Borderline so-so, but hey, it's the season of generosity 😂 This one kind of felt like someone was trying to write a book based on a Hallmark movie screenplay, but not in a good way. The writing was kind of clunky and character development was abrupt. And who names a human character “Wink“?? There were a lot of scenes like this: Person A: “Please go out to supper with me.“ Person B:“I don't want to date you while things are so complicated“ ⬇
Anyway, it was fine, the characters just honestly didn't make a lot of sense haha
#WinterGames #HolidayBookDragons @LiseWorks
#ReadorDonate (donate!) @julieclair
#WinterCosy #GottaCatchEmAllWinterEdition - Cosy @PuddleJumper
#SnickerdoodleSpirit @Bookwormjillk
#Adventathon @BookmarkTavern 2mo