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Dublin: Foundation | Edward Rutherfurd
The epic novel from the bestselling author of Sarum, Russka, London and The Forest. Edward Rutherfurd's great Irish epic reveals the story of the people of Ireland through the focal point of the island's capital city. The epic begins in pre-Christian Ireland during the reign of the fierce and powerful High Kings at Tara, with the tale of two lovers, the princely Conall and the ravishing Deirdre, whose travails echo the ancient Celtic legend of Cuchulainn. From this stirring beginning, Rutherfurd takes the reader on a graphically realised journey through the centuries. Through the interlocking stories of a powerfully-imagined cast of characters - druids and chieftains, monks and smugglers, merchants and mercenaries, noblewomen, rebels and cowards - we see Ireland through the lens of its greatest city.
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@Cuilin #bookedintime

I did it! This was a chunkster. Physical and audio helped me get through it. There are so many characters! It spans from 430 AD to 1500ish. I thought it gave a good look at pre Christian Ireland and the move towards Christianity, from tribal life and politics to the Crown. He did an excellent job keeping the characters individualized and I didn't have any trouble following along. I loved how women were represented 👇

ChaoticMissAdventures Throughout. They were strong, capable, and smart. There are a few scenes where the women really showed up that will stick with me for awhile (flashing a monk who decided to join the monastery instead of marrying you? Good for you Kayla!). I probably will not read the 2nd one but this was very good. I also liked how religion was spoken of. My only negative is I didn't always get as much of/closure on some characters as I would have liked. 6mo
Cuilin Congratulations 🎉🫶🇮🇪☘️seriously impressed. (edited) 6mo
Ruthiella Well done! 👏👏👏 6mo
marleed I read this last March - I was so proud of myself for finally getting to it - and then I really liked it! 6mo
ChaoticMissAdventures @marleed I was surprised how much I liked it! And it was really not difficult to read, even with the intimidating size. 6mo
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#weeklyforecast I have the tagged on audio for #BookedInTime made a huge dent in it yesterday while doing chores around the house, and am really enjoying it. Once I finish it I have A Day In The Life of Abed Salama.
Picking away at the Women's Prize, started The Maiden and so far I am liking it more than I thought I would.

monalyisha I like your decor! Great curtains & chair (& cat 😸). 6mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 6mo
brittanyreads Your home is delightful! 🏵️ 6mo
ChaoticMissAdventures @monalyisha @brittanyreads thank you!! I love these curtains, they were my big splurge from Anthropology when I bought the house. I need color to get me through the long Oregon grey days. 6mo
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This chunkster is one of my favorites by this author. I loved losing myself in the myth, history and characters. If you haven't read this author but love an epic read spanning decades I highly recommend this author.

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Determined to honor the memory of my ever-livin-lovin‘ most Irish of sisters, I planned to persevere through this tome. Often with sweeping generational sagas I‘m caught up in a specific generation then loose interest when the old breed dies off. But not here, I was all in from beginning to end - and that‘s 1100 years of the fictional Fegus clan moving though historical Irish events!

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Dublin: Foundation | Edward Rutherfurd
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Thanks @CarolynM for the tag! I am posting a favourite author for #Ispy . All Edward Rutherfords books are richly researched historical fiction generally set over hundreds of years.
I would like to tag @Curiouser_and_curiouser and @CindyE09 and the colour is pink of course😘😘

Curiouser_and_curiouser Hi! Thanks for tagging me 😊. I've never played #ispy before. So, do I try and find books with pink covers?? 4y
Freespirit I think so @Curiouser_and_curiouser . I hadn't played it before either😂 4y
CarolynM 👍 4y
Curiouser_and_curiouser @Freespirit ok, cool, thanks, I'd love to play :) 4y
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1. Ireland!
2. Very windy! Mid-70s.
3. My date was rude to our waitress. I was appalled. No second date!
4. 1 fur baby- 🐶


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Look at me reading sagas. Who knew?

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Also read this one a few years ago; I need to pick it up again soon! The words “epic” and “saga” are best used to describe the tale of Ireland‘s lush history. It‘s not a quick read, but Rutherford did his homework and wove a lovely tale alongside many true events.


I was listening to the audio and just couldn't get into the story or the characters. I think if I had the physical book I'd have enjoyed it more. I've read many of his other books and loved them. I'll have to try again later.

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vkois88 ☘☘☘ 7y
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Dublin: Foundation | Edward Rutherfurd
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Looking for buddies! Anyone up for a read? Any book is a go for me! Beginning of March would be perfect for example. I am a bit too excited about the books I just got! #buddyread #yearofchunkster

drokka I could finish Sarum (I'm about a third in). I also have Name of the Rose, Game of Kings, and Cathedral of the Sea on my TBR. I could do any of those. What's the one under the Dunnett? (edited) 7y
Tove_Reads @drokka Cool! I will def read the Cathedral soon. Under Dunnett is (edited) 7y
LeahBergen What a great pile of some favourite reads. 7y
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Tove_Reads @LeahBergen I am almost panicking. Can‘t decide which one to tackle first. #firstworldproblems 🤪 7y
Dulcinella Which one is the one about stonehenge? I like most, but read the times traveller‘s wife and part 1 of Masters of Rome ( though I would reread that) Allways interested in buddyreading. 7y
Tove_Reads @Dulcinella Sarum. It‘s big as a house! 7y
Dulcinella I‘m willing to tackle it. It looks like a great book. I would read it in my native language though. 7y
Andrew65 @Tove_Reads As big as a very big house! @Dulcinella Let me know when you read Sarum and I will join you. I do need to read 7y
Andrew65 @Tove_Reads second half of Match is good for me. @Dulcinella (edited) 7y
Dulcinella Ok for me :-) 7y
Tove_Reads @Andrew65 @Dulcinella I will have time to read until Easter week, so will have to start a bit earlier than second half. I mean, it must take a decade to read the book 🤪 7y
Andrew65 @Tove_Reads @Dulcinea Let me know the date you want to start and I will swap some things round 😊 Only a decade! 7y
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Just finished this book - a wonderful walk through the history of Ireland from the beginning of the pagan era through the middle ages. I highly recommend reading Rutherford's historic fiction novels as his character development and storylines are wonderful and make you forget you are getting a history lesson.


What an amazing journey! Edward Rutherfurd's ability to weave historical events with fictional families and the trials and tribulations they endure thru the generations, never ceases to amaze me and keep me immersed. A great epic saga of Ireland.

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The end is in sight! An 800 page book but enjoyed every word so far! Waiting for the big finale...hope there is one.

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So one of things I do to make a living is design and sell jewelry. When I'm not working my other full time job or gigging (music) I sit here at my bench. And wish I were spending more time reading this lovely book 😩

tpixie You are busy!! 7y
BooksAndChopsticks @tpixie yes it keeps me out of trouble! 7y
tpixie Lol 😂🎉🤗 7y
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Halfway thru this epic saga!
#edwardrutherford #litsypartyoftwo

PurpleyPumpkin How is it so far? It's on my endless tbr. 😊 7y
BooksAndChopsticks Pretty good! I'm into historical fiction right now (but it's an easy read) and the families and characters are very interesting! 7y
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"For a moment, Osgar caught his breath. The upper lake was large, about a mile long. As its quiet waters stretched before him between the high, rocky slopes that rose through the trees it seems as though they might have emerged from an entrance into the mountain itself."

Lake Ontario catches my breath the same way ?

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Sun goes down at Lake Ontario cottage country but that's what iPads are for 🤓. Really loving this epic read! #litsypartyofone

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Starting this mammoth read tonight. Laid on the mammoth Molly, she didn't stir one bit 🤣
#freshbook #idratherbereading

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I have read London, Paris, and New York by #edwardrutherfurd and I loved all of them.
Now to embark on a new historical adventure.
#theprincesofireland #books #imagine #bookworm #escape #read #wordsarepowerful #ireland #edwardrutherfurd

BooksAndChopsticks I'm excited to join this adventure too 🤓 7y
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Dublin: Foundation | Edward Rutherfurd
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Excellent op shopping ?(Or good will shopping as you might call it!) I've read most of these but have wanted them for my bookshelves. So pleased to have the Zora Neale Hurston and the Arthur Golden which I've loved. Fay Weldon was one of my first "grown up" authors when I was a teen. I'm a late entry to Dan Brown, only read it last year but it was fun.

Jeg I love op shops. Means my TBR pile is HUGE. One of the shops has a free book box. I get amazing books from there. Sometimes I have a problem buying new books which are paper backs and cost $32. Love a bargain! 7y
Centique @Jeg yes me too! I almost never pay full price except when I'm buying gifts. How awesome to have a source of free books too 😊 7y
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I know, I know...Dublin is not exactly next door to Belfast, but this is the closest I could come to #belfastchild for today. I've heard so many good things about Rutherfurd's epic novels. I had purchased this awhile back on a deep discount. I'll find time some day to try this. #JuneTunz

TheKidUpstairs I kept finding Dublin-set books too! Apparently my Irish reading has skewed South. 7y
Cinfhen At least you both know your geography 😜 @TheKidUpstairs 7y
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Andrew65 I enjoyed this book! 7y
Librarybelle That sounds good, @Andrew65 ! I've heard a lot of good things about his works, so hopefully I can get to it soon! 7y
BooksAndChopsticks I can't wait to read this! Also wish it will have some northern Ireland in it (as my hubs heritage is also Belfast). 7y
Librarybelle @BooksAndChopsticks Can't wait to read this either! 7y
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Dublin: Foundation | Edward Rutherfurd
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Opening line: "Lughnasa. High summer. It would he harvest season soon." #dublin #edwardrutherfurd #bestseller #book #bookish #bookgnome #firstline #bookcover

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Happy St. Patrick's Day ☘️ Maybe one of these days I'll get around to reading The Rebels of Ireland (book 2) in The Dublin Saga.

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#ilikebigbooks #booktober #day25 this time brought to you by Edward Rutherfurd and his fantastic historical fictions. I need to get myself more of his books.

Texreader I've read some of his books--not these-- but they were very good 8y
msc1977 I have all of his 1st edition hard covers except London. I'm jealous. 7y
brilliantglow @msc1977 I found it at a goodwill bookstore for $3.50😃😃😃 7y
msc1977 Lol that's where I found all mine. One day I will find it. 🤓 7y
brilliantglow @msc1977 yes, you will! Persistence is key haha😁 7y
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As an Irish princess, I recommend this book. :)

I love the way Rutherford shows legend and history through the generations of these fictitious families. He draws you into the mysticism and charm of Ireland. His characters bring this vivid isle to life.

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Epic historical fiction - love it. I already have the second book and will be reading it at some point.