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L'me de l'Empereur
L'me de l'Empereur | Brandon Sanderson
27 posts | 87 read | 35 to read
La jeune Shai a t arrte alors quelle tentait de voler le Sceptre de Lune de lEmpereur. Mais au lieu dtre excute, ses geliers concluent avec elle un march : lEmpereur, rest inconscient aprs une tentative dassassinat rate, a besoin dune nouvelle me. Or, Shai est une jeune Forgeuse, une trangre qui possde la capacit magique de modifier le pass dun objet, et donc daltrer le prsent. Le destin de lEmpire repose sur une tche impossible : comment forger le simulacre dune me qui serait meilleur que lme elle-mme ? Shai doit agir vite si elle veut chapper au complot nfaste de ceux qui lont capture. Un systme de magie trs inventif au service dune histoire captivante Library Journal
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The Emperor's Soul | Brandon Sanderson
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At just under 200 pages (& 4 hours via audiobook), this high fantasy standalone novella is surprisingly well-developed, complex, unique, and fast paced for it‘s length. I really don‘t know how this man does it! He makes you question what defines art? What makes a soul? Our main character Shai is so intelligent and brave and wonderful. The audiobook was great! I recommend if you want to read a Sanderson without committing to the universe.

The Emperor's Soul | Brandon Sanderson
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Probably the shortest book in existence written by Brandon Sanderson. Very interesting concept, easy to read and you don't have to know anything about the vast Cosmere. I'm in. check out more details about it on the Mind Duck Books podcast episode 45: https://bit.ly/45YaZA3

The Emperor's Soul | Brandon Sanderson

That wired article had some amusing points. Sanderson is a nerd who likes to geek out about his interests! But they're not interesting beyond him! Relatable! He writes so much because he has a strong need and is an insomniac. Makes sense and unsurprising. The rest of it though.... Phew.

The Emperor's Soul | Brandon Sanderson

Very immersive from one of the best fantasy authors. 2nd read as good as the first.

The Emperor's Soul | Brandon Sanderson
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This was my #DoubleBookSpin for May, under GoodReads TBR. I don‘t know why I placed this on my GR list, but I am so glad I did. A fully-fleshed out system of magic, political intrigue, believable characters with depth, in a NOVELLA. This was so great, but with Sanderson, I expect no less.

The Emperor's Soul | Brandon Sanderson
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Jumped on this train! What an amazing Novella! Awesome magick system, awesome plot, satisfying ending! #theemperorssoul #brandonsanderson #novella #fantasy

The Emperor's Soul | Brandon Sanderson
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Not my best reading month.
My workload almost killed me this month, and my reading time were really cut down.

The Hope of Elantris & The Emperor's Soul

#Wrap-up March

bibliobliss Love this post 3y
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The Emperor's Soul | Brandon Sanderson
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Absolutely LOVED it!
This man can do no wrong in my opinion.
To tell a full, well crafted story in only 110 pages is a gift few possess.

I'd love more adventures set within this framework.

adoramichaels Just read this and ready to jump into more of his books! Waiting to save up to buy the leather-bound Elantris on his site! 3y
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The Emperor's Soul | Brandon Sanderson
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I just didn't make #20in4
Got to 19 hours, but my insistence to finish Elantris in the early morning hours is now getting the better of me.

So I'm going to bed!
All the best for everyone else who still have a few hours to get to their goals!

Thanks again @Andrew65 for organising these #readathons

Andrew65 That‘s a great achievement, well done 👏👏👏🙌🥳🍾🥂🍾🥂🥳🚀 4y
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The Emperor's Soul | Brandon Sanderson
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#ThankfulThursday @Cosmos_Moon
I can't wait to see the books posted for this! I love me some magic!

1. I'm an a$$hole so I don't have a lot of friends and I rarely keep in touch when life forces a separation.

2. I am grateful to have my family healthy and for people who wear masks and use social distancing.

3. @sheffner @MySharonaK @effani @eraderneely @BridgetteM @Karen3 @katy4peas @MoonWitch94 @Emilymdxn @vlwelser @Book_Fiend_Melissa

MySharonaK Thank you ❤️ 4y
Sace @MySharonaK you're welcome! 4y
Cosmos_Moon Oh man! This book has 100% Litsy rating... I can‘t resist adding it to my TBR, although that is a million books deep right now. Serves me well to have a deep list when I‘m stuck in airports or make trips to used book stores on a whim. Thanks for joining in this week 💚 4y
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Cosmos_Moon Not that I‘ve been in any airports too recently 😔 4y
KarouBlue #2 is so relatable! 🙃🙃🙃 4y
Sace @MellieAntoinette yeah. Our city has 3K cases. #1 in the state. It's pretty scary. 4y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick 🤣I'm an asshole too and, apparently, still a f*cking delight. I have told friends & acquaintances that I'm quarantining just fine, I have plenty of books, and honestly don't miss people, but they still check in on me. 🤷🏼‍♀️ 4y
Sace @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick 🤣 I get similar reactions. Concerned person - is everything OK? How are you holding up at home. Me- I've been training for this my whole life. I got this. 4y
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The Emperor's Soul | Brandon Sanderson
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This was a great fantasy novella!

The Emperor's Soul | Brandon Sanderson
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This was an amazing story. I want to thank @Nute again for posting about it. This did not feel like the "fantasy" that I find so difficult to read. Yes, there was world building and intrigue, but the plot was riveting and driven mostly by magic. I'm always down for magic.

Nute 💜💜💜💜I‘M SO HAPPY💜💜💜💜 5y
Sace @Nute I'm going to give Brandon Sanderson another try... I'm just not sure which book to try. 5y
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The Emperor's Soul | Brandon Sanderson
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The joys of #FakeFireplaceReading (and crappy phone photography 🤣)

The Emperor's Soul | Brandon Sanderson
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I loved the audiobook. Great story.

The Emperor's Soul | Brandon Sanderson
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I saw this on @Nute 's feed yesterday and it looked really interesting. I am not a fantasy reader. Even though my husband loves it and it is so popular, I just can't seem to get into it. Yet I really want to. This was short so I thought it might be a good entry into fantasy. So far I am hooked!

Nute My heart is fluttering with happiness over the fact that you might be enjoying this story.🥰 I hope that it serves as a good way into wanting to explore fantasy literature. Just like with any genre, every book is not for every reader. In the SciFi and Fantasy category, the type of stories are greatly varied, you probably have to find what appeals to you. I like magic, dragons, medieval settings, swashbuckling and shapeshifters.👇🏽 5y
Nute I‘m excited that you are willing to explore, even though there has been previous non-success, Sara. I have other recommendations if you choose to continue this journey. Happy Reading!😃 5y
Sace @Nute Your tastes sound like my tastes! I think my problem is I can't really get into super dense fantasy (Tolkien for example.) That's my husband's preference so that what we have a lot of in the house. I lean more toward lighter fare (Harry Potter, Piers Anthony, Charles DeLint.) I'm open to recommendations! 5y
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The Emperor's Soul | Brandon Sanderson
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#GratefulReads - Read in One Sitting: This was my introduction to Brandon Sanderson. I was knee-deep in fantasy books always searching for a fascinating magic world to fill the black hole void created by the conclusion of HP. I stumbled upon this beauty in a late night search of ebooks. It was the cover art that attracted my attention. It was the disbelief that BS wrote books under 500 pages that pulled at my curiosity.👇🏽

Nute Then it was this amazing perfectly written little story that held me captive and mesmerized me with its wonder and delight! 5y
OriginalCyn620 👍🏻📚 5y
Sace This looks really good. I struggle with fantasy, but being so short this might be perfect for me. 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Sounds good!!! 5y
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The Emperor's Soul | Brandon Sanderson
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This deserves a second read. I feel like there was so much packed in this novella, and I‘m sure I missed some vital info. But, I still really enjoyed it. It explores so many themes in such a short piece. I especially liked the exploration of what constitutes art. Next time I need to read it instead of listen.

The Emperor's Soul | Brandon Sanderson
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Excellent burst of fantasy packed into this small Sanderson novella. Clever magic, well developed characters for such a short story. Need more Shai. Hopefully we will
Meet her again.

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The Emperor's Soul | Brandon Sanderson
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I was going to start listening to The Poppy Wars, but a whole bunch of audiobooks from my TBR hit Scribd tomorrow, so I decided to start a short audiobook to listen to while folding laundry... and when I saw this, the choice was very simple😊

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The Emperor's Soul | Brandon Sanderson
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I listened to this while doing my nails. 😉

Sanderson is a masterful world builder and such a fantastic story teller! This book was short but so very worth the read! If you like fantasy and you haven‘t read his books yet, you‘re really missing out!

Yeah_I_Read I love those nail polish strips! They don‘t sell them anywhere around me anymore 😢 6y
GypsyKat @Yeah_I_Read These are like 4 years old! 😂 But I order some nerdy ones online recently and it made me want to dig these out. 6y
sunshine_librarian I have at least 3 of those nail things lying around the house. They look so neat, but I'm too intimidated to try them! Maybe an audiobook would soothe my nerves. 🙂 6y
GypsyKat @sunshine_librarian Just go for it! I screwed mine up a little bit that‘s life. 🤷🏻‍♀️ They‘re still fun! 6y
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The Emperor's Soul | Brandon Sanderson
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Starting this short audiobook today. ❤️

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The Emperor's Soul | Brandon Sanderson
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What a fun short story! We are getting snowed in here and this was a perfect book to read in one setting by the fire.

The Emperor's Soul | Brandon Sanderson
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Starting this new audiobook on my commute this morning. I loved Mistborn and Warbreaker, so I'm excited for it! I'm not familiar with the narrator, fingers crossed!

The Emperor's Soul | Brandon Sanderson
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I only managed to read 12 books this month, but since one was almost 1,200 pages, I think I did okay. These are my #bestofmarch, all four of which were fantastic. But The Emperor's Soul was absolutely beautiful. #marchintoreading was a lot of fun, @RealLifeReading . As always, thank you for taking the time to set it up!

RealLifeReading You're welcome! 😘 7y
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The Emperor's Soul | Brandon Sanderson

That was a maxim of good Forgery: improve slightly on an original, and people would often accept the fake because it was superior.

The Emperor's Soul | Brandon Sanderson
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Sanderson is so clever creating interesting magic systems.
#KBreads #fantasy #novella #eAudio

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The Emperor's Soul | Brandon Sanderson
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I read this at my brother's urging. I'm posting it in honor of his birthday today. We both LOVE reading but completely different genres. Stephen King & Neil Gaiman are about all we have in common. This story was not too bad & neither is my sweet little brother.

Riveted_Reader_Melissa Yea for readers in the family! 8y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa And Happy Birthday to him! 8y
Graciouswarriorprincess Happy birthday to your brother! 8y
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