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Finding Audrey
Finding Audrey | Sophie Kinsella
A New York TimesBestsellerFrom the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Shopaholic series comes a terrific blend of comedy, romance, and psychological recovery in a contemporary YA novel sure to inspire and entertain.An anxiety disorder disrupts fourteen-year-old Audreys daily life. She has been making slow but steady progress with Dr. Sarah, but when Audrey meets Linus, her brothers gaming teammate, she is energized. She connects with him. Audrey can talk through her fears with Linus in a way shes never been able to do with anyone before. As their friendship deepens and her recovery gains momentum, a sweet romantic connection develops, one that helps not just Audrey but also her entire family.From the Hardcover edition.
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Finding Audrey | Sophie Kinsella
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4/5 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑 #sophiekinsells

Finding Audrey | Sophie Kinsella
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Stopped to admire these flowers while listening to tagged #audiobook

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Finding Audrey | Sophie Kinsella
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YA story about a teenager recovering from depression and acute anxiety in the aftermath of a campaign of bullying by girls at her school. An enjoyable quick read, although I found the controlling mother extremely irritating.

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Finding Audrey | Sophie Kinsella

I read it because of the wonderful, realistic, and hilarious depiction of the modern household. With the overwhelming fear of the control of video games, the grounding, and the lack of parent date nights, this book reflects parenting 2000 children so well. This book is what I read when I'm homesick and need a reminder of my family. It will forever hold a place on my bookshelf and in my heart.

Finding Audrey | Sophie Kinsella

This book has become my comfort book throughout the years, and no it is not because I share the same name has the protagonist or the same facial features. The story discusses mental health in a simple way for the reader and gives a nice insight into the truth behind living with an anxiety disorder. Yes, there is a cute romance between our protagonist and a realistic love prospect but that isn't why I read this book every few months.

Finding Audrey | Sophie Kinsella

I recommend Finding Audrey for many reasons. First, the language used is understandable for people near my age. It's not overly descriptive, but also not too simple. I feel like 14-year-old Audrey would write it exactly like how Kinsella did. Secondly, you can relate to the characters and their lifestyles. For example, Frank (Audrey's brother) and his addiction to gaming. It could also be going to Starbucks, a recurring event in this book. +

keisha + Overall, Finding Audrey is an entertaining and relatable read. 4y
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Finding Audrey | Sophie Kinsella

The story would change in terms of place because even though there can be people with anxiety all across the world, in some places, professional help isn't available or affordable. Other factors such as the current state of the place, or any government issues in that place, could affect the story events, as well. If time changed, anxiety would be looked down upon from those who don't have it. It's ableism. We still see it today.

Finding Audrey | Sophie Kinsella
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Audrey had some kind of traumatic experience at school (it‘s never explained, which I like) and suffers from severe anxiety that has upended her family‘s life. When her brother invites a friend over to play a video game, Audrey finds herself interested in a new person, but nervous about his reaction. When Linus is kind and patient, Audrey finds the courage to inch out of her safe habitat.

I like the way the author describes how anxiety feels.

Finding Audrey | Sophie Kinsella
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Hmm. I think I‘d rate it as a So-So. I didn‘t dislike it, but it wasn‘t one I‘d highly recommend either. This was my #bookspin for October @TheAromaofBooks 🧡

TheAromaofBooks I've had mixed luck with Kinsella. 4y
Crazeedi I read one of hers I liked, and every other one I've tried was nah(shakes head) 4y
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Finding Audrey | Sophie Kinsella
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Sometimes you just need a light hearted Kinsella book 😊 Really enjoyed this one.

Finding Audrey | Sophie Kinsella
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I was completely and totally spoiled by @ElizaMarie for the #llfs #litsylovefallswap
Eliza, thank you so much for the thoughtful gifts. I love that you included local Vermont items and the books you picked were perfect. You blew me away with your thoughtfulness! I can‘t wait to enjoy all the books and goodies! @Bookgoil

Crazeedi She outdid herself! Such a thoughtful gift! Enjoy! 4y
Bookgoil Wow what an amazing swap!!! Love all the goodies and do I spy Attachments I love Rowell!! 4y
ElizaMarie Oh yeah I‘m so glad you enjoyed it!!! I‘m gonna be opening yours tonight :) I am at work now (I can‘t wait!!!) 4y
VanChocStrawberry @Bookgoil Rowell is one of my auto-buy authors, but I didn‘t own a copy of Attachments. This completes my collection! ❤️❤️❤️ 4y
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Finding Audrey | Sophie Kinsella
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I haven't read much of this book so far, only about 20 minutes, but Audrey's actions seem to be deceiving the other characters. Audrey informs her mom about the video game Frank (her brother) is addicted to and this only made her mom even more skeptical. It makes her more uptight whenever she sees Frank. Audrey also lies to Felix, her younger brother. It's a small detail, but she does distract Felix through a small lie.

Finding Audrey | Sophie Kinsella
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Young adult fiction, romance, comedy
I've always wanted to read a book that was light-hearted, or comedy based. The books I've read before usually had serious tones or themes, so I wanted to start off the year with something different. In this book, the main character, Audrey, suffers from an anxiety disorder. The mention of anxiety interested me, even though I don't know much about it. I'm hoping to learn more about it in this book.

Finding Audrey | Sophie Kinsella
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So, I looked for a nice Sophie Kinsella book to read while decompressing from A Little Life! This was typical of her books but also different. It has Kinsella‘s great dialog and humor, it has some of the darkest stories I‘ve ever seen by this author. Something happened to Audrey that has caused her to become agoraphobic and she always wears dark glasses. Can‘t be around most people. But...things improve.

Amoon I‘m thinking of starting a podcast reviewing my favorite books and films. Any suggestions for the show? Format? Podcasts you like that I could use as a model? 4y
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Finding Audrey | Sophie Kinsella
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Sophie Kinsella for the YA crowd. It was fine. I've read much more engaging YA, but I'm not the target audience, so who cares what I think? Worth a try. . . .

Finding Audrey | Sophie Kinsella
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Book Started: 11/5/19
Book Completed:11/13/19
Audrey is a girl who is suffering from a slight mental illness from an accident that happened in school. She got traumatized by the accident and is now homeschooled. Fortunately, she met Linus who is a boy who got her to be more courageous by doing crazy challenges, to help her to be cured. In her journey about her illness she made a documentary called,“My serene and loving family“.

Finding Audrey | Sophie Kinsella
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My current read. Has anyone else read this one yet?

Finding Audrey | Sophie Kinsella
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It's an honest look at the life of a teenage girl suffering from severe anxiety. I loved Audrey's crazy family, who fight all the time but love each other all the same. I'm glad this book does not show audrey having miraculous recovery at the end, in fact shows how its often a one step forward and two step back process. The fact that what actually happened to Audrey is not revealed makes me a lil bit mad tho. Also, we all need a friend like Linus.

Finding Audrey | Sophie Kinsella
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Started this today. I related to Nina Hill when I read it but I think I relate to Audrey more! Curious to see how this ends😬

Finding Audrey | Sophie Kinsella
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This book was really good. Audrey's a pretty realistic, relatable character. The book deals with depression, anxiety, and bullying.

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Finding Audrey | Sophie Kinsella
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Enjoyed this little YA comedy about a family healing. Glad I finished it, bc not even #hufflepup is getting me away from Stranger Things this 4th. 😂💕

Finding Audrey | Sophie Kinsella
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A cute but not too light book about a teen with severe anxiety and her journey to get better. There were some good discussions amongst the different characters about her disorder that hopefully sheds light on the subject. I was interested in this because my oldest daughter suffers from severe anxiety as well. #LLB19 #fromyourownlitsytbr

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Finding Audrey | Sophie Kinsella
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Audrey is struggling with an anxiety disorder caused by bullying at school. We see her road to recovery through her eyes as her family tries to support her. Much of the story focuses on her brother Frank and his fights with his mom regarding his addiction to gaming. The plot feels as though it is leading to a big reveal about what happened, but we never get there. The structure threw me a bit because of that, but the rest of the story worked well.

Finding Audrey | Sophie Kinsella
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I couldn‘t put this down today and am up way past my bedtime probably driving my husband crazy with the light on 😂. This was such a great look at anxiety and what it is like to have this crippling depression and disease that haunts you when you just want to be normal. This was funny and strong and so well written. I recommend this one 💯❤️❤️

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Finding Audrey | Sophie Kinsella
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I enjoyed this book. Love Kinsella's writing. Definitely recommend...

Finding Audrey | Sophie Kinsella
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This was a fast, cute read. Definitely YA, but I appreciated the discussion of medication for mental health and the need to stick with it!

Finding Audrey | Sophie Kinsella
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#HeatOfJuly Day 28: Occasional feelings of #SheAintWorthIt as Audrey is diagnosed with seasonal affective disorder. As Fats noted: “We aren‘t told exactly how it happened, only that it was triggered by something that happened in school, and ever since then she has stayed home and found comfort in her dark den.” Fats and Iphigene do a “conversational review” of this lovely book here: https://wp.me/pDlzr-a63

Cinfhen I usually like Sophia Kinsella books...not familiar with this title 6y
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Finding Audrey | Sophie Kinsella
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Library reading, already a chapter in & all I can say is bitch is crazy..

Finding Audrey | Sophie Kinsella
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#ReadingResolutions • May 16|Current Book Quote • I really enjoyed this book today, especially the audio narration!

Finding Audrey | Sophie Kinsella
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My local used bookstore had a 50% off sale for their 45th anniversary! My book collection has increased by 26. The tagged book is the find I was most excited about 😁 #bookhaul @NicoleElizabeth

Finding Audrey | Sophie Kinsella
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This is a great book! I wish we knew what happened to Audrey, but the book is about how Audrey gets better. I love Audrey's family and how they love each other even when they are upset with each other. There is humor and touching moments. I read this as my last teen book for the SWON Teen Reading challenge.

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Finding Audrey | Sophie Kinsella

There is something so disconnected in the story that the book became really hard to complete. The way the events folded in the story were unrealistic. The problem portrayed was genuine but the solution was again unrealistic.

Finding Audrey | Sophie Kinsella
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There are so many things I have to do right now, but I felt like some light reading would help with the stress. I got this one as a clearance ebook, but I was excited about it since Sophie Kinsella is my go-to for light, fun reading.

Lacythebookworm We‘re blanket swap buddies!! Questions: do you own the books on your Litsy TBR? Do you have a Goodreads account? 6y
cornfedwellread @Lacythebookworm Hi! I do have a Goodreads account, but I haven't updated it in awhile. The only one on my Litsy TBR that I own is It Devours, and that's because I just bought it today haha. I also have a copy of The Elegance of the Hedgehog, but it's in French. How about you? 6y
Lacythebookworm I have Goodreads (and a shelf of “own haven‘t read)and I don‘t own anything on my Litsy TBR! 6y
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paperbacksandlotsoflaughs My kind of reading ❤ 6y
cornfedwellread @Emilyjayne This one did end up dealing with some heavier topics than most of her books, but it was still handled with the same sense of humor. 6y
paperbacksandlotsoflaughs Yes I was shocked when I first read it like you say not how her books are usually but very well done and still her amazing writing x 6y
rather_be_reading ur makin me hungry! 6y
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Finding Audrey | Sophie Kinsella
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Finding Audrey | Sophie Kinsella
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My first fiction book of 2018.... 4 days in and I‘m slacking 🙃 all whilst my lb sits beside me watching grown adults playing Lego on YouTube 🙄

PurpleyPumpkin I‘m finding that I‘m slacking a bit too. I thought I‘d get so much reading done since I‘m still off work this week, but it‘s not happening as planned. 😅 Love your cup btw! 7y
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Finding Audrey | Sophie Kinsella
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Purposefully setting my 2018 goals low because #yearofthechunkster

Sorry. Not sorry.

I love the start of the new year and the chance to do better. Here's to 2018 friends. Hopefully 30 is my best year yet. 😉

MicheleinPhilly Yep. I‘m not doing any specific challenges but I don‘t want to put any pressure on myself. There is enough stress in my life without stressing about reading. 7y
OrangeMooseReads I upped mine to 75 from 50 this year. I‘m not doing any challenges or setting any other kind of goal for myself, exception of 1 challenging or chunkster book. 50 books is nothing to sneeze it‘s almost 1 a week. 7y
readsusieread Hey! I turn 30 this year AND I set my goal to 50 books! Are we the same person? 6y
Ashley_Nicoletto @readsusieread I have a feeling we would be friends in real life. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 6y
readsusieread @Ashley_Nicoletto we totally would be. 👭 6y
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Finding Audrey | Sophie Kinsella
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First book of 2018 finished and it was adorable.

Bookcation74 I have had this one on my bookcase for awhile now - need to get to it! 7y
SusanInTiburon To me the cover looks like Where‘d You Go Bernadette? (edited) 7y
Ashley_Nicoletto @Bookcation74 It just happened to be available on Libby so I listened to the audiobook. I liked it a lot. Quick listen. 7y
Ashley_Nicoletto @SusanInTiburon It does and I own that one but have never read it. 7y
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Finding Audrey | Sophie Kinsella
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The bf is shoveling the snow while I eat cookies with my coffee and make breakfast bowls. 😂🤷🏻‍♀️

BookKenz I just finished that book and I listened to it on audiobook too! Such a fun read. 7y
Ashley_Nicoletto @Kenziejo So far it's great! And it listens really quickly. 7y
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Finding Audrey | Sophie Kinsella
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I selected this book because it is about a young lady who suffers from Severe Anxiety which I can relate to all too well. It consumes my life but I am happy I have a great support system to help me take baby steps to overcome my anxiety attacks!

Finding Audrey | Sophie Kinsella
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"And yes, I appreciate most people would not equate low-level Starbucks chatter to a rock concert. All I will say is: Try living inside my brain for a bit."

Finding Audrey | Sophie Kinsella
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Finding Audrey | Sophie Kinsella
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Finished this last night because I woke up at 3am with wicked heartburn. 🙄 I'm not that upset over the lost sleep though, because I have so enjoyed this book. The characters made me laugh out loud, time and time again. I love Sophie Kinsella. I have enjoyed every single one of her books.

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Finding Audrey | Sophie Kinsella
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Tonight's audiobook. 🎧

Jen_Reads I've been meaning to read this. 7y
Clwojick @Jen_Reads loving it so far. 7y
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Finding Audrey | Sophie Kinsella
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O M G!!! What an awesome book this was!!! Unfortunately I finished it earlier today so now I am a book short for my trip lol!!! #happyreading

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