I‘m posting one book a day from my massive collection. No description, no reason for why I want to read it.
I‘m posting one book a day from my massive collection. No description, no reason for why I want to read it.
Laughing out loud funny!
⭐️⭐️• Cranky old lady vibezzz
The audiobook was read by Ephron. The book resonated with me as a woman in her mid 40s. I‘m a very low key, low maintenance person but as I get older I start to fall into the pitfalls of worrying over my neck (luckily still in good shape), wrinkles, & so on. Some of the book is a little dated. Overall I enjoyed it & it was a quick listen. #bookspin bingo
Next on my TBR 📚 I listened to a podcast that mentioned this book so I'm excited to read it!
Ugh, moan, whine, complain. Not funny and irritating narration by the author. Really disappointing.
Really between pick and so-so. I enjoyed this collection of essays from 2006 - it‘s funny, some of them seem very current and some of them seem horribly dated. Especially when she mentions technology, it seems like eons ago vs 15 years. Still, I love her voice and these were a lot of fun. (And now that I‘m in my 40s I can relate to some aspects more than I‘d like!)
Good morning, Littens! A late start to #deweysreadathon today, and an easy read to get my mind awake.
My goals are to read three books, one of them from start to finish, and to read for 8 hours total. I have one errand and plans for Chinese food pickup later, but that‘s it!
Also, the only book I have in my “stack” is The Russian Cage by Charlaine Harris - totally winging this RAT for the first time! I feel like a rebel.
This was enjoyable, although the sub title should be And Other Thoughts On Being A Rich Woman Living In Manhattan. Most of it is hilariously unrelatable, but that's kind of the fun of it. It's funny and witty, and the reflections of ageing in the last essay are moving.
Hoping this will be more enjoyable
This book was so enjoyable! Funny, thought provoking and light hearted. A vital read for any woman 💚
5☆Ephron is full of wit and honesty in these 15 Essays centering around aging as a woman. Her words made me laugh, smile and admire her honesty on the subject. She talks about maintenance of the female body as she ages, her experience with her children growing up and moving out, divorce, death of her friends, the love of a great apartment, and more. Her wisdom flows throughout her intimate prose and I devoured this book very quickly. #bookreview
I wasn‘t too sure about the first essay or two, but as she got into the later ones about parenting, house attachment, reading, and writing I was wooed and feel in love with her voice, style, and these essays. I comfy read with quick little essays that can be read here and there around other books and errands. I will pick up some of her others!
Finished this in less than a day. Touching and hilarious essays I can definitely believe were written by the screenwriter of When Harry Met Sally... #awesomeaugust #readathon
It‘s nice having an ebook credit and paying next to nothing for a book and by someone I‘ve been wanting to read
Happy #WorldBookDay ya‘ll! I love books so much and I‘m sure you all do too — they are there for us when no one else is, we feel understood and connected through them. What are you guys reading to celebrate?
#happyreading #BooksConnectUs #tbr
#currentlyreading #bookshelf
Oh sure, you might wonder - Didn‘t she recently post a similar #NFNov pic after reading, I Remember Nothing? No wonder she followed up with this book.
Well, there is that. But also, I was looking in the mirror this week while getting all dolled up for a dinner. I gotta tell ya, I feel bad about my neck :(
I loved this. It is really funny. Plus it reminds me of one of my aunt's, who I love. I only wished it were longer.
I listened to the audiobook, which is great because it‘s read by Nora herself. But I felt bogged down in some of the essays, mainly because I cant relate to her. I appreciate her voice and her writing talent. My favorite was On Rapture because it‘s all about book love and relatable.
This is my first Nora Ephron book and I found it quite enjoyable. It‘s more of a random collection of essays than a cohesive story, but she was pretty funny, and I found myself relating to her about different things, especially when she talks about her love of books. Will definitely be reading more of her books. 4⭐️
This is my first Nora Ephron book. She seems like she was a fun woman. I don't appreciate her thoughts on grooming, but I do appreciate that was her reality many other women's too.
Nora‘s hilarious wisdom lives on....😁❤️
There were parts of this I liked, such as the author‘s love affair with NYC and her descriptions of life in the neighborhoods there, as well as her chapter about “book rapture”.
Then there were parts I didn‘t like, such as how much time women “have” to spend on beauty maintenance. I‘m a believer in doing things for yourself. If plucking your eyebrows or shaving whatever you want to shave makes you feel good, go for it. But I‘ll never support ⬇️
#timbitunes #everythingismovingsofast
As my amazing MIL used to say “Getting old sucks!” , and Nora Ephron echoes that feeling in these hilarious essay collections. Love her writing.... 💕
I wanted to like this more than I did. Not bad just light to the point of feeling unfinished. Eh.
Is anyone else getting really excited for the #24in48? I‘ve been picking through my books and this is my current TBR stack to pull from. I know there‘s no way I‘ll read them all, but it gives me some good variety. It‘s still a week and a half away, so things may change by then too 😊.
What preparations have you been making for your next ‘thon?
All the feels in this one!
I love Nora's movies so to find her book second hand was a little gem. I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was light yet poignant reading. Very accurate about aging and yet made me laugh out loud at how relatable it is. Like spending the day with a good friend chatting about life. You could feel her love for New York.
So enjoying this book. Light-hearted and yet poignant. ❤️
"My life changes: I write magazine article about having small breasts. I am now a writer." That makes me smile. I love how Nora takes the mundane and elevates it with humor so I can laugh, even at myself.
"How damaged does your hair have to be to qualify as 'damaged'?" Love this line ???! She is for women what Bill Bryson is for travel.
"of course it's true that now that I'm older, I'm wise and sage and mellow. And it's also true that I honestly do understand just what matters in life. But guess what? It's my neck" ???
So I was reading a weight loss book but I cannot stomach another book about it. 😅. So thought I'd switch to a different a book. Love Nora Ephron's movies so eager to read her book.
Exactly what I wanted it to be! These essays are so revealing & real and I have every intention of aging into the exact type of woman she was. 🙌🏻
The title essay had be laughing out loud, as she explained why she and her friends tend to dress to similarly (hiding their neck with various accessories and turtlenecks) and how her true love was her apartment on the Upper West Side and how loathsome purses are, and yet impossible to live without...
I was really hoping to have more reading time on my vacation, but it ended up being a little stressful. My inlaws are always challenging, but this trip was truly a disaster.
Here is a picture of the only things that kept me going, my husband and nephew. ❤️ Also the only book I finished, during a painfully awkward drive down from beautiful Lake Tahoe.
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ to the very funny Nora Ephron.
💔 To a very dysfunctional family vacation.
This #audiomemoir was what I had hoped it would be. Telling it like it is, sister to sister.
Found this sweet little post card inside a Nora Ephron book today!
What are some of the things you guys have found tucked inside the covers of used books?
I don‘t think I was the right demographic to be reading this book. It was funny but I wasn‘t really able to relate to some parts. If I were to revisit it in a couple decades I would probably like it better, which is why it will be a “so-so” from me rather than a “pick.”