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Tornado Weather
Tornado Weather | Deborah Elaine Kennedy
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Tornado Weather | Deborah Elaine Kennedy
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Dad fell this morning. 😔 Once again, we are still lucky that nothing was broken, but we had to call 911 for help getting him up. I am still just super exhausted and painful myself trying to keep the plates spinning… #SpoonieLife

HOWEVER, I was happy to look back on Jo‘s page and find April‘s #roll100! I am very excited for Tornado, especially since we‘re headed into tornado season here. Looking forward to reading a few of these!

Cinfhen Sorry to hear your dad fell…again 😫I remember I liked Tornado Weather but I really can‘t remember anything about it anymore #NoRecall 1y
Megabooks @Cinfhen thanks friend! 💕💕 well, if you liked it, hopefully I will too! 1y
Bookwormjillk I‘m sorry to hear that. I‘m glad you have some good books on the horizon though. 1y
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JenReadsAlot Sorry to hear about your dad. Sending good vibes your way! 1y
Dragon Sorry your dad fell - thank goodness there were no broken bones. Sounds like you‘ve got some good reading ahead. Take care of yourself 💚🐉 1y
NatalieR Wishing you and your family peace and healing. 💜 1y
dabbe Keeping your dad, you, and your family in my thoughts. ❣️ 1y
Deblovestoread Sorry about your dad. Hope there are no lasting effects 💜 1y
Leftcoastzen Hope you‘re dad is ok.It‘s a lot , hugs to you 1y
Megabooks @Bookwormjillk thank you! And me too. 💜 1y
Megabooks @JenReadsAlot thank you! 1y
Megabooks @Dragon thanks! 🥰 v happy he‘s just stiff and sore. 1y
Megabooks @NatalieR thank you 💜 1y
Megabooks @dabbe thanks so much 💕 we‘re nearing the end of daffodils here, but they were lovely while they lasted. I hope you‘re still enjoying them! 1y
Megabooks @Deblovestoread thank you 💜 me too! 1y
Megabooks @Leftcoastzen thank you! 💕 it is. I wish I didn‘t alway feel so overwhelmed. 1y
BarbaraBB I am sorry your dad fell again. Does he use a walking aid? It‘s still such a lot for you to deal with. I enjoyed Tornado Weather too. Now off to find #Roll100 April. 1y
Megabooks @BarbaraBB he does. Quad cane is the American term. A bit more stability than a regular cane, but he was in the kitchen making breakfast without his leg brace on this morning. Naughty. He caught quite a lecture from mom for that! (She‘s mastered lectures as an oldest sister/teacher/mom, and when I told her it was enough lecturing, she said, “I‘m not lecturing; I‘m telling him how to do it right.” Still unsure how that‘s not a lecture. 🤔🤣) (edited) 1y
LiteraryinPA I‘m so sorry, Meg. 💗 It‘s so much for you to be shouldering, and I hope you can lean on your support network. If there‘s anything you need, let Litsy know! 1y
marleed Oh I am so sorry - that had to be scary. 1y
Ruthiella So sorry to hear that. ❤️ 1y
batsy Hoping your dad is OK. I'm sure this is very difficult. Sending lots of ❤️ 1y
Librarybelle ❤️❤️❤️ 1y
PuddleJumper Wishing your Dad well, hope he is okay 1y
AshleyHoss820 Falls can be so scary. I hope everyone is doing well! 🧡 1y
Singout So sorry: I‘m a spoonie too, although I don‘t live with my folks. My dad fell, although he doesn‘t know why, a few days ago, and has been in the hospital for heart monitoring. He‘s quite chipper, but it‘s still stressful. Sending support. 1y
dabbe @Megabooks They're just starting to bloom! 🥰 1y
Centique Oh your poor dad and I feel for you and your mum too. It is so frightening when they fall and so hard to get them up unless you are well and strong yourself - even then you may need two people! Best wishes for a stress free week to recover 💕 1y
Megabooks @Centique thanks so much Paula! I know you have a lot of understanding about elder care. 💜💜 His physical therapist taught him a way to get off the ground, but I wasn‘t there when she did, and he couldn‘t remember how. I tried to help him, and I wish I were strong enough just to pull him up myself, but I‘m not. I‘m glad our ambulance service here is very nice and not usually busy. 1y
Megabooks @dabbe fantastic! Enjoy!! 1y
Megabooks @Singout I‘m so sorry! It‘s really scary when you don‘t know what‘s wrong. I hope you can figure it out and fix it. Thank you for the support!! 💕 1y
Megabooks @LiteraryinLawrence thank you so much! It is really nice to have this community. 💜🥰 1y
Megabooks @marleed thanks! It was. 1y
Megabooks @Ruthiella thank you 💜 1y
Megabooks @batsy thanks so much 💕 1y
Megabooks @Librarybelle 🥰🥰🥰 1y
Megabooks @PuddleJumper thanks! He seems to be doing okay today. Just sore. 1y
Megabooks @AshleyHoss820 thank you! Things are okay today. 💜 1y
Bookzombie I‘m sorry about your dad‘s fall and the stress. Taking care of our parents is so hard. My FIL has one of those walkers that has the seat. It sure comes in handy as he can sit anywhere when he needs to. 1y
Megabooks @Bookzombie truth 🙌🏻🙌🏻 I love those rollators, but the way dad‘s foot has frozen in stroke spasticity makes it difficult. (It‘s turned out like ballet first position.) so when he‘s tired he uses a mobility scooter. It‘s too bad because he‘s much faster with wheels. He loves walking with a cart in grocery stores! 1y
UwannaPublishme Falls are so scary. So glad your dad is okay. Sending hugs and 🙏🏻 1y
Megabooks @UwannaPublishme thank you so much! 💜 1y
65 likes42 comments
Tornado Weather: A Novel | Deborah E. Kennedy
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Disjointed narration and confusing timeline. Some of the characters were interesting, but there's not enough of the story about each to really make me care. Just ok.

Tornado Weather: A Novel | Deborah E. Kennedy
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Waiting on my girl at dance class and starting this one.


Tornado Weather | Deborah Elaine Kennedy
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In a small town in Indiana a little girl disappears. The book focuses on the inhabitants of the town and their relation to the girl, daughter of a Mexican immigrant in a community filled with racial tensions.
There were many characters, not one I could identify with. That‘s why it took me some time to get involved but when I did, wow. I suddenly felt for them all. And then that last chapter... highly recommended.

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Tornado Weather | Deborah Elaine Kennedy
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I have been #fancy-ing this book for a long time and now I am finally starting it in the #heatofjuly
I hope it was worth the wait 🤞

Cinfhen I really liked this book, but it seems to be a hit or miss! Hope you like it 6y
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Tornado Weather | Deborah Elaine Kennedy
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Today, while driving from the town where I work and live to Edmonton, I received an emergency weather alert on my phone. It said to seek shelter immediately. A tornado was spotted forming just 3 kilometers from where I was on the highway. The clouds were suddenly green and swirling. Being in rural Alberta, there wasn't anywhere to stop so I had to keep moving. I dont think I've ever been so scared for my safety or felt so alone.

Joanne1 My goodness, how scary! Hope you got to safety. 6y
Louise How traumatic! Thank goodness you are safe! Sending a hug of comfort. 💕 6y
LeahBergen Yikes! 😮 6y
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Jabberwocky 😱 Scary!! 6y
Reggie Yeesh, glad you‘re ok. 6y
LiteraryinPA That‘s so scary! I‘m sorry that happened but relieved that you‘re ok. 💗 6y
Kalalalatja Scary!!! 😱😱😱 6y
TrishB 😮😮 glad you‘re ok. 6y
laurieluna Wowza. Glad you're now safe! 6y
Soubhiville Oh my gosh! I‘m glad you‘re ok. 6y
Tamra Being in a car in any kind of severe weather is frightening! I emphasize! 6y
tournevis Yike... 6y
Beachesnbooks Dang that's terrifying! 6y
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Tornado Weather: A Novel | Deborah E. Kennedy
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Nothing about the first four chapters was interesting or engaging whatsoever. I only DNF about 2-3 books per year and this was the first of 2018.

Tornado Weather | Deborah Elaine Kennedy
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Lunch time reading. On chapter three and I‘m hoping it picks up some.

Tornado Weather | Deborah Elaine Kennedy
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Congrats @IamIamIam on your achievement! Thanks for the giveaway!!❤

IamIamIam Thank you! 6y
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Tornado Weather | Deborah Elaine Kennedy
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Tornado warning! Hanging out in the messy basement. Where in the heck is my book?!

Booknerd2 Stay safe!!! 6y
GarthRanzz Definitely stay safe! Isn‘t it a bit early in the year for tornados? 6y
PenguinInFlight Stay safe!! 💜 6y
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AmyG Oh my. Hope all is well. 6y
Purrfectpages Oh no! Stay safe! 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Oh man. My least favorite part of spring. Keep us posted! 6y
Bloomingjen Be safe. It is storming in Bloomington also. 6y
Coleen @GarthRanzz Never know what to expect — we‘ve had a little bit of everything this week. It snowed 6” on Easter, then all melted the next day. Then today lots of rain & tonight thunderstorms. 🤷‍♀️ 6y
GarthRanzz Seriously sounds like Utah. 70° on Sunday and a little snow last night. I think the whole world is getting crazier weather. 6y
BibliophileMomma It‘s been storming on and off here too. 6y
alisiakae Stay safe! Do you have the tornado warning app? That app is so loud when an alert goes off!! 6y
megt Hope you‘re staying safe! 6y
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Tornado Weather | Deborah Elaine Kennedy

Interesting. I can‘t say exactly why I liked it, maybe the way the individual stories wove around each other. But I couldn‘t put it down.

Tornado Weather | Deborah Elaine Kennedy
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I started this tonight and before I knew it an hour had gone by and I‘d read half the book. Not sure if I‘ll stay up to finish it, but it‘s damn good so far.

Cinfhen I read it! I thought it was interesting and impressive for a #debut 7y
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Tornado Weather | Deborah Elaine Kennedy
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Finished listening to this and had wet eyes. It's not a standard mystery; it unveils the mystery slowly through the multiple POV of the townspeople whose stories are all connected. Reading this is like experiencing a tornado: you know something bad is coming, everything(one) becomes darker and grittier, the only way out is through worse still, confusion, and afterward a strange clarity and peace that settles as slowly and naturally as the dust.

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Tornado Weather | Deborah Elaine Kennedy
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I thought this book started off strong with setting a very ominous scene, but I felt it lost my interest soon after. Every chapter introduced new characters, which is sometimes done well, but I could not keep any characters straight in this story nor did I care to. For the most part, I just kept thinking what is the author's point of this story. Plus, what on Earth was up with the whole reincarnation bit at the end?

Cinfhen I liked this one, although the ending was really unexpected! I thought the author's inexperience was evident but I'd read her sophomore attempt. 7y
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Tornado Weather | Deborah Elaine Kennedy
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I wanted to be crafty so I decided to make a physical #autumnbingo in my BuJo! Got to use all my crafty stuff (i.e. the giant mess surrounding me that is not pictured) and listen to my audiobook (ok and finish Pretty Little Liars...wtf?!).
This is my first litsy bingo, I'm excited.

Tornado Weather | Deborah Elaine Kennedy
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Post Hurricane Harvey read. #afterthestorm #bookpic #readingspot

RaimeyGallant Welcome to Litsy! #LitsyWelcomeWagon P.S. A bunch of us posted Litsy tips a few days back. Check about 9 posts back on my page. :) 7y
Morr_Books Thanks! I'll take a look! 7y
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Tornado Weather | Deborah Elaine Kennedy
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The flap says this is about a missing five-year-old. That may be what the plot nominally revolves around, but so far it's about a whole lot more than that. Not what I expected, but I'm pretty sure I'm enjoying it anyway. UPDATE: I needed a plot with momentum today. This isn't that kind of book.

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Tornado Weather | Deborah Elaine Kennedy
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#BeastsGiveawayChallenge Two debut authors I read this summer which feature #smalltowns 🙌🏻I really enjoyed both books and was surprised how many secrets a #smalltown can hold!

Reviewsbylola Can't wait to read The Dry. 7y
Cinfhen I thought Tornado Weather was better than The Dry... @Reviewsbylola 7y
Reviewsbylola Good to know. I remember you reading it before but other than that I haven't heard much about it. 7y
DebinHawaii @Reviewsbylola I'm trying to get to Tornado Weather (mahalo @Cinfhen !) 😘 this month. 📚📚😬📚📚📚 7y
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Tornado Weather: A Novel | Deborah E. Kennedy
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I was expecting this to be a quick thriller pick, but it was so much more! The book expands beyond the basic suspenseful premise to encompass a whole town, becoming a portrait of a community in transition. Tragic and hauntingly beautiful with a set up that reminded me a bit of Broadchurch's first season.

TheBookStacker I loved broadchurch 7y
mdbstar12 @TheBookStacker Me too! This reminded me of the first season in that it's SO immersive and you really get a sense of the town, not just the crime they're investigating 7y
minkyb I like your review! 7y
mdbstar12 @minkyb Thanks! 7y
MicheleinPhilly Great review! #stacked 7y
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Tornado Weather | Deborah Elaine Kennedy
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When you are hot & grumpy it's nice to come home to #bookmail-especially book mail from a favorite Litten.💙Thanks @Cinfhen !! You worked your magic by mentioning the package today & it showed up in today's mail.😆👍Max🐱says that you have excellent taste in washi/packing tape-although he refuses to wear a bow tie or anything around his neck like the cats on the tape. Mahalo for sending the book-I look forward to reading it & for the sweet note!💙

Cinfhen I don't blame Max! He's handsome enough without the bow tie 😘 7y
DebinHawaii @Cinfhen Hah! We thank you. 😽He was on the couch when I opened the box so you know I had to 'collage' it. 🤣😹#occasionalcrazycatlady #catsoflitsy 7y
emilyhaldi More bookmail from @Cinfhen ! The best! 7y
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Tornado Weather | Deborah Elaine Kennedy
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This is less of a mystery and more of a character study revolving around a small Indiana town that serves as a microcosm for modern America and humanity. The narrative is similar to Olive Kitteridge: a series of interconnected short stories that together make up a complete novel. Kennedy writes each of her characters (even the more unsavory ones) with deliberate compassion to reveal the humanity in all of them.

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Tornado Weather | Deborah Elaine Kennedy
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As a montage of flawed, realistic, vividly described characters, this was exceptional. As a novel, though, it didn't work for me. The jacket described this as a novel about a young girl who goes missing in a storm and the impact it has on the town. I would say it is about the ways lives in a small town are entwined -- and they all have a tangential relationship to a missing child. Came together ok at the end, but didn't live up to the hype.

Tornado Weather | Deborah Elaine Kennedy
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This was a tough read for me. Maybe because I grew up in a small Midwestern town – the racism, the anti-LGBTQ sentiments, the sexism and other difficult issues really hit me. It may be an eye-opening read for some. I thought Tornado Weather was extremely well-written – I was instantly immersed into the town and could empathize with even the worst characters. This book may not be for everyone, but I recommend checking it out.

Tornado Weather | Deborah Elaine Kennedy
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Heaping of praise to author Deborah Kennedy??A well crafted literary thriller. While the story is centered around the disappearance of 5yr old Daisy Gonzalez, the heart of this tale is the inhabitants of a small decaying mid western town. Told in multiple POV's we learn every community member has a story to share and every person an ax to grind. In a town where "outsiders" are unwelcome the list of suspects is large. Available 7/11 ????

DebinHawaii Adding it to my unending #TBR stack. 😬📚📚📚📚 7y
Reviewsbylola Sounds great! 7y
Cinfhen It was really good @DebinHawaii @Reviewsbylola but some parts were a bit out there...I'm happy to mail it to either of you! 7y
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Reviewsbylola You were already so kind to mail me Guapa so it's @DebinHawaii 's turn! 7y
Cinfhen If you want it, it's yours @DebinHawaii and I'll make sure not to screw up the postage @Reviewsbylola 😉💕 7y
DebinHawaii @Cinfhen Thank you! I would love it but don't know how soon I can get around to reading it. 📚📚📚📚📚If @Reviewsbylola can get to it quicker she should have it. 7y
Reviewsbylola Lol, I doubt I'll get to it quicker. 😂 @DebinHawaii 7y
Cinfhen Email me at cindyh666 at iCloud.com with your address @DebinHawaii and I'll mail the book when I get back to philly 😘 7y
DebinHawaii @Cinfhen I just sent it to you, Thanks again! 💜💜💜 7y
Cinfhen Got it! My pleasure @DebinHawaii 😘 7y
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Tornado Weather | Deborah Elaine Kennedy
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Switched to this ARC ( @Ms_T 😉) my other book wasn't holding my attention! So far this book is a keeper 👍🏻

Ms_T Jealous! I want an ARC 😤 7y
TrishB That one sounds interesting 😀 and just long enough! 7y
Cinfhen @ms_t I won this one through #GoodReads giveaway 💗it pays to enter!!! 7y
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Cinfhen So far it's really gripping ~ multiple POV's ~ lots of shady characters @TrishB 7y
Cinfhen And yes! Page count is 👌🏽 @TrishB 7y
TrishB Cool 👍 will keep an eye out for that one! 7y
Reviewsbylola Perfect reading spot! 🌴 ☀️ 🌊 7y
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Tornado Weather | Deborah Elaine Kennedy
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I've packed 6 books, (mostly paperbacks -my absolute preference) for 7 days in Florida! #6666giveaway Congrats @Booksandcooks So awesome 💜💜💜

Megabooks Nice! I'm curious about your thoughts on White Fur. Enjoy Florida! 7y
Reviewsbylola I need you to read White Fur and tell me what's up. 7y
TrishB Enjoy the holiday 😀 7y
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coffeewithbooks I live in Flordia 😊 7y
Cinfhen @Abbymom anywhere near Miami Beach? 7y
Cinfhen Because I haven't started reading Exit West, I'm switching to White Fur @Booksandcooks @ReadingEnvy @Reviewsbylola I know @Booksandcooks loved it...#highexpectations 7y
Cinfhen Thanks @TrishB are you back from Paris??? 7y
coffeewithbooks No sorry I'm 2 hrs form there @Cinfhen 7y
TrishB Sadly, yes 😔! Only 3 weeks til next holiday though 😀 7y
Cinfhen Darn @Abbymom I was gonna suggest a meetup! Cool, another trip...#summersAreTheBest @TrishB 7y
coffeewithbooks I know ! 7y
TrishB A family week away and a week off doing nothing (i.e. reading hopefully!). 7y
Cinfhen @TrishB sounds 😇 7y
emilyhaldi Fun! Enjoy!! ⛱☀️ 7y
ApoptyGina69 I, too, am visiting family and I find it's difficult to get "alone time" to read. There's always some kind of activity. I have to announce I'm going off to read! 7y
Cinfhen Hope you get lots of reading time in @ApoptyGina69 7y
kspenmoll Have a wonderful vacation! 7y
Cinfhen Thank you @kspenmoll so far it's great 💕💕 7y
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Tornado Weather | Deborah Elaine Kennedy
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How I'm celebrating the 4th of July and our #FirstAmendment rights!

Gissy You are there in the Happy Place! 🎆🇺🇸 7y
BookishMarginalia @Gissy Yes! 😊🎉 7y
Gissy I'm reading at home. Just let me know on time when will you be there! Ready for another book date🤗there are so many books...not too much time😔 7y
KirstieE One of us is lying is so so good !! I read it in a day and a half , is so addictive ❤️ 7y
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Tornado Weather | Deborah Elaine Kennedy
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Thanks, NetGalley, for this ARC!
Thanks, toddlers, for a few quiet moments this morning! #momlife

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Tornado Weather | Deborah Elaine Kennedy
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If you like The Tsar of Love and Techno by Anthony Marra, you will LOVE this book! Interspersing points of view and different stories contribute to a wider story, one that ends so beautifully it will make you cry. Check this book out when it's released in July of this year.