An excellent way to live life. #thinkpositivebepositive
Thank you for the tag @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks
An excellent way to live life. #thinkpositivebepositive
Thank you for the tag @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks
Day 29 of #30DaysOfGratitude
Today‘s prompt is Old Movies.
Some of my favourite old (old is relative here) movies are:
The Wizard of Oz, The King and I, The Sound of Music, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Mary Poppins, Grease, Dirty Dancing Footloose. Lots of musicals and of course classic animated Disney 😋
Today I am thankful for:
1) My dryer
2) Lazy Sunday reading
3) All the Disney/musical dates I have had with my friends over the years :)
Day 28 of #30DaysOfGratitude
Today‘s prompt: Books you wish you could read again. What are some books you‘re so grateful for you wish you could read them again for the first time?
Some of mine are:
1) The Secret Garden
2) Interview with the Vampire
3) Pride and Prejudice
4) Memoirs of a Geisha
5) The Hobs Bargain
I‘m sure there are many more but these are the ones off the top of my head :P
Day 27 of #30DaysOfGratitude
Today‘s prompt: Go for a walk. Step outside on your porch. Take a deep breath and be thankful. We are so lucky to live in a world with adventure and the great outdoors.
I had a nice evening walk with my boyfriend and the dog. It‘s a frosty evening today too! ❄️
Today I am thankful for:
1) Living in a green area
2) Fresh frosty weather
3) A warm house
Day 24 of #30DaysOfGratitude
Prompt: what is your favourite positive or inspiring quote?
“You‘re braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” Winnie the Pooh
Today I am thankful for:
1) Finding some motivation to clean!
2) Living near more than one pharmacy (the first didn‘t have my tablets)
3) Music (listened to some Ghost and Papa Roach during my brief cleaning spree)
Day 23 of #30DaysOfGratitude
Today‘s prompt: Walk outside and breathe in the fresh air. Take a moment to think about how good life is. We get to wake up every day and start fresh. You can grow your life or begin again. You can stay the path or take the fork in the road. You are awesome!
I am grateful for:
1) My local market
2) Catch ups with friends (on FaceTime)
3) Happy greetings from the dog 🐶
Day 22 of #30DaysOfGratitude
Today‘s prompt: We‘ve made it to a new week! Relax. Take a deep breath and say thank you for everything that passed and welcome to all good things to come. Laugh a bit today.
Today‘s gratitude:
1) Fresh Air
2) Relaxing Sunday
3) A weeks annual leave starting tomorrow, so no work next week!!! (I‘m not doing anything exciting, just tidying and reading ☺️)
Day 21 of #30DaysOfGratitude
Today‘s prompt: I truly believe you should use your mind to bring about amazing changes in your life. And it all begins with gratitude. Be thankful. Be kind to others and yourself.
Today I am thankful for:
1) Comedy
2) Lazy mornings with the doggy
3) Cuddles
Day 19 of #30DaysOfGratitude
Prompt: Thank you to audiobooks and narrators! What is your favourite audiobook and narrator?
I am trying to get into audiobooks. I struggle to get into the fiction ones, but have found (auto)biographies a bit easier :) I am however thankful that my boyfriend has gotten into them (Star Wars) as he isn‘t much for print books!
Today I am thankful for:
1) The privilege of car ownership
2) Baking
3) Old friends
Day 18 of #30DaysOfGratitude
Today‘s prompt: Please be kind to yourself. You are an amazing human. Be yourself. Let your weird flag fly today. Do something nice for yourself even something as small as a moment to breathe and smile.
Things I am thankful for today:
1) The new starters at work are comfortable asking me questions
2) Time to read over lunch
3) Evening dog walk
Day 17 of #30DaysOfGratitude
Today‘s prompt is books! A secret library would be great! Maybe hidden behind a bookshelf because yay for more books!
I am reading:
Little Women for #ThatsClassic
A discovery of witches
Between the stops (audio)
And Madam
Hopefully I will start that next Mercy book on my list soon!
I am thankful for:
1) Imagination
2) Authors
3) Book mail
Day 16 of #30DaysOfGratitude
Today‘s prompt: Food! I enjoy cooking. I don‘t enjoy dishes. Today let‘s give thanks for all the wonderful foods we get to eat. What‘s your favourite recipe?
I also like to cook but don‘t like dishes 🤣
We made an excellent Turkey burger a little while ago https://www.simplyrecipes.com/recipes/herbed_turkey_burger/ I also like making banana bread :)
Today I am thankful for:
1) Hand blenders
2) Chocolate
3) Water
Day 15 of #30DaysOfGratitude
I don‘t have tiktok, but I have heard there are lots of great videos :)
Today I am thankful for:
1) Fresh laundry
2) Affectionate pets
3) Leftovers
Day 14 of #30DaysOfGratitude
Today‘s prompt is to take a moment to say/do something nice for someone :)
Today I am grateful for:
1) @jb72 for hosting this challenge (can you believe it‘s been 2 weeks already?!) as it does seem to be lifting my spirits! :)
2) My Grandad (who I spoke with on the phone today)
3) A day set aside for just relaxing and reading
Day 13 of #30DaysOfGratitude
Today‘s prompt: “This new day is too dear, with its hopes and invitations, to waste a moment on the yesterdays”
Wake up and be awesome today! Be kind to yourself and others. Take a deep breath and forget about the little annoyances and rejoice in the little indulgences in life.
Today I am thankful for:
1) Finding some new jeans that fit!
2) Homemade vegetable soup
3) TV streaming services
Day 12 of #30DaysOfGratitude
The prompt today is to say thank you to your mode of transportation!
So thank you to my Corsa. You have served me well through standard work days to odd shifts, and in all weathers. Plus grocery shopping is so much easier than when I was between cars!
Today I am grateful for:
1) Technology
2) New socks (no holes!)
3) Compliments :)
Day 10 of #30DaysOfGratitude
I couldn‘t try today‘s prompt (see if you can get through one day without falling back on negative thoughts. If you start to , reflect back on all you have to be grateful for) due to time differences! My day was almost over 😂
But I will definitely try this tomorrow!
Today I am grateful for:
1) Home cooked, winter comfort food (I am trying out beef and suede casserole tonight)
2) Sleepy pets
3) Acknowledgement :)
Day 9 of #30DaysOfGratitude
Post your favourite positive poem(s). This is one of my favourites, though I don‘t know who wrote it! A version of it has been my Facebook cover photo for many years now :)
Today I am grateful for:
1) Deliveries from my local market (I am inundated with fruit, veg, salad, and meat now)
2) Calculators
3) Dishwashers
(Very domestic ones today!)
Day 8 of #30DaysOfGratitude
I had plenty of puppy time while reading this morning :)
But yeah I need to work on self care really!
Today I am grateful for:
1) My dryer
2) Crisp autumn air
3) Chai tea ☕️
Day 7 of #30DaysOfGratitude is #Caturday!
As much as I love my dog, I grew up with mainly kitties, and if my boyfriend wasn‘t allergic I would definitely have one! Memes and pictures of my family kitty (he is probably 16/17 now) will have to do.
Today I am thankful for:
1) The Election result (hopefully this will mean good things for the UK too)
2) Roast dinners (on a Saturday. Sorry not sorry)
3) Fresh bedding 🥰
Day 6 of #30DaysOfGratitude
Here are some pictures of some of the beautiful nature close to my current home. Most of them are walks we go on with the dog straight from the house. The beach is just a little bit further (15 min in the car) and we try to take him a couple times a year to get him used to moving water. He isn‘t convinced!
Today I am thankful for:
1) Takeaway Food
2) Cosy, fluffy socks
3) Warm showers
Day 5 of #30DaysOfGratitude
Today I am thankful for:
1) The pup not being tooooo afraid of the fireworks (he is much happier now both of us are in the house with him)
2) Seeing my work friend on her last day in the office before her maternity leave
3) Ready meals. Sometimes they are just needed 😂
Day 4 of #30DaysOfGratitude
I am feeling a bit down today after my last hoop class before lockdown (at least a month) but I am thankful for the supportive people I have met there. There are a couple of girls who encourage me to get back in and keep trying, and let me know that they can see me progressing, which helps on days I don‘t feel productive!
Today I am thankful for:
1) Dog walks in the leaves 🍁
2) Long distance phone calls
3) Books
Day 3 of #30DaysOfGratitude
3 books that have inspired me/changed my life for the better
1) Feel the fear and do it anyway (the first self help book I ever owned!)
2) The Raging Quiet
3) Eat, Pray, Love
I‘m sure there are more... :)
Today I am thankful for
1) Work friends
2) Doggy daycare
3) Central heating
Day 2 of #30DaysOfGratitude
3 amazing things about me:
1) I often push my boundaries (in a good but not too scary way) e.g. with hobbies, at work, trying new things
2) I am a good friend
3) I don‘t worry about what others will think of my appearance (though I do need to work some more on how I think of my appearance). No one else‘s opinion on my hair or tattoos etc matters :)
I‘m thankful for:
1) Autumn leaves
2) An early finish
3) Aerial Class
30DaysOfGratitude , #Gratitude
@jb72 @Bookworm54 @AkashaVampie @ErinSueMReads @AsYouWish @AnneFindsJoy
My 3 Things I am grateful for:
1. My car - did such a great job with the snow today :)
2. Microwave - without it I would starve!
3. People who go out of their way to make others feel great and just a bunch of great friendships I have made through this group :) Thanks again!
I haven‘t been great at the whole gratitude thing lately so I am going to try extra hard to be positive by getting involved with #30DaysOfGratitude :)
Day 1: 3 things I am thankful for
1) Puppy cuddles. I am lucky that I have such a cuddly dog 🐶
2) My very supportive boyfriend. We have our moments but he really does support me in my life choices!
3) The lovely litsy friends I have made through groups like #NewYearNewYou. You are all fab ☺️
1. Cozy blankets. I‘m happy we‘re finally at the curling up with a book and a blanket season.
2. Warm socks 🧦 They‘re what‘s been luring me out of bed all week.
3. Hot tea. Nothing is more relaxing than 🍵
#30daysofgratitude #gratitude @jb72
Day 1.
Three things I am grateful for today:
1. Hot tea. I can make it through mornings or Sundays without tea.
2. Sunshine. How can you not be happy on a sunny day?
3. Darkness. I like this time change. I‘m a night person and I‘m really cozy and comfortable in the dark days of winter. Though that might change by January. lol
#30daysofgratitude #gratitude
November 1: we will start out with a nice easy prompt today. Name three things you are grateful for. It can be anything at all. Easy. Intense. Nice. Deep. Whatever comes to mind.
1. Scout - So incredibly blessed to still have Scout after the accident last year. Thank you!
2. Heat for the house - many years we start off with no heat when the weather turns cold. Thank you!
3. Litsy! Wonderful place! Amazing people!
In November I‘ll be hosting a #30daysofgratitude challenge. I know most everyone has been feeling the pressures and strains of 2020. It is time to take a step back and be grateful. I truly believe in the power of gratitude and kindness. I‘ll be posting a prompt every day regarding gratitude or encouragement or something along those lines. If you‘d like to be tagged, let me know below.
@ElizaMarie Thank you so very much for the #litsylove
These past few days have been challenging. My SO son totaled my Tahoe on Saturday. I was having a hard time dealing with it. Then this surprised arrived and really lifted my spirits. The lip balm is super nice! And I LOVE my bookmark!!
Read 8 books - Read 2 so far.
Daily gratitude & mini meditation -
Week 1: 2x meditation & gratitude
Week 2: 3x meditation & gratitude
Week 3: 4x meditation & gratitude
Week 4: 2x meditation & gratitude
I‘ve been less than successful on my goals of meditation and gratitude. I did start a scripting journal and am working in that a few times a week so that‘s a success. It‘s more difficult to find “me time” with the SO is home. ⬇️
Saw this online and had to share. #gratitude
“Gratitude turns what we have into enough.” ~ unknown
#keeplitsypositive #keepitpositive
#BFC is back with @wanderinglynn (thank you so much for hosting again)
Head on over to her page and sign up!
My goals:
Read 8 books
Daily gratitude and mini meditation - I want to really focus on creating an “attitude of gratitude” as I feel it is so important to focus on the positive to bring about more positivity.
#wondrousWednesday @Eggs
☘️ I didn't realise it's a long list 😁🤔😉
#BookSpin #AuthorAMonth #MiddleGradeMarch #heyCarrots #theProfessor #ReadingWithMaja
- Slow with #ReadingEurope2020
- my own reading plans
#rereadingRamotswe20 #ReadingMM
☘️🌿 #QuotsyMar20
☘️🌳🍀 No-work day, so time with children. Pile of work waiting for me to clear ;p
☀️🌞☀️ to shrink laundry pile 😀🌞😁
@Come-read-with-me @megnews @NeedsMoreBooks❣️