Teen Vogue, forever and ever and ever, amen. #currentlyreading #resist #ImStillWithHer
My daughter was interviewed last week by a local tv station about her loss of fingers and toes due to septic shock from a strep infection this past Jan which I have posted about before. The story has been spreading. This morning TeenVogue.com picked it up and the write-up is one of the best so far (some accounts have been a bit sensationalized).
My first issue of Teen Vogue is here! 😍😍😍
Supporting the resistance.
After seeing Lauren Duca's interview with Tucker Carlson, my teen sister and I shared mutual pissed-offedness, as you do. (Her avatar is Harry Styles, but she regularly discusses politics, history, and social issues, because #girlscandoboth )
The goat says if you're a fan of supporting good journalism and intersectional feminism Teen Vogue has been doing a better job this year than a lot of the media so gifting a subscription would be awesome. (I agree with the goat.)
Magazine I was subscribed to no longer exists so apparently they're making up the rest of my sub with others and I have to say I wish this kind of teen mag existed when I was a teen.