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Anne of the Island (Special Collector's)
Anne of the Island (Special Collector's) | Lucy Maud Montgomery, L M Montgomery
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"How horrible it is that people have to grow up!" Wishing couldn't keep Anne of Green Gables from growing up. Anne's whole world was changing. Her childhood friends were beginning to get married, and Anne herself was leaving the island for four years of college. Now handsome Gilbert Blythe wants to win Anne's heart, and suddenly Anne must decide if she's ready for love...and for following her dreams if they mean leaving Green Gables behind forever.
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Anne of the Island | L.M. Montgomery
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I downloaded all of the Anne of Green Gables books and am reading them on my Kindle at night.

The first 3 books are re-reads for me as I have this awesome vinrage box set that my grandma gave me when I was a kid 😊

There was much about Anne of the Island that had slipped my mind, so I'm glad to have read it again.

Anne's House of Dreams is next, and I'm certain it will be new to me.

I just love Anne so much 💕

Anne of the Island | Lucy Maud Montgomery
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Slowly making my way through this series! #bookfourof2024

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Anne Of The Island | L. M. Montgomery
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“I‘m afraid to speak or move for fear all this wonderful beauty will vanish just like a broken silence.” This book will live forever in my heart. I have vowed to give a copy of this book to every young girl who is going out into the world on her own for the first time. If ever a book could be a friend, this one would be. With its lessons of pain and joy that comes with becoming oneself and building a life in this world. #52challenge

Anne of the Island | Lucy Maud Montgomery
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I love visiting Green Gables and Anne.



Anne Of The Island | L. M. Montgomery
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I read once this waaay back. Still such a fun book

Anne of the Island | Lucy Maud Montgomery
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I‘d forgotten how much I love Aunt Jimsie! #rereadingsummer

Anne of the Island | Lucy Maud Montgomery
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ShyBookOwl 💜 1y
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Anne of the Island | Lucy Maud Montgomery
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I‘m back on my Anne of Green Gables kick this summer. Currently enjoying my coffee and willing my garden to grow. I am dying for Anne to go back to Gilbert and admit her love. Wearing his lilies at her graduation was the sweetest of signs.

#summerreading #audiobooks #canadianauthor

Anne of the Island | L.M. Montgomery
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I love so, so, many things about this series… not least of which is that it takes me back to a time before cliffhanger endings were commonplace. It‘s so satisfying that each individual book ends on an uplifting note. I‘m always happy when I close the cover, and I‘m always anticipating the next part of the story sweetly not tensely. #20in4 @Andrew65

Andrew65 Well done. 👏👏👏 A great feeling to have at the end of a book. 1y
dabbe ❣️ 1y
Ruthiella Interesting point about endings. I wonder if that‘s why I am drawn to 19th century fiction in particular. 🤔 1y
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Anne of the Island | L.M. Montgomery
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“Harvest is ended, and summer is gone,” quoted Anne Shirley gazing across the shorn fields dreamily.

#FirstLineFridays #EasterOMC #PhotoChallenge9

ShyBookOwl Beautiful edition 1y
IndoorDame @ShyBookOwl I really lucked out with it! It was sold as used, but I don‘t think it‘s ever been read before. 1y
Clwojick Stunning! 💚 1y
lauraisntwilder That cover! 😍 1y
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Anne of the Island | Lucy Maud Montgomery
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This went by so fast! I swear, I could hear the music from the end of the 1985 series while I read the last chapter. ❤️

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Anne of the Island | Lucy Maud Montgomery
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This was such a fun reread of an old favourite. I was trying to read it as slowly as possible, avoiding listening to my audiobook when I usually did, because I didn't want it to end. It's such a lovely story about college years, living and studying with your friends, a introduction to Phil -- one of my all time Anne of Green Gables universe characters -- , and an incredibly epic love story combined with a lot of self growth!! Anne + Gilbert = 💜

Anne of the Island | Lucy Maud Montgomery
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"I have a dream" he said slowly. "I persist in dreaming it, although it has often seemed to me it could never come true. I dream of a home, with a hearthfire in it, a cat and dog, the footsteps of friends and you, Anne... I asked you a question over 2 years ago Anne. If I ask you again today will you give me a different answer?"

"I've loved you ever since that day you broke your slate over my head in school."

Most romantic proposal ever? ?

Clare-Dragonfly Sure beats Mr. Darcy! 😍 2y
CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian @Clare-Dragonfly Ha! Especially his first one 2y
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Anne of the Island | Lucy Maud Montgomery
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"Gilbert had a sudden vision of Anne, arrayed in a frilly green gown, with the virginal curves of arms and throat slipping out of it and white stars shining against the coils of her ruddy hair. The vision made him catch his breath."

This is the most explicitly sexy moment of the series ?? I'm surprised they published this at the turn of the century in a sequel to a children's book??

Anne of the Island | Lucy Maud Montgomery
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"I love 'em," said Dorothy. "They're so nice and selfish. Dogs are too good and unselfish. They make me feel uncomfortable. Cats are gloriously human."

Lol Roy's tomboy sister sounds like a cat lesbian. Also I wholeheartedly agree; one of the things I loved my dog who recently passed away was how much she was a cat in her soul. ?

Anne of the Island | Lucy Maud Montgomery
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"Anne felt very old and mature and wise, which showed how young she was."

Isn't this a truth still so relevant today?

LeahBergen Totally! 2y
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Anne of the Island | Lucy Maud Montgomery
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"You're an idiot Anne Shirley...You don't know love when you see it. You've tricked something out with your imagination that you think love, and you expect the real thing to look like that. There, that's the first sensible thing I've ever said in my life. I wonder how I managed it?"

I love Phil, she's a great character. Also, she's right Anne is an idiot for turning down Gilbert!! What a fool!!

Clare-Dragonfly Phil is a delight! 2y
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Anne of the Island | L.M. Montgomery
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@wideeyedreader and I did some thrifting today and found this 1950s copy of Anne of the Island. The dust jacket is a little rough and the picture makes us laugh but at only $1.00 y‘all know it had to come home with me.

UwannaPublishme Cool find! 2y
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Anne of the Island | L.M. Montgomery
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This completes my January #bookspin and was the best in the series so far.


TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2y
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Anne of the Island | L.M. Montgomery
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It‘s laundry day over here so let‘s see how far I can get in this one.

So far Anne of the Island is better than the first two in the series.

#joysofjune @Andrew65

Andrew65 Hope you had a good reading day. 2y
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Anne of the Island | L.M. Montgomery
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Let‘s see if I can fall back in love with reading….

#joysOfJune @Andrew65

Andrew65 Hope this helps you. Good luck 😊 2y
BacklistReader @Andrew65 thanks. Me too 2y
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Anne of the Island | L.M. Montgomery
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31 Oct-13 Nov 2021 (audiobook)
Finally, Anne agrees to marry Gilbert and Trix and I can be happy and read the rest of the series when she is a little older. Being a helpless romantic, she was convinced from the moment Gilbert appeared that Anne would marry him, but Roy Gardiner did have her scared for a little while. Davey, as always, provided some comic relief.

Anne of the Island (Special Collector's) | Lucy Maud Montgomery, L M Montgomery
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“Why, I have nine grades in my school and I have to teach a little of everything, from investigating the interiors of earthworms to the study of the solar system. My youngest pupil is four—his mother sends him to school to 'get him out of the way'—and my oldest twenty—it 'suddenly struck him' that it would be easier to go to school and get an education than follow the plough any longer.” #grade #QuotsySep21

Anne of the Island | L.M. Montgomery
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September #DoubleSpin is done! For some reason I didn‘t realize there were more than 3 Anne books so I‘m happy to continue the series after this. 🧡 So close to a bingo!

TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! I love the Anne series!! 3y
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Anne of the Island | L.M. Montgomery
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Davy is a whole mood lol

Ruthiella When I was a kid, I wasn‘t allowed to use “darn”, “dang” or “gosh”... 😬 3y
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Anne of the Island (Special Collector's) | Lucy Maud Montgomery, L M Montgomery
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All are off to college or starting jobs, and there is that everyday humdrum of that in this book which was a nice change of pace between Anne's interactions with everyone. Not to mention the new introductions of characters that round out this book's cast.

But I'm not going to lie. I came into this with the full intent of more Anne x Gilbert and I got it.
Thanks to @SerialReader for having this one available.

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Anne of the Island (Special Collector's) | Lucy Maud Montgomery, L M Montgomery
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“I hope no #great sorrow ever will come to you, Anne," said Gilbert, who could not connect the idea of sorrow with the vivid, joyous creature beside him, unwitting that those who can soar to the highest heights can also plunge to the deepest depths, and that the natures which enjoy most keenly are those which also suffer most sharply.” #QuotsyJul21

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Anne of the Island (Special Collector's) | Lucy Maud Montgomery, L M Montgomery
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“Marilla's was a rather prim and colorless epistle, severely innocent of gossip or emotion. Yet somehow it conveyed to Anne a whiff of the wholesome, simple life at Green Gables, with its #savor of ancient peace, and the steadfast abiding love that was there for her.” #QuotsyJul21

Anne of the Island (Special Collector's) | Lucy Maud Montgomery, L M Montgomery
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Book 3 in the Anne of Green Gables series.

Should probably get back to this series soon

#nameinthetitle #series

Anne of the Island (Special Collector's) | Lucy Maud Montgomery, L M Montgomery
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#March came in that winter like the meekest and mildest of lambs, bringing days that were crisp and golden and tingling, each followed by a frosty pink twilight which gradually lost itself in an elfland of moonshine.” #QuotsyCatchup #QuotsyMar21

Anne of the Island (Special Collector's) | Lucy Maud Montgomery, L M Montgomery
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This was a reread, several times over. Each Anne Shirley story is better than the last! Since I have not read further on in the series, I look forward to reading the next book sometime soon! 4.5⭐

Anne of the Island (Special Collector's) | Lucy Maud Montgomery, L M Montgomery
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1. Currently reading the tagged book and I'm loving it so far. It's only a few chapters but yup loving it.
2. The Sum of Us by Heather McGhee. I got to hear her the other day and her passion and lively spirit is what made me add this to my growing list.
3. Oh man... The Roommate by Rosie Danan which I just finished and am not over yet.

Anne of the Island (Special Collector's) | Lucy Maud Montgomery, L M Montgomery
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Page 56:

Ruby Gillis wrote a gushing epistle deploring Anne's abscence, assuring her she was horribly missed in everything, asking what the Redmond “fellows“ were like, and filling the rest with accounts of her own harrowing experiences with her numerous admirers.

Join in at Freda's Voice: http://www.fredasvoice.com
#Friday56 #Instagram56 - @fredasphotos

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Anne of the Island (Special Collector's) | Lucy Maud Montgomery, L M Montgomery
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“The sun had set and the wind had died down. A pale #chilly moon looked out behind a bank of purple clouds in the west. The sky faded out, but the strip of yellow along the western horizon grew brighter and fiercer, as if all the stray gleams of light were concentrating in one spot; the distant hills, rimmed with priest-like firs, stood out in dark distinctness against it.” #QuotsyFeb21

Anne of the Island (Special Collector's) | Lucy Maud Montgomery, L M Montgomery
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“Well, I've had my first #proposal. I supposed it would come some day—but I certainly never thought it would be by proxy. It's awfully funny—and yet there's a sting in it, too, somehow.” #QuotsyFeb21

Anne of the Island | Lucy Maud Montgomery
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#KindredSpiritsBuddyRead - Anne of the Island Discussion Part 3

3a. What will stay with you the most from reading Anne of the Island? Any new realizations, quotes you loved, etc.?
3b. Thinking back on the book as a whole, is there anything you feel this text calling you to do? Is there something Anne or another character has inspired you to think about or act on?

Jerdencon I like how you see the maturity in Anne and her friends. I am curious to see how things turn out with Phil and Jo. 4y
BarbaraJean @Jerdencon Oh, yes! I love Phil's romance with Jo. It's such a wonderful storyline for her. I love how she's still her own “frivolous“ self, but you see the depth that's underneath it. 4y
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BarbaraJean I loved the scene where the housemates are talking about what they've learned in their four years of college, and all the quotes they share from one of the professors. Such sweet idealism, but also a lot of truth: “There is so much in the world for us all if we only have the eyes to see it, and the heart to love it, and the hand to gather it to ourselves...so much everywhere in which to delight, and for which to be thankful.“ 4y
Blackink_WhitePaper This book is always special as I can recall the days I spent with my friends in college. In this book Anne steps out from her fantasy world and realise the things about real world! Which I think is the best part of the book. And how she fear about losing Gilbert when he is sick . 4y
Clare-Dragonfly I don‘t think so. I found it fairly dull and cloyingly predictable. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 4y
AnneCecilie Maybe to enjoy every moment? Anne seems to be good at enjoying the little things in life and it‘s always good to be reminded of that. 4y
quietjenn I just like seeing Anne and company grow up and be on their own a bit. Was it you who posted the “let's go get drunk“ page? 😂 I think everything that happens here felt very true to the characters and to life. 4y
BarbaraJean @Clare-Dragonfly 😂 Oh no! Sorry to hear this one was a disappointment for you. I have such fond memories of these books that it's hard for me to be objective! Are you planning to read on, or did this one turn you off too much? 4y
BarbaraJean @quietjenn Yes, it was me who posted that “get drunk“ quote! 😄 I just love Phil! 4y
Clare-Dragonfly I‘m planning to read on! The books have been easy and pleasant reads, perfect for right before bed. 4y
Clare-Dragonfly I think I would have liked these a lot more if I‘d been younger when I read them. The relationship between Anne and Gilbert reminds me of that between Taran and Eilonwy, or Ron and Hermione (though those are much more similar to each other). Then again, I keep comparing him unfavorably to Laurie from Little Women, who has much more development, I think. Gilbert has that one moment of immaturity and then seems set in mature stone forever. 4y
Clare-Dragonfly If nothing else, this IS really interesting to discuss! 😄 4y
BarbaraJean @Clare-Dragonfly I‘m glad you‘re reading on! Looking forward to hearing your thoughts! It feels to me like Gilbert gets more development in this book, but I think you‘re right, that‘s not actually the case—we just see a little more of him than in the 2nd book. We don‘t really see his growth, certainly not in the way we see Anne grow and mature. And I agree—the books likely work better when you get to fall in love with the characters as a child! 😊 4y
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Anne of the Island | Lucy Maud Montgomery
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#KindredSpiritsBuddyRead - Anne of the Island Discussion - Part 2

2a. What did you think of Roy Gardner as a love interest for Anne?
2b. How did you feel about the way Anne and Gilbert‘s relationship progresses over the course of the book?
2c. What do you think of how Gilbert has developed as a character, and as a friend and partner for Anne?

Hooked_on_books I thought Roy was a fun distraction but felt Anne was being silly about what she “should” want in a man instead of looking to how she felt about these guys. I was a little surprised Gilbert was willing to give her a second chance and found their ultimate scene in the book overly melodramatic, but I think it‘s nice they‘ll end up together, as they seem to have a nice partnership establishing. 4y
Jerdencon I liked Roy but he definitely wasn‘t right for Anne. The whole Gilbert -Anne thing felt a little dragged out for me but I‘m glad with the way it ended. Gilbert is a very patient guy. 4y
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BarbaraJean @Hooked_on_books @Jerdencon - Roy always feels so BLAND, and I get annoyed at Anne for being so blind to all the little pangs of heart she has at seeing Gilbert! I wonder if Montgomery purposefully leaves Roy very undeveloped as a character, as a contrast to the depth we see in her characterization of Gilbert. The ending is a bit over the top, although I've always loved Anne's line: “I don't want sunbursts & marble halls. I just want you.“ 4y
BarbaraJean There's a line in I Capture the Castle where one of the characters talks about how wonderful it is to be with someone who knows the poems you know. I was reminded of that several times while reading this book, because of how many literary and other references Anne and Gilbert share, and how many times that comes up in small ways in their conversations. They have a wonderful shared history as well as such a compatibility of mind. 4y
LeahBergen I remember thinking, when I read this as a child, that Gilbert was annoying and pushy. I was quite jealous of my Anne and didn‘t want her to grow up. 😂😂 I now find Gilbert sweetly romantic. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 4y
BarbaraJean @LeahBergen Ha! I do think Gilbert comes off as a bit pushy in the first book, but I really like how he is with Anne in the second two. On this read, I was impressed by how perceptive and respectful he was in backing off into only friendship, when he knew Anne wasn't interested (even if ulterior motives still lingered). Well, until that fateful proposal in the garden, anyway! 4y
Clare-Dragonfly Roy is perfectly romantic, undeveloped, and bland. I do think his character made a lot more sense when his sister revealed that he is always tumbling into great loves! I was disappointed at the lack of a sickbed love confession but I suppose the point is that we can‘t always have great romantic moments. 4y
meghathecloud Roy's character is so underdeveloped that it's hard to make up my mind about him. I thought Phil had a good point when she berated Anne for being hung up on her ideals of romantic love saying that Anne would not know how to spot real love in the wild. 4y
AnneCecilie I think that Roy was everything that Anne imagined in a partner and that she was blind to all the ways they don‘t fit. I always feel like there‘s less Gilbert than what I want/ remember. I liked Gilbert‘s development in these books. 4y
quietjenn Roy is such a cardboard cutout of an ideal guy and he has no appeal to me whatsoever, haha. Although I did feel a little bad for him, until his sister shared his history. I think friendship with her is definitely the best thing Anne gets out of that relationship! I do like that Gilbert backs off and lets Anne come into her feelings. I love the little sparks along the way of Anne realizing her love, if not acknowledging it (1/2) 4y
quietjenn (2/2) ... like opting for Gilbert's flowers instead of Roy's at graduation. I like that Gilbert has his own life and while he loves Anne, he isn't defined just by that love. I think/hope they will be true partners in life. 4y
BarbaraJean @Clare-Dragonfly @quietjenn I do love that little conversation Anne has with Roy's sister--very illuminating! It's so helpful that Anne is able to get that perspective from her (and then we don't have to feel bad for cardboard cutout Roy, either!). 4y
BarbaraJean @meghathecloud I love that conversation between Anne and Phil. Phil has so many wonderfully perceptive moments in this book. At least perceptive about other people! I think she and Anne have a lot of similarities with a lack of self-knowledge in that way, and they both grow quite a bit by the end of the book. 4y
BarbaraJean @AnneCecilie Yes, I could have sworn there was more of Gilbert in both Anne of Avonlea and this book! We kind of only get little glimpses here and there. Even so, Montgomery manages to give him and his friendship with Anne such depth (especially in contrast to Roy). 4y
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Anne of the Island | Lucy Maud Montgomery
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Taking a little break from watching inauguration coverage to post questions for the #KindredSpiritsBuddyRead - Anne of the Island discussion!

1a. There are so many wonderful little happenings during Anne‘s college years. What are your favorite scenes in this book?
1b. Romance is a much larger theme in this book, and we see Anne receive several marriage proposals. Who was your favorite rejected suitor?

Hooked_on_books I liked when she was paired up with Gilbert, I think at someone‘s wedding, and the murmuring of the crowd when they appeared together. I‘m surprised that moment didn‘t shake things loose for her. And I liked all the bonding between Anne and her housemates. 4y
Jerdencon I loved reading about Patty‘s place - I wanted to go and live there with them! 4y
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BarbaraJean @Hooked_on_books Yes! At Diana's wedding, I think? I also love how we get little snippets of thoughts from Marilla and Rachel about how they both feel something has gone terribly wrong in Anne and Gilbert not being together. I really wanted them both to talk some sense into Anne! @Jerdencon Absolutely! Although I'm always on edge that someone is going to accidentally break one of the china dogs. 😂 4y
BarbaraJean One of the scenes that always makes me laugh is the surprise visit from the Gardners - and how so many of the housemates completely lose it. I mean, hiding an entire chocolate cake under a pillow?! 😂 With Anne's range of proposals, I think I'm most fond of Sam the hired boy, partly because it's SO out there, and I also feel like it's then that she's finally able to laugh at and let go of (some of) her seriousness and high ideals of such things. 4y
LeahBergen Those china dogs (Staffordshire spaniels) made me collect some myself as an adult!! And I saw the family-owned ones (when I was at the house museum in PEI) that inspired LM Montgomery to buy her own pair. 😊 4y
BarbaraJean @LeahBergen Oh, I love that! I've always wondered what the china dogs looked like and what exactly the fascination was. I don't really understand the allure of the green spots... 😏 4y
Blackink_WhitePaper So many beautiful scenes ! Hard to pick ! I like the development of character Phil 🥰 4y
LeahBergen Scroll down through the above article for a photo of the one remaining china dog. Perhaps it‘s Magog? 😆 4y
Bkwrm7 1a - Like many of you, Patty's Place held most of my favorite scenes. The camaraderie and how homey it seemed just sticks with you. I also really liked how they met Phil in the graveyard. 1b - I think Billy Andrews is my favorite rejected suitor. He clearly wasn't right for Anne, but I was glad Nellie Bligh did indeed end up suiting him just as well! Jane's proxy proposal was another great scene. 4y
EclecticBookLover Miss Patty's Place! The scenes there were so charming. As for proposals, I think Billy Andrew's was my favorite. 4y
Clare-Dragonfly My favorite was the cats! 😻 And I agree with you that Sam the hired boy had the best proposal. “Will yeh hev me?” 😂 4y
AnneCecilie I loved the scenes in Pattey‘s Place and the friendship between the girls. I also loved the story about the stray cat. When it comes to the proposals, I think my favorite is a tie between the proxy proposal and the hired boy‘s 4y
quietjenn I was so worried for those china dogs during the Gardner's visit, when Aline asks to look at them closely! I love this scene though, along with so many that others have pointed out. Patty's Place and all that goes along with it is just the best. And I really liked the graveyard scene. I feel like there are a lot of great moments of Anne just walking around and noticing things. Not sure which rejected suitor I liked best, except def. not Roy. 4y
BarbaraJean @LeahBergen Thank you so much for sharing that! Not at all what I had pictured, I have to say! 😂 Also - the Gog and Magog names are hilarious to me, since my only other association with those names is the Biblical usage, where they're depicted as warlike enemies of the Israelites. A very weird reference to use in naming your china dogs! 4y
LeahBergen @BarbaraJean Right? Such ponderously Old Testament names. 😂 And yes, the abject ugliness of Staffordshire dogs is what has attracted me to them. I can‘t help my fondness for them. 😆😆 4y
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Anne of the Island | Lucy Maud Montgomery
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I wasn‘t liking this book at all for perhaps the first third. I found it choppy and trying too hard to be in multiple places at once without telling us much about any place. But then it settled into itself and I enjoyed it, other than the overly saccharine but entirely expected ending. I look forward to heading to Windy Poplars after our discussion!


Anne of the Island | Lucy Maud Montgomery
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I so enjoyed this re-read of Anne of the Island. I have such a soft spot for the girls at Patty‘s Place and all of Anne‘s inadvertent romantic misadventures. I noticed this time just how much Anne grows in this volume—in both maturity and self-knowledge. I see so many of my girlhood ideals in Anne, and realize now that‘s where a lot of my ideas of romance come from. 😊 Also: I didn‘t remember how awful this cover was!! #KindredSpiritsBuddyRead

LeahBergen I loved Patty‘s Place (and this is the cover of my childhood copy, too 😂😂). 4y
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Anne of the Island | Lucy Maud Montgomery
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We're almost done with Anne of the Island Chapter-a-Day! I have to admit, I might NEED to finish it tonight! 😆 Our wrap-up discussion is Wed. 1/20. I'll post questions in the afternoon (Pacific Time); feel free to jump in whenever you're able.

Chapter-a-day for Windy Poplars starts Thurs. 1/21. The chapters/letters are so short, would people be interested in doing 2 per day? Let me know your preference in the comments! #KindredSpiritsBuddyRead

Jerdencon I‘m fine with 2 a day! And think I have a chapter or 2 to finish Anne of the island. 4y
Clare-Dragonfly Hmmm… I‘d be OK with two a day if they are really short, but I think I would have a harder time keeping track. 4y
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quietjenn I finished a few days ago, because I knew I wouldn't be able to this week. 2/day for the next one would be fine. 4y
TheAromaofBooks I just reread these last year so I'm only along for the discussions, so it won't matter to me if you choose to do one or two chapters. 😊 4y
Hooked_on_books Two a day works for me! 4y
Bkwrm7 I think two a day would be fine for me. I'll have to see how the audiobook does tracking for this one since it doesn't have traditional chapters if I remember correctly. 4y
AnneCecilie Two a day would work for me too 4y
meghathecloud I finished it and looking forward to the discussion. Two a day works for me. 4y
BarbaraJean @Clare-Dragonfly Oh, I know the difficulty of keeping track! That's a big reason I'm a bit torn about doing 2/day. A lot of the chapters are only 2-3 pages, and then some are 10-15 pages. 😩 Really makes this one difficult to parcel out! 4y
BarbaraJean @Jerdencon @Clare-Dragonfly @quietjenn @Hooked_on_books @Bkwrm7 @AnneCecilie @meghathecloud Sounds like everyone‘s open to 2/day.😊 I looked through the chapters more closely & because chapter lengths are so varied, I‘ve combined some into 2/day & some will be 1/day. So basically I‘m making this as difficult to track as possible.😩🤣 Seems like a lot of us get behind or ahead a lot, so maybe it won‘t matter?! 😁 Will post a schedule soon! (edited) 4y
quietjenn Yes, I always make a valiant effort but almost always - not just with Anne - find myself either catching up or reading ahead. I love chapter a day *in theory* but my reality does not often dovetail with it! 4y
BarbaraJean @quietjenn That‘s exactly how it‘s been for me with this buddy read! I did really well with chapter-a-day for Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, and Earthsea, but the theory and reality are not matching up so well with reading Anne this way. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 4y
BarbaraJean @Bkwrm7 Yes, some of the chapters are narrative and some are letters (or several letters/excerpts from letters), but they‘re all marked with chapter numbers in my paperback edition. Hopefully that‘s clearly tracked in your audiobook! 4y
Clare-Dragonfly Yeah… no way I‘ll be able to keep track of that! 😂 I suppose since the discussions are only at the ends of the books, it doesn‘t matter if I get ahead and if I fall behind, I‘ll have warning before the end. 4y
BarbaraJean @Clare-Dragonfly I really screwed us all up, didn‘t I?! 🤣 I will post a schedule for each section as it comes, so you‘ll have a few checkpoints along the way to see how far ahead or behind you‘ve gotten! If nothing else, just read at your leisure and plan to finish before Valentine‘s Day. 😊 4y
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Anne of the Island | Lucy Maud Montgomery
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“What are you going to do with that ten dollars, Anne? Let‘s all go up town and get drunk,” suggested Phil.

I WANT THIS SCENE. Seriously: Anne, Phil, Stella, Pris, AND Aunt Jimsie, gettin‘ drunk up town. 🤣🥂#KindredSpiritsBuddyRead

Anne of the Island | Lucy Maud Montgomery
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I‘m lagging behind in the #KindredSpiritsBuddyRead! 😆

I just picked this one up today but I‘m still very much enjoying my reread of this series.


Read-y_Picker Love everything about this picture! 4y
Leftcoastzen Such a beautiful photo! 4y
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Ruthiella Love the tea cup book match! 😀 4y
Reviewsbylola Beautiful edition, as always. 4y
BarbaraJean The teacup & saucer, the book, the bookshelf - this photo is perfection!! 4y
Shaneyney Loved all the Anne books as a teen. Should probably read them as an adult and see if my perspective has changed 4y
Cathythoughts Lovely pic ✨ 4y
batsy Teacup 😍 4y
charl08 Love the bookshelves. Such a nice atmosphere to this. 4y
Gissy Beautiful teacup☕️😱😍❤️❤️☺️☺️ 4y
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Anne of the Island | Lucy Maud Montgomery
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After I posted about my list of favorite worst proposals last night in conjunction with Anne‘s “Will yeh hev me?” proposal, and @meghathecloud and @TheAromaofBooks mentioned Billy‘s proposal via his sister... this came up on my FB memories today. 😂 #KindredSpiritsBuddyRead

meghathecloud Wow Billy has a lot of fans😂 (edited) 4y
TheAromaofBooks I just have a soft spot for that shy farmer 😂 4y
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Anne of the Island | Lucy Maud Montgomery
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“Will yeh hev me?”
“Wh—a—t!” gasped Anne.
“Will yeh hev me?”
“Do you mean—marry you?” queried poor Anne feebly.
“Why, I‘m hardly acquainted with you,” cried Anne indignantly.
“But yeh‘d git acquainted with me after we was married,” said Sam.

🤣Anne‘s proposals just get better. I have a list of my favorite worst proposals in fiction—from St. John Rivers in Jane Eyre to Mr. Collins in Pride & Prejudice—this one, too. #KindredSpiritsBuddyRead

meghathecloud This one was great, but the proposal by proxy will remain my favorite ever😂 4y
TheAromaofBooks @meghathecloud - I was thinking the same thing - Billy 4ever! 😂 4y
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Anne of the Island | Lucy Maud Montgomery
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Here's the last daily schedule for Anne of the Island Chapter-a-Day! Discussion will be Wed. 1/20. (Inauguration Day here in the U.S.🎉Can't come fast enough!) I keep getting behind on chapter-a-day, but I've decided it's a subconscious desire to read more in each sitting.😉I love this stage in Anne's life, with all her college adventures & romantic woes. How's everyone enjoying their reading? Who's doing chapter a day and who's bingeing it?

Hooked_on_books I‘ve largely been sticking to the schedule, but have gotten behind or ahead here and there. I actually wasn‘t really enjoying the first part of the book—I found it choppy. But I think the second half is much better. 4y
quietjenn More binge-y than not. I haven‘t had much time to read this week and did a big chunk today. Now I see I got slightly ahead, so to set aside again for a few days! 4y
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meghathecloud I binged and finished it in one sitting 🙈 The chapters were so short and before I knew it I was too engrossed. 4y
AnneCecilie I‘m reading a chapter a day, and love this way of reading it. 4y
EclecticBookLover Catching up this week! 4y
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Anne of the Island | Lucy Maud Montgomery
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ONE more #KindredSpiritsBuddyRead post tonight. I 💜 Marilla & Mrs. Lynde so much in this chapter: their disappointment about Anne‘s romantic refusal (do I need to talk around potential spoilers for a book published in 1915?!) and Marilla‘s feeling that “something in the universal scheme of things had gone sadly awry.” They know Anne so well and are able to see the situation much more clearly than she can, but are determined not to interfere.💜

Anne of the Island | Lucy Maud Montgomery
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“She had once told Roy a funny story—and he had not seen the point of it. She recalled the chummy laugh she and Gilbert had had together over it, and wondered uneasily if life with a man who had no sense of humor might not be somewhat uninteresting in the long run.”
I understand how Anne gets swept up in her romantic ideals, but I still can‘t imagine preferring a melancholy inscrutable hero to a man with a sense of humor. #KindredSpiritsBuddyRead

BarbaraJean Also, this re-read is proving rather illuminating for me, as I‘m realizing this series was likely the source of my own romantic ideal—for love to grow out of friendship. 4y
Bkwrm7 Yes! I think it had a big influence on my opinions of romance as well. And a sense of humor is a definite must! 4y
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Anne of the Island | Lucy Maud Montgomery
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“Poor soul, she always knew everything about her neighbors, but she was never very well acquainted with herself.”

I thought this comment from Mrs. Lynde was very perceptive, especially since she herself is characterized as someone who also knows everything about her neighbors!

I‘m catching up on #KindredSpiritsBuddyRead tonight—both reading and posting!