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Frostfire | Amanda Hocking
Hidden deep in the heart of a snow-covered wilderness lies the secret kingdom of the Kanina magical realm as beautiful as it is treacherous...Bryn Aven has never fit into Kanin society. Her blond hair and blue eyes set her apart as an outsidera half-blood unable to hold a respectable rank. But she's determined to prove herself as a loyal protector of the kingdom she loves. Her dream is to become a member of the King's elite guard, and she's not going to let anything stand in her way...not even her growing feelings for her boss, Ridley Dresden. A relationship between them is strictly forbidden, but Bryn can't fight her attraction to him. And she's beginning to think he feels it too. Meanwhile, there's an attack on the kingdomone that will test Bryn's strength like never before. Finally, she has the chance to confront Konstantin Black, the traitor who tried to kill her father years ago. It's up to Bryn to put a stop to him before he strikes again. But is she willing to risk everything to protect a kingdom that doesn't accept her for who she really is? And when her mission brings her closer to Ridley, will she be able to deny her heart?
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Frostfire | Amanda Hocking
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This is how I like to dress when I confront villains with my trusty dagger…

#frosty #wishesandblessings @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

kplovesbooks Gorgeous cover!!! 😍😍😍 3y
Eggs @kplovesbooks Isn‘t it?!?! 3y
Texreader It‘s gorgeous! 3y
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DarkMina Beautiful! 3y
Eggs I agree! Magical! @DarkMina @Texreader 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Love it!! 💙❄️ 3y
Eggs Thanks-I like the flowers coming up out of the snow bank ❄️🌸❄️ @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks (edited) 3y
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Bryn Aven is a half-breed troll trying to make her way in the Kanin society as a tracker. But, when preparing a changeling to return home, she discovers others are trying to kidnap him. It happens to the next tracker too. As Bryn tries to figure out what‘s going on, a queen from another kingdom is kidnapped. Some of the mystery is solved, but we‘ll have to continue with the trilogy to satisfy all questions.

FeatherV Eeeee you read it!!!! Did you love it?!?!?! 4y
Mshookquilts @FeatherV yes! Now I had to add the other 2 to my reading list. 4y
FeatherV Yeeeee! I know they‘re on my reading list too haha 4y
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Frostfire | Amanda Hocking
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Watching a badass woman shatter that glass ceiling and get elected into the whitehouse was the most beautiful moment. Reading #amandahocking and her badass heroines was the perfect book to complete the weekend
#2020 #bidenharris #womeninpower #kaninchronicles #readeverything #readalways #weekendreads
New Post Today!
“When you stumble across a wealth of badass female characters“

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Frostfire | Amanda Hocking
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That awkward moment when you‘re working on a book but the one you‘ve been waiting for arrives...what to do?
#books #readeverything #decisions

Mshookquilts Move it to the top of the pile for the next book. 😄 4y
FeatherV @Mshookquilts obvi, I‘m assuming you want to borrow after 😜 4y
Mshookquilts Obviously! 4y
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Frostfire | Amanda Hocking
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I would rate this a 4.5 because they left me at a cliffhanger. The story was well developed, written well, and intriguing. I couldn‘t wait to continue the story now I‘ll need the next book as soon as I can.

Frostfire | Amanda Hocking
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Has anyone subscribed to this? What was your experience?

wordslinger42 I haven't, only because I'm hesitant to have a candle scent chosen for me. Their candles are lovely, but not all the scents are for me, and I'm always afraid I won't like their candle of the month! (Maybe they exchange it for you if you dislike the scent?) 5y
BethM Nope I‘m not allowed to have candles In my house 😂 5y
Chrissyreadit @BethM that sounds rough! 😩😆🥰 5y
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Chrissyreadit @wordslinger42 I know what you mean- I would not have liked Darcy‘s Parlour for example,but I could also regift ones I don‘t like, I think. 5y
wanderinglynn I don‘t subscribe, but I like Frostbeard candles. 5y
Chrissyreadit @wanderinglynn me too! The struggle is real. 5y
wanderinglynn I like your idea of regifting ones you don‘t care for the scent. 👍🏻 5y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego I don't subscribe, but only because I'm in Canada and the shipping is expensive. But I LOVE their candles, and have a lot of them. 5y
BethM I set my kitchen cabinets on fire once 🤷‍♀️ 5y
Chrissyreadit @BethM 😂🤪 I think everyone deserves 2nd, 3rd and 4th chances. I set my food on Fire this morning- literally. Had to race out with frying pan ... Sometimes I get distracted. My kids wasted no time telling their friends. 5y
Chrissyreadit @StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego I love their candles so much. I 😫 when international shipping gets in the way. 5y
veritysalter I keep looking at it, I‘d love to know others opinions. 5y
tpixie @Chrissyreadit lol 🍳 🔥 5y
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Frostfire | Amanda Hocking
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Oh but I am quite happy to find myself in the world of Trolls once more. I read the Trylle books ages ago(perhaps long enough ago I should reread them!) but I always remember them fondly. I‘m loving getting to experience their society from the perspective of a different tribe this time. I have a pretty good feeling of where the story is heading, but in this case the simplicity is what makes it a fun read. Looking forward to the next one!

That-Bookish-Hiker I‘ve been wanting to read this because I loved the Trylle Trilogy even though years later I‘m still mad about who the heroine ended up with 😂 5y
xxjenadanxx @That-Bookish-Hiker lol! Well this is totally different characters so maybe you‘ll be happier with their decisions! 5y
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Frostfire | Amanda Hocking
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This is a stunning tale of love, betrayal and the need to belong...

Hidden deep in the heart of a snow-covered wilderness lays the secret kingdom of the Kanin—a magical realm as beautiful as it is treacherous.…

aprilpohren What a gorgeous cover! 7y
Crystallinegirl I love winter and that cover is STUNNING. 7y
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Frostfire | Amanda Hocking
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I have had this book on my shelf for ages, so I was really glad to have picked it out of my jar as my next read! Whilst it was mostly enjoyable, I felt like the book dragged and not enough information was presented to us about certain aspects of the book. I loved each and every one of the characters and the depth that Each and every one of them had. I‘m looking forward to seeing how this series develops as a whole.

Frostfire | Amanda Hocking
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I feel like this should be fantasy rather than urban fantasy 🤔🤔🤔 or at least, I keep mistaking it for fantasy 😂

Frostfire | Amanda Hocking
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I created a TBR jar yesterday to try and help me get through some of my tbr without having to actually pick myself - and this is the first book I picked out! Let‘s see how this goes...

Frostfire | Amanda Hocking
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I didn't realize going into this there was another series written in this world. Not sure how closely related they are character wise but I did feel a little out of sorts about world building. I liked the action but the romance annoyed me a bit... not sure I'll read the rest.

Frostfire | Amanda Hocking
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Here's my rainbow book stack for #24in48

Frostfire | Amanda Hocking
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4 stars! I finished this book on Thursday and it was really good. And I'm curious enough to follow this series. Also this book has some winter atmosphere, so if you are interested in it, it's time to read it!
Great book for fantasy lovers!

#frostfire #amandahocking #octread #fantasy #magic #romance #ya #review #fiction #czechedition

moranadatter Good to know! I've been meaning to try that series. 8y
Natalia @kmdartist Try it! You never know what You'll love or not😉 8y
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Frostfire | Amanda Hocking
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"Run, white rabbit. As fast and far as you can." - Konstantin Black ????

#frostfire #amandahocking #ya #romance #fiction #fantasy #currentlyreading #quote #magic

Frostfire | Amanda Hocking
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Currently reading the czech edition of Frostfire by Amanda Hocking!

#frostfire #amandahocking #currentlyreading #ya #fiction #fantasy #romance #magic

Frostfire | Amanda Hocking
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"Remember my name. Because I'm going to be the one who kills you." - Bryn Aven

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Frostfire | Amanda Hocking
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If you want to read a book series with a strong female lead I would say to read this series. Bryn is an absolute bad ass.😄😝😎

Frostfire | Amanda Hocking
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Pretty good, I have the second book on the way. The big issue I had was the editing and spelling mistakes! 6 pages in there was a blatant mistake and on several occasions they mixed up the feminine and masculine spellings of 'blonde/blond'. I just hope the second book doesn't have these mistakes.

Frostfire | Amanda Hocking
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Liking this so far despite the one nagging typo near the beginning.

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Frostfire | Amanda Hocking

Loved this book, it was like a re-introduction to the world that Amanda Hocking had created in the Trylle books and as the story progressed, I loved the book more! What an ending though!

Frostfire | Amanda Hocking

The start of a very entertaining troll trilogy.