 (edited) 2y
Ruthiella This is an interesting mystery. Not a whodunnit but a “will they get away with it”. 🤔 (edited) 2y
LeahBergen @Ruthiella That‘s right! I‘m really enjoying it. 2y
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Malice Aforethought | Francis Iles
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I bought this as part of my preparation for Eight Perfect Murders...one of the books not available from either of my libraries. I was surprised when this tiny book showed up on my doorstep! It is part of the Macmillan Collector‘s Library edition. It‘s so cute but also beautiful with its gilt edges, endpapers, and ribbon bookmark.

erzascarletbookgasm Nice! 😍 4y
Freespirit This was recommended to me! 4y
Ruthiella @Freespirit I haven‘t read it yet but it is supposed to be a classic! 4y
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Classic golden age mystery. Berkeley/Iles was a genius at plotting. It‘s a shame that he only wrote a few and his books have been allowed to go out of print (mainly due to the closure of several publishers, I think.) This book is better than some of Christie‘s or Sayers‘. In this one, we know whodunnit and why, but the fun is the how - and finding out how Dr Bickleigh is finally caught. 4.5/5.0⭐️ #2019 Highly recommend for mystery fans.

shanaqui I really want to read more of Berkeley's books, I've only read The Poisoned Chocolates Case! 5y
rretzler I‘ve read several and have recently been collecting them when I can find them for a reasonable price. Unfortunately, many of them are way out of my price range until another publisher picks them up for reprint. The cheapest copy of Murder in the Basement I can find is over $40 used and goes up to $600+.☹️😳 5y
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Malice Aforethought | Francis Iles

A delightfully creepy suspense story worthy of its classic status. One of the first whydunnits or howdunnits. Great from the first line to the last.

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Malice Aforethought | Francis Iles
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dsfisher That‘s a woman who needs a courtesy lesson ( was going to say a good smack but I don‘t want to encourage violence) 6y
rabbitprincess @dsfisher Her husband's plotting to murder her, although not for this reason 😁 6y
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