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Jim Henson: The Biography
Jim Henson: The Biography | Brian Jay Jones
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Jim Henson: The Biography | Brian Jay Jones
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I learned so much about the brilliant Jim Henson and all of his creative ventures in this compressive and fascinating bio. What an impact he made in the TV & film industries. I even got to meet Jim and visit the incredible NYC Muppet HQ back in the day. Whenever he was starting a project, his mantra was always: “Let‘s do something to make the world a better place.” He left us too soon.😢

MemoirsForMe Pictured: Jim Henson and the Fraggle Rock characters; and Frank Oz and Jim Henson with my fave Muppet Rowlf. Oz created Miss Piggy & Grover, voiced Cookie Monster among others and also bantered as Bert with Henson‘s Ernie. 7mo
AkashaVampie Glad u loved ur pick. 7mo
MemoirsForMe @AkashaVampie Thanks again for inspiring me to play! I‘ll be ready to roll next week. 😊🎲 7mo
AkashaVampie @UwannaPublishme ur welcome! Perfect.. can't wait to see what u roll 7mo
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Jim Henson: The Biography | Brian Jay Jones
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Finally finished my #BookishMonopoly board! 😅 I‘m not as creative as @AkashaVampie and @Jari-chan , so I used a template by #ElaineHowlin and embellished it with a bunch of bookish stickers. My first roll was 8 and I landed on #Nonfiction. 🎲 So I chose this Jim Henson book that @Beatlefan129 reminded me was on my Kindle.
Thanks for hosting and inspiring me to play, @AkashaVampie ! Now I need to learn more of the rules!

Jari-chan Your board is beautiful 😍 So glad you joined in. Enjoy your book 😊 8mo
Deblovestoread This looks fun! 8mo
AkashaVampie Ur board is gorgeous hun. Yay!! Happy u could join us. As for the rules. U can do whatever u want. I do 5 rolls at a time, sometimes 10. I do it that way so I can jump right into another book after I'm done one. I believe @Jari-chan does 1 roll at a time. Do what works for u. Just Roll & Read. 8mo
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AkashaVampie @Deblovestoread it is fun! Feel free to join in. Check some of my posts. 8mo
Jari-chan @Deblovestoread It is! 😊 I love playing it 🤭 8mo
mrp27 Neat! 8mo
MemoirsForMe @AkashaVampie Thank you Krysti! The stickers and template definitely saved me. 😁 And I did borrow several prompts from your beautiful board. Love these rules too, especially since I‘m a slow reader. I‘ll start with one roll at a time and see where it leads. Thx again for hosting such a cool challenge! 🤗❤️📚 7mo
MemoirsForMe @Jari-chan Thanks again for encouraging me to play. What a fun way to get to my many TBRs! Happy reading to you too! 7mo
MemoirsForMe @Deblovestoread @mrp27 Yes! Come join the fun! 7mo
AkashaVampie @UwannaPublishme u honestly can do what u want. For my community chest & chance, I have 2 cups that I pull from. So it's kinda like TBR Jar mixed in. And u are so welcome! Happy to help. 🤓 7mo
MemoirsForMe @AkashaVampie I love your idea for the chance and community chest cards. I may have to try that down the road. I am still in awe over your 5 or 10 rolls at a time. Wow! Happy Reading to you! 7mo
AkashaVampie @UwannaPublishme thanks. I just like having options when I read. And depending what I have on my list, it might not be available to me at a certain time. 7mo
Amiable This was such a good book! I didn‘t realize Jim Henson had such a subversive streak. Loved it! 😀 7mo
MemoirsForMe @Amiable Oh, I‘m loving it already! 😃 7mo
Nameera Hello guys. I am a Clinical psychology student trying to study the psychological well-being empathy and fantasy engagement among Fiction and non fiction readers. It would be great you you take time to fill this form
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Jim Henson: The Biography | Brian Jay Jones
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I grew up with Sesame Street, The Muppets, and Fraggle Rock so I really enjoyed reading about the man who brought them all to life. Jim Henson was a truly exceptional person—creative, collaborative, generous, silly. At times this book could get a little bogged down in minutiae, going through the events of Henson‘s life in almost daily detail. But overall I enjoyed learning more about his life and the incredible contributions he made to puppetry.

Karisa I have the Fraggle Rock song stuck in my head just reading the words Fraggle Rock 🤣🤣🤣 Watched and loved all those shows too! 9mo
MemoirsForMe I‘ve had this book on my Kindle forever. You have inspired me to put it on my next #BookSpin list. I must dust it off and read it now. 8mo
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Jim Henson: The Biography | Brian Jay Jones
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Jim Henson: The Biography | Brian Jay Jones
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1. I loved the tagged book when I read it a few years ago.

2. My favorite genre is Horror and Stephen King reigns supreme.

3. I love lots! Mary Roach, Carl Safina, David Sedaris, Rachel Carson, David Grann, Brian Jay Jones, David Attenborough, Jenny Lawson, David Sedaris, and I could keep going... 😀

Thank you for the tag @Eggs 💚

Eggs ❤️❤️ Mary Roach ❤️❤️ 4y
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Jim Henson: The Biography | Brian Jay Jones
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OH NO, I checked out too many audiobooks and I want to listen to them all right now.

Jim Henson: The Biography | Brian Jay Jones
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#ProgressItNovember #CrushTheRush #NovelNovember


This was a Libby “available now” loan & WOW! I learned so much from this read. A longer listen and so worth every minute. I can‘t wait to 👀 my favourite🎞 (Labyrinth) later.

Mr. Henson was definitely way ahead of his time (thought & tv/movie technology wise) & I am deeply saddened that he never got the chance to “play” into his geriatric years🥺

DieAReader This is book 6 (2 ebooks, 3audiobooks & 1 short story) of November. Book 98/115 4y
Andrew65 A great man! 4y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Great job! I'll have to recommend this to my boyfriend. I think he'd really enjoy it. 4y
DieAReader @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Great idea! I learned a lot & really enjoyed it🥰 4y
Addison_Reads I loved this book too. 💚 4y
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Jim Henson: The Biography | Brian Jay Jones
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Thanks, @AmberWB - my immediate reaction when I got your Kindle book gift was to flap my arms in the air a la Kermit the Frog! The Muppets are dear to my heart, so I‘m super stoked to have this book!

Thank you! 🐸 🙌🏻


AmberWB 😊😊 I grew up with The Muppet Show and still miss it! I hope the book is good! 5y
CBee @dariazeoli is the #kindlitsy master list up to date? My list is super old - should I check Library Thing? 5y
dariazeoli @CBee yeah, the LibraryThing list is your best bet since anyone can update, add or remove themselves! 5y
dariazeoli @CBee It‘s tagged at #kindlitsymasterlist if you need the url 5y
CBee @dariazeoli awesome, thanks! 😁 5y
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Jim Henson: The Biography | Brian Jay Jones
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Really brilliant. Not just a fascinating person but impeccably researched - from primary sources - and engagingly written. Despite the support and cooperation of the family this is not a hagiography- Henson comes across as incredibly human with great talents balanced by some significant flaws. Long but worth it.

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Jim Henson: The Biography | Brian Jay Jones
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Next nonfiction read from the library!

Addison_Reads I loved this one. 💚 5y
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Jim Henson: The Biography | Brian Jay Jones
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Listened to this at the suggestion of a Litten and it was really interesting! I didn‘t know much about Jim Henson - watched some muppets/muppet babies growing up but that was about it. He sounded like a remarkable person - we need more people in the world like him. It was a much longer audiobook than I‘d thought and the beginning was a touch slow. After that though, it was very intriguing

Addison_Reads I enjoyed this one too. 💚 5y
emz711 Ooo on my tbr! 5y
TheDaysGoBy Forgot to add this was my second book of #BFC2 5y
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Jim Henson: The Biography | Brian Jay Jones
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#BFC2 Hit my step count today. Yesterday not so much given that I‘d worked from home to help recover from my cold. I did fit in a 15 minute walk at lunchtime though, which I didn‘t do today - I work on the 36th floor and with my ears all messed up I‘ve been trying to limit the up and down in the elevator 😂 I do seem to be on the upswing though so hopefully I can get more active

Also been busy listening to the tagged audiobook


Laughterhp Great job! 36 floors! That‘d be a terrifying elevator ride for me! 5y
jessinikkip Wow, great job hitting your goals!! Is that Fitbit you are using that looks like that,or something else? 5y
TheDaysGoBy @jessinikkip Yeah it‘s a Fitbit. My favorite part is seeing how many steps I do when I go to Disney and how long I‘m in certain sleep cycles for 😂 5y
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TheDaysGoBy @Laughterhp It‘s not so bad. Not like it‘s a glass elevator. But it‘s high enough that it‘s been messing with my ears. Now though I can finally get them to pop a bit so that should help 5y
TheSpineView Doing so good! 5y
hes7 Way to go! 👏🏻💪🏻 5y
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Jim Henson: The Biography | Brian Jay Jones
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A little #RainbowConnection to go with all the #RainbowStacks today!

JazzFeathers Did you do it? I'm always in awe when l see the de rainbows. It must take forever to make one. 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @JazzFeathers I did, over a year ago now...and now I just repost it when these prompts come up because it did take awhile. 6y
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Jim Henson: The Biography | Brian Jay Jones
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I am left in awe of Jim Henson and all he created. I enjoyed this book immensely! Puppetry has always fascinated me and hearing about how some of my favorite characters came into being was inspiring. The last chapter almost brought me to tears. I'm thankful for a childhood filled with Muppets, Fraggles, Sesame Street, and so many other creatures from Henson's imagination. 💚

This is a long audiobook, but to me, it was worth every minute.

Crazeedi The picture is just amazing 💕 6y
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Jim Henson: The Biography | Brian Jay Jones
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Today's audiobook while working is the Jim Henson biography. I've always been fascinated by Henson's creative genius. So far I'm really loving the book and learning quite a bit about a fascinating man who taught me so much through his wonderful Muppets. 💚

Any other Henson fans out there?

Hooked_on_books 🙋🏼‍♀️ Big muppets fan! I wanted to BE Miss Piggy when I was a kid (now, not so much). I love this picture. Very interesting to see two men bringing Ernie to life. 6y
JoScho Me! My mom raised us on Hensen and Kermit 💚 6y
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Jim Henson: The Biography | Brian Jay Jones
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This book dragged a bit for me, but I'm not sure if it was due to the writing or the reader on the audiobook. Whatever the case, I felt like it did get a little too into the Henson family history at the start. After that it smoothed out, though there is some hero worship involved. I know Henson was a beloved personality, but at times this book gets a little messianic about him. Still a good presentation of his life story, which is what I wanted.

Crystalblu My husband and I were crying in the parking lot of a hardware store at the end 😭 6y
JTRobertson Yes! And the worst part was how avoidable his death was in hindsight. 😭 6y
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Jim Henson: The Biography | Brian Jay Jones
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I went to the Museum of Moving Image over the weekend and they have a wonderful exhibit on Jim Henson! I just had to share this, since it is of my favorite character. 😍

Jess Piggy! 6y
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Jim Henson: The Biography | Brian Jay Jones
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What a lovely reason to do a giveaway! Thank you @robinb These are just 3 of the books I love that have #alltherightstuff !
Jim Henson - the Biography
Anne of Green Gables
The Telling

robinb Thanks for entering/sharing! Believe it or not I‘ve never read Anne of Green Gables (shocking!), but I‘ve loved the film adaptations. I‘ll check the other two out as well! 😊❤️ 7y
DivaDiane @robinb Not shocking! I read it for the first time last year (I don‘t how I missed it, though) and I‘m 48. But it really does tick all the warm fuzzies boxes! If you love the Muppets and Sesame Street you should appreciate the JH Biog. And The Telling is just a beautiful story about the power of storytelling by my fave author. 7y
robinb @DivaDiane oh good, glad to hear I‘m not the only one not to have read Anne early in life. 😊 Yes, the Henson book sounds great, and I‘ll definitely look into The Telling. Thanks so much! 7y
DivaDiane @robinb My pleasure! 7y
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Jim Henson: The Biography | Brian Jay Jones
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#giveaway @BarbaraBB

I became a member in February, but somehow I didn‘t really get into it at the start. I “rediscovered” Litsy in August and since then I‘ve been enjoying it very much!

I love the Muppets, Sesame Street and all things Jim Henson. This was a really interesting biography.

BarbaraBB Great choice! 7y
Bookzombie I‘m glad you rediscovered Litsy! 7y
DivaDiane @BarbaraBB Sorry kind of a lame review. 🙄It was very enjoyable and Henson was simply brilliant and achieved so much in 57 years. He was a visionary and the biographer does a good job of showing his failures as well as his successes. 7y
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DivaDiane @Bookzombie Me too! It‘s a lot of fun and a positive place! 7y
BarbaraBB Not lame at all!! 😘 7y
TK421 I want to be one of the old guys in the balcony on the Muppet Show when I grow up.😀 7y
DivaDiane @TK421 I would like to be Ernie or Big Bird. Adulting is boring. 😜 7y
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Jim Henson: The Biography | Brian Jay Jones
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For you @TK-421 for your #Dreams quote


merelybookish ❤️💙💚💛💜 7y
TK-421 🌈🐸❤️ I had to sing this as I read it! 👏👏 7y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @TK-421 Perfect! That‘s what I was going for!😉 7y
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Jim Henson: The Biography | Brian Jay Jones
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This man made my childhood magical! Big ♡

Jim Henson: The Biography | Brian Jay Jones
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I'm liking this so far, but sometimes the author veers a little off topic. Like, why are we talking about the childhood of the person who invented the television right now? 🤷‍♀️

tpixie 😳😝 7y
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Jim Henson: The Biography | Brian Jay Jones
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A few highlights from the Jim Henson exhibit yesterday (I was too wiped to post last night after we were done). This exhibit was absolutely incredible. I was raised on just about everything his studio worked on, and to be able to see Count Von Count, Red Fraggle, Kira, the clothes worn in the ballroom scene of Labyrinth, and so much more - and to wander through it with my parents and husband, who share it all with me - just made my heart so full.

Jim Henson: The Biography | Brian Jay Jones
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SQUEEEEEEE!! Got #bookmail today and I CANNOT wait to start #reading . I did my university dissertation on Jim Henson and have always been a huge Muppet fan. I've got a substantial collection of #books on both Jim and his work so I'm super chuffed I get to add this to it.
#jimhenson #muppets #muppetfan #biography #puppetry #puppets #alltimehero #reader #readmorebooks #bookstagram #bookishwench #excitedmuch #newbooksftw #missyoujim #shhhimreading

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Jim Henson: The Biography | Brian Jay Jones
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I finally started this last night on audio. I was a little reluctant at the beginning because the narrator started doing Kermit impressions and I didn't like the first couple. He was okay after some warm ups. 😂

Jim Henson: The Biography | Brian Jay Jones
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One of the best books I've read so far this year! A wonderful, through read about a creative and kind man who touched the lives of so many. A joy to read.

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Jim Henson: The Biography | Brian Jay Jones
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Using biographies feels like a dishonest way of doing the #propernames prompt, but I saw these while scanning the shelf and had to. Two artists with profound influences on my childhood, two complicated men with fascinating stories. #ReadJanuary

LauraBeth I've wanted to read both of these books forever! 8y
shelf-improvement @LauraBeth Both are so good. I especially loved the Henson book. The Muppets have a special place in my heart. 8y
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Jim Henson: The Biography | Brian Jay Jones
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My lists are coming along. My goal for #LitsyAtoZ is to read my own books. I'm finding this difficult though, because there are so many books that start with the same letter! I don't remember, can we use the author's name as well as the book title? That might help! Some of my lists will overlap, but I set a lofty goal of 160 books this year, so I'm going to try not to overlap too much!

LeahBergen You can do the mixed title/author route 😀 8y
bookdrunkard78 @LeahBergen Awesome! That will make organizing the list easier! 🙄 8y
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Jim Henson: The Biography | Brian Jay Jones
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I had a hard time with today's #octphotochallenge of #mancrush , because my first instinct is to promote more Neil Gaiman. So, I added him because I crush on his writing. I added Jim Henson because I have always "had a crush" on his genius. John Lennon because I crush on his poetry and the fact that he was before his time. For my character crush, Harry Dresden, who walks on the wild side, but always seems to end up on the right side of things.

josie281 The Jim Henson bio was a fascinating one! Good choices.! 8y
bookdrunkard78 @josie281 it's actually up next on my TBR! I can't wait to read it! 8y
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Jim Henson: The Biography | Brian Jay Jones
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This is my favorite bookmark. It makes me smile whenever I come across it. #bookmarks #booktober @RealLifeReading

britt_brooke Love! 8y
StephBengtson So good! I love Animal! 8y
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ApoptyGina69 Animal is the greatest!! 8y
Bookzombie I love this! 8y
LeahBergen 👍🏼👍🏼 8y
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Jim Henson: The Biography | Brian Jay Jones
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When I was 8 I took the $10 I received from my grandmother for my birthday and bought a stuffed Kermit. Looking forward to reading this biography.

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Jim Henson: The Biography | Brian Jay Jones
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Taking my son back to Maryland for his junior year, and decided to start reading this bio in honor of one of Maryland's most illustrious alumni. Jim Henson '60. Go Terps!

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Jim Henson: The Biography | Brian Jay Jones
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May's book haul, and there's more in the mail. Anyone have a nicer way of saying they need to go on a "book buying ban" cause it just sounds so mean. But I'm super exited to dive into these! ??

BookishFeminist "Book Buying Hiatus"--that has to at least make it sound like a choice, right? LOL 8y
Amandajoy @BookishFeminist that does make it sound less permanent, I may go with that. 8y
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