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Don't Overthink It
Don't Overthink It: Make Easier Decisions, Stop Second-Guessing, and Bring More Joy to Your Life | Anne Bogel
We've all been there: stuck in a cycle of what-ifs, plagued by indecision, paralyzed by the fear of getting it wrong. Nobody wants to live a life of constant overthinking, but it doesn't feel like something we can choose to stop doing. It feels like something we're wired to do, something we just can't escape. But is it? Anne Bogel's answer is no. Not only can you overcome negative thought patterns that are repetitive, unhealthy, and unhelpful, you can replace them with positive thought patterns that will bring more peace, joy, and love into your life. In Don't Overthink It, you'll find actionable strategies that can make an immediate and lasting difference in how you deal with questions both small--Should I buy these flowers?--and large--What am I doing with my life? More than a book about making good decisions, Don't Overthink It offers you a framework for making choices you'll be comfortable with, using an appropriate amount of energy, freeing you to focus on all the other stuff that matters in life.
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I listened to this on audio. Really short audiobook but it had some good info/tips on how to stop yourself overthinking everything - habit I‘m definitely prone to


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“… your thoughts can be your enemy, or you can make them your ally.” Btw, I found myself overthinking while reading this book. 🙄

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Well-written and with lots of suggestions, this book discusses the issue of overthinking/fixating, especially in women. I‘m not sure I‘m the target audience for this book, as I rarely struggle with overthinking - mostly just analysis paralysis. But I did gain more understanding and a few tips & tricks. I especially appreciated the focus on identifying one‘s personal values, completing cycles, and not duplicating the work.


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Yesterday I took Anne Bogel's advice and just bought the darn flowers instead of overthinking it. Best decision! They definitely add a bit more happiness to my day. 🌷

AmyG How lovely! 1y
CarolynM Beautiful 😍 1y
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A really enjoyable book with some great actionable suggestions for getting out of your own head when it isn‘t suiting you. I found a fresh perspective, a reminder to give myself the grace and understanding I give to others, and some clear examples to consider. #BookspinBingo @TheAromaofBooks #20in4 @Andrew65 #Pantone2023 #BlazingYellow @Clwojick #NonFiction2023 #TrueColors @Riveted_Reader_Melissa

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 1y
TheDaysGoBy Sounds like something I could benefit from. I overthink *everything* 😂 1y
Julsmarshall Same, @TheDaysGoBy I hope you like it as much as I did! 1y
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Riveted_Reader_Melissa Sounds good! And very important to remember….we are often kinder to other than ourselves. 1y
Clwojick This sounds intriguing. I‘m a major over thinker. 1y
Andrew65 Excellent 👏👏👏 Think I need to read this! 1y
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#currentread Love reading early when no one else is awake. Let‘s go #20in4 #Readathon! @Andrew65

KateReadsYA Me too. It's my favorite time to read. 1y
quietjenn One of my favorite things about Saturday mornings 😌 1y
Andrew65 Hope it‘s going well. 1y
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I received my #fffs swap today @LeahBergen and @Avanders . Soon excited!!!

LeahBergen And it made it there with the stickers on it. 😆 2y
Avanders 👏🏽👏🏽🍁🍂🎃♥️ 2y
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A quick audiobook with some good points to help one stop overthinking.

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This book was a joy to listen to. I highly recommend the audiobook. I took notes throughout and felt like the solutions and advice offered were realistic and simple. Learning not to overthink takes time and practice, but it‘s something I‘d like to work towards in my life. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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This was a little disappointing. I initially tried the audiobook a few months ago and it was bad (weird cadence and odd breathiness, if I remember correctly). This read like one long blog post in the sense that it seemed like a string of personal anecdotes and musings. I would have appreciated having more research referenced in the text to give it more weight. ⬇️

fredthemoose Several author examples came from a position of a lot of privilege (“should we take the kids to do this expensive thing we can afford while on a vacation we can also afford?”) without acknowledging that or indicating how overthinking might play out when fewer financial resources are available. ⬇️ 3y
fredthemoose It did end on a bit of a stronger note by encouraging the reader to think about the kind of world they want to live in and to try to make decisions to get closer to that world. But otherwise I left with a couple of author stories but not many takeaways I could use for myself. 3y
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Slowly but surely my reading plans for 2021 are taking shape. One of the challenges I‘ve been doing for the past couple years is the Modern Mrs. Darcy challenge, and I‘ve been waiting for it to be revealed. Today was the day!

Well, it‘s a create-your-own-adventure challenge. It‘s an interesting idea, but I‘m kind of doing that already. I‘ll save the worksheets for some meta reading navel gazing and just do the rest of my challenges for 2021.

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I really like Anne Bogel—and her podcast What Should I Read Next, and I really struggle with overthinking. This book didn‘t blow my mind and I wish it‘d had more substance—social science research, a consideration for the root causes of overthinking, and an acknowledgement about how realities like class and race impact overthinking. That said, there were plenty of actionable strategies, and reading this will empower you to manage your mind.

underground_bks Also for all my fellow non-religious folks out there, this is not an overtly Christian book and it‘s wide open for non-believers to read! 4y
Suet624 I had no idea there was such a thing as Christian audio. I guess I should have imagined such a thing. 4y
underground_bks @Suet624 they‘re not very good. I felt like the audio quality wasn‘t super professional. 4y
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This was a quick audio listen that reinforced a lot things that I already do to calm myself the F down. Her stress ball thinking about buying the flowers at Trader Joe‘s made me laugh out loud because for years I didn‘t buy flowers at the grocery store because I felt like they should be a gift or a treat from someone other than me. One day I said “F that!” and bought the flowers. Now I always have some flowers in the house cuz I‘m worth it

Traci1 The flowers are gorgeous! 😍 4y
AmyG Beautiful. I always buy myself flowers. 4y
mcctrish @Traci1 these aren‘t grocery store flowers but the last bouquet of the season from a retired teacher turned flower farmer. Next week I‘m back to the grocery store 4y
mcctrish @AmyG you are smart 4y
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Sitting on the front porch under the light of the blue moon

DrexEdit Gorgeous! Too cloudy where I am which is a shame since it‘s such a lovely fall evening out! 4y
mcctrish @DrexEdit I totally forgot about it until trick or treaters stopped to look at it ( it was lower then ) it‘s been quite spectacular watching it move tonight (edited) 4y
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Easy read to think about overthinking and habits.

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Next in audio

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You know when a book finds you at exactly the right time? I'm loving this one and getting so many helpful strategies from it too!

ItsAnotherJen Sounds like something I should read 4y
CaroPi I read it when the lock down started.... It appeared just in time 4y
valeriegeary @CaroPi love it that kind of book serendipity! 4y
valeriegeary @ItsAnotherJen I'm getting a lot out of it! Both practical strategies and feel-good encouragement! It's a shorter book too which I appreciate. 4y
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Not a huge fan of #selfhelp books but this one was enjoyable. It gave advice on how to apply the techniques to stop over thinking, which I liked. Not super major but we gotta start somewhere. Not a fan of the audiobook, so I switched to pb The audio just...I had to play this super high to hear certain parts but also, I was hyper aware of the mouth sounds in certain areas and THAT - esp towards the end - I couldn't handle. Recommend a physical copy

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At 1st her suggestions all seemed too straight forward, but she added depth & tangible takeaways throughout the book. I love the thought of creating more routines in your life to take away the stress of too many daily decisions. The idea to prioritize decisions based on what‘s important to you was good too. Make weekly traditions, like pizza night, but make it something you look forward to.

“If you care, you‘ll be there. If you don‘t, you won‘t.”

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I probably should read this! I‘m the queen of overthinking! 4y
AvidReader25 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I definitely do it too sometimes! 4y
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This book was short and sweet. I overthink everything, so I appreciated the concept and approach she took to the issue. I really wanted there to be scripture references and biblical tie-ins for her advice, but I always love Anne Bogel‘s warm, friendly voice. I recommend this book. Don‘t overthink it, just read it.

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I enjoyed this one. I have been doing way to much of this lately. This was my #bookbonanza #3 pick.

TheAromaofBooks Someone else read a Bonanza book about overthinking (can't remember if it was this one or not) - did you see the comic I posted for her on the topic?? I'll tag you in it. 😂 4y
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A charming little read with plenty of personal anecdotes and some good, easy tactics to help you from overthinking. I‘ll be re-reading, for sure.

Book 10 for #bookspinbonanza

TheAromaofBooks This reminds me of a comic where the guy is staring at a calendar on the wall saying something like “hmmm... did I or didn't I? I think I did. Not much though... okay, I'm going with yes!“ and then makes a check, and then you see that the calendar is labeled “Did I Overthink Today?“ 😂

Anyway, awesome Bonanza progress!! And this actually does sound like a helpful book.
janeycanuck @TheAromaofBooks hahaha - love that!! 4y
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#LMPBC Round 8 - #GroupJ
@suvata @DarcysMom @sprainedbrain
I can‘t believe we are almost done with this round. On Monday I will be mailing Don‘t Overthink It to @Chili

sprainedbrain This round is going fast! 4y
suvata @sprainedbrain it feels like that to me too. Maybe because all the books have been so good. 4y
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Oh, Happy Day! The Modern Mrs Darcy Summer Reading Guide is out...and I couldn‘t even fit all of them in this picture! I can‘t wait to dig into these!

mcctrish I just screen capped this so I could remember it and I‘m so excited 4y
GinaKButler @mcctrish I look forward to this list every year! 4y
mcctrish Me too! And with all this staying home, I feel like doing a HUGE book order 4y
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With #bookspinbonanza, I‘ve paused all my regular “rules” for my monthly TBR - instead I‘ve got just my book spin books, my #potteraday and my #PemberLittens #chapteraday of Sense and Sensibility, along with Jane Austen‘s letters, which I‘m going to try to read along with the novels. Looking forward to seeing how far I get this month!

TheAromaofBooks Yes!! I have a similar plan. Most of my Bonanza list are older reads I've been meaning to get to for a long time, so I'm pretty stoked about getting some of them checked off! 4y
Linsy Impressive, setup! 4y
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Please read this book. No seriously, don‘t overthink it 😜
Thanks @annebogel your examples were uncannily relatable!

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This book is a true gift. I listened to it, as I‘m still waiting for my pre order to crawl it‘s way to me and all, with our covid 19 lockdown here. I‘m looking forward to reading the paper copy and taking some notes. There‘s so much I could apply to my life and I hope that I do it. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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This was full of great ideas to help you avoid overthinking and find more joy and simplicity in life. It also has a fantastic list of recommended resources at the end. Well done, Anne, and thank you! #mmdbookclub #modernmrsdarcy #mmdreading

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I‘ve always enjoyed Anne‘s podcast, and I like her writing, too. Put this one off for a while because I don‘t really identify as an overthinker, and sometimes hearing/reading about people‘s overthinking stresses me out! But I read this anyway and thought it had plenty of useful ideas and tips. 🙂

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Chili I can‘t wait to read it. 😁 4y
DarcysMom @Chili I am on line at the post office right now. It is on it's way to @sprainedbrain 4y
rubyslippersreads You mean I should overthink how to read this book about overthinking? 🤣😂🤣 4y
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Sunday morning plans: finishing this up so I can mail it out tomorrow!
@suvata @sprainedbrain @Chili

Cathythoughts Too late for breaking old habits 😳🤣🤣 4y
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Discovered another hidden oasis to read.
#isolationbuddy #keeplitsypositive #tbr #whereiread

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One of the things that makes me happy during this pandemic time of social distancing is how the book community has tried to support authors. Author and podcast host Anne Bogel has a Stay at Home online book tour for authors who‘ve had their IRL tours canceled. See her Instagram for details. Author Wiley Cash has a similar thing going where he highlights one book a day via his email list. #KeepLitsyPositive

Nute Super cool! 4y
LoverOfLearning Wow that is amazing, sometimes people are awesome. 4y
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Man this book couldn‘t have come into my life at a more PERFECT time. Don‘t Overthink It by Anne Bogel is the exact self-help book that I needed to cope with the craziness of 2020 so far. But not only that, this book helped me with a lot of things that I‘m hung up on currently but know I need to get over, things that have made me feel stuck in the past, and so much more.


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I went to BN today to pick up my online order of these totes. And I bought another copy of this book since I gave mine to a colleague-great message during these times!

Tamra Super totes!! 4y
Crazeedi ❤❤ those totes 4y
LiteraryinLawrence What cheerful totes! 4y
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Sharpeipup I just got that book. 4y
DGRachel Those are cute totes! 4y
Graciouswarriorprincess @Tamra @Crazeedi @LiteraryinLititz @DGRachel Thanks! They are really cute totes and large! I was surprised plus one pocket on the inside. @Sharpeipup You were part of the launch team with me, correct? 4y
Sharpeipup No, I wasn‘t but so excited to read it now! 4y
SW-T Cute totes! 😊 4y
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#BookReport @Cinfhen

At least I finished one book. 🙄

Don't Overthink It just showed up this morning and I'm looking forward to reading it, though I wish the library had it as an audiobook because I love her voice.

Our schools are closed until April 6 so it looks like I'm going to have plenty of time to read.

Cinfhen A book finished is always a win❤️Did u like it!??? 4y
Sace @Cinfhen I did. I might go back and actually with my eyes instead of my ears next time. 4y
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On today's episode of Unabridged, Ashley, Sara, and I discuss Anne Bogel's newest book, Don't Overthink It. We share our own tendencies to overthink and the most valuable advice we're taking away. Check it out if you overthink (and I'm guessing you do!), if you have advice to share, or if you just love Anne Bogel as much as we do!⠀

Let us know what you think!

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I am definitely an overthinker. About just about everything. So I‘m really looking forward to this book-I can say I didn‘t think twice about buying the flowers at Costco 🌸 🌺 🌸

Hooked_on_books I love tulips. Those are beautiful! 4y
Lola @Hooked_on_books I do too! They are making me so happy 😊 4y
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#LMPBC Round 8 - #GroupJ
@suvata @Chili @KMax @DarcysMom

Did @Chili pick a book yet?

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A conversation with Anne Bogel and Roxanne Coady at RJ Julia‘s Booksellers in Madison, CT. Bogel is the author of three books (including the tagged one), the mind behind the “Modern Mrs. Darcy” blog, and the host of the podcast “What Should I Read Next?”

Butterfinger Her new book came out yesterday. 4y
Amiable @Butterfinger Yes! This is the first stop on her book tour! 🙂 4y
MallenNC I love her! I preordered her book but it hasn‘t arrived quite yet. Looking forward to it. 4y
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wen4blu I love her podcast! 4y
Amiable @MallenNC @wen4blu I know! I love her podcast, too! 4y
UwannaPublishme How cool! I love both of their podcasts. 🙌🏻 4y
Amiable @UwannaPublishme The event was recorded —it‘s going to be an upcoming episode of “Just The Right Book”! So you‘ll get to hear it! 4y
ljuliel I listen to her podcast every week. 4y
Amiable @ljuliel Have you listened to “Just the Right Book” with Roxanne Coady? That podcast is good, too. 4y
ljuliel @Amiable I‘m not sure. I‘ve leafed through a few other book related podcasts. I‘ll look that one up and give it a listen. Thanks. 🙂 4y
UwannaPublishme Yay! Looking forward to listening! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 4y
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I am leaning heaviest toward Don't Overthink It. However, the others look good too.

@suvata @Chili @Kmax #LMPBC #round8 #groupj

suvata They all look good to me. 4y
Chili I have read The Book of Speculation. The Holdout and Don‘t Overthink It are on my TBR. I haven‘t heard of the third one. 4y
Krisx I‘m excited to read that it looks very good 4y
Chili Yay! I was hoping you would pick that one! 🤞🏻 4y
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Don‘t Overthink It.

Just buy the book. This book makes sense in our busy world!

Happy book release day to Anne Bogel! She is the host of the What Should I Read Next podcast and Modern Mrs Darcy blog! Modern Mrs Darcy.

I participated on this launch team led by Caleb Peavy because I love Anne‘s books! Buy the book and also #buytheflowers, too!

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I knew this book was for me in the first chapter when I read one definition of what overthinking looks like: "Sometimes it looks like worry. We might feel stuck reviewing something we've done in the past or imagining something that might happen in the future.” Anne's book reinforces an idea I have found to be true: that our thoughts have a huge effect on how we live our lives, and we must "learn to tend our thoughts with care."

BusyBookmark Love Anne Bogel!! 4y
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This fantastic little volume is out today! I can not recommend it enough. Because of this book, I just went on a little trip to Louisville to meet the author. I also got to meet some other new and encouraging friends, and to have some brand new experiences that were very out of character for me. This morning, I am putting into practice one of her tips by making a ritual out of my morning tea and journaling. It is so peaceful! Thank you Anne!

Graciouswarriorprincess I am jealous that you went to the party! I hope that you had a blast! I am on the launch team too. 4y
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Coming up in March 2020 ...
#suvataPicks #MarchTBR #Bookstagram

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Thanks to partner NetGalley for the digital ARC of Anne Bogel‘s Don't Overthink It: Make Easier Decisions, Stop Second-Guessing, and Bring More Joy to Your Life. The book releases on March 3.⠀

I learned so much from Anne Bogel‘s new, brilliant book Don‘t Overthink It. (One thing I learned is the likely reason I have procrastinated writing this review: ⬇️

UnabridgedPod as a perfectionist, I want my review to be perfect, and since I know I can never fully communicate just how relevant and powerful I found the book, I just keep putting off beginning my review. But, I‘m writing it. That means progress past perfectionism, right?!)⠀

Check out the rest of my review at unabridgedpod.com, and watch for our upcoming episode, all about Anne's new book.
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Look what arrived today! Surprise book mail! I am on the launch team for this book and love it! #overthinkbook #bookmail

Mariposa_Bookworm That is AWESOME!!!! Anne Bogel is one of my favorite book people! 4y
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