Another wonderful Louise Penny book. Love Gamache ❤️.
Another wonderful Louise Penny book. Love Gamache ❤️.
This wasn‘t one of my favorites, except for the parts with Amelia. I‘m glad she came back. The main storyline about the will & inheritance I didn‘t care as much for, but liked how everything turned out in the end. It‘s still a Pick because no matter how tedious parts might be, it‘s always resolved at the end in the way you come to expect from Penny. I‘m eager for the next one to see what becomes of relationships between some of the characters.
Loved settling in and visiting some of my favorite fictional friends ❤️ Book number 14 of the series did not disappoint! It had all the heart and atmosphere I've come to expect. Also, I got to break in my stemless, book spine wine glasses my daughter got me for Christmas🍷
Complex and fascinating as usual. I do love the characters and am always startled by a surprising turn of events.
I enjoyed this part in the Inspector Gamache series, one which has a lively narrative and some interesting plot twists. The focus is on financial crime, which doesn‘t interest me as much as other issues, but it also gets into the opioid crisis, which I think is an essential topic to look at.
This one was a reread for me. I first read it before I realized that this series needs to be read in order. The reading experience was more rich this time around, knowing the characters back story. I love Three Pines and all of its characters.
Rating: 3.5 🌟
Book: 19 of 2022
Unfortunately, not my favorite of the series. A lot jam packed into these pages that made it difficult for me to feel attached to the different stories unfolding. Although the ending of this one has me more than ready to read the next one!
I really enjoyed this one! Finally! I mean, I love the whole crew, but I was getting irritated with Gamache because no rules apply to him and he's smarter than everyone. His arrogance is dealt with a lot and he pays a high price, but I was just annoyed. I'm glad this multi-book storyline has some closure and I'm ready to start something new!!
Starting a new one! I'll run out of Louise Penny soon!!
I love these characters, I love this series, but can‘t Gamache have a breather? Can‘t he just be not hunted or personally menaced for one book??
I'm still enjoying these novels even though they're getting increasingly difficult to believe and are becoming a little predictable. Great for listening to on long walks, though, and I like some of the new developments for some of the regular characters.
Starting my first book for #scarathon #teamslaughter today.
Excited to go back to Three Pines! @Clwojick
I‘m back in Quebec with Gamache and friends. Love this series!
4.5 ⭐️
There isn‘t much not to like here - it‘s another wonderful visit to Three Pines, the kind of place you hope you‘ll end up living if you‘ve ever had a good college dorm experience.
I think what stood out in this one for me was Penny‘s sharp dialogue. By this point, the whole cast of characters, major & minor, are fully realized. Still, the ease with which they interact is brilliant.
I should know better than to binge read Armand Gamache books. I love the books, but I need to take them in small doses. They can be a bit over the top for me, and I don‘t think this book is one of Louise Penny‘s best. There was a lot going on in this story, and it was all wound up at the end, but it was a whirlwind of blizzards, strangers, drugs, wills, collapses, murders, and unconnected storylines. ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Sometimes it takes me a while to get into the latest Inspector Gamache, but this one was intriguing right away. I enjoyed the mystery and all the side stories. I‘ll be honest, I read these mostly because I find Louise Penny to be a delightful person in real life. I love hearing her talk about her books and her life. With that said, her author‘s note at the end made me sad about the loss of her husband, even though I knew that had happened.
I‘m trying to catch up on Inspector Gamache so I can read the new book in September.
Gamache lets his protege,Cloche, be removed from the Academy when she‘s under suspicion of being involved with drugs. Is he hoping she‘ll lead him to the remaining drugs disappearing from his last clean up? In the meantime, a cleaning woman who calls herself the baroness appears to “leave” a fortune she doesn‘t have to her children and one of them is then murdered.
Reading a Three Pines book feels like the comfort of slipping on that old, soft ratty sweater and wrapping up warm and tight. This one is #14 in the Inspector Armand Gamache series. He and Myrna find themselves as executors for a mysterious will. All the quirky, crazy characters (including Ruth‘s foul-mouthed pet duck) appear. Audio is narrated by Robert Bathurst, Winner of the 2020 Audie Award for Best Male Narrator. 4/5 ⭐️
And, on to the next. ☺ I have other books waiting, & I will get to them, but Three Pines is exactly what my brain needs right now.
Anyone know if the series is continuing after this one?
Another good one in a great series. In this one, Gamache is the liquidator of a will for someone he did not know and he must figure out why he and the other liquidators were selected. Meanwhile, a dangerous new drug is about to hit the streets, and Gamache must look at his own ethics and morals in choosing how to attempt to stop it. The relationships between all the characters continue to grow.
Unrelenting tension and a cleverly woven tapestry of characters, story and setting. https://www.bluestockingreviews.com/post/kingdom-of-the-blind
I spent all day in Three Pines. Except to pick up groceries at the drive up/pick up spot. Which was the first time in 23 days I‘ve been anywhere but home and brief trips to Town Hall for work that couldn‘t be done from home. And the really odd thing is, I‘m ok with this. And happy to be with Gamache, Jean-Guy, and the rest. My happy place. 😀
Honestly, I‘m living in denial that I only have one more book in the series to read. In the past couple months I‘ve blown through 14 books in the series and I‘m going to miss these characters so much when I get to the end. I know she‘s still writing more, but I‘ll have to wait for them like everyone else. This book included an old will, a crumbling farm house, a new drug about to hit the streets, and all of our favorite people in Three Pines.
Another solid entry in the series. Definitely benefits from having read Glass Houses first, although I was able to follow events despite having read Glass Houses over a year ago. The drugs storyline may be a bit dark for those who like their mysteries cozier, but the character interactions have a richness that offsets the darkness.
Honoré's first word: the F-bomb ???
(Not sure how plausible this is, but I laughed out loud at it)
Enjoying my new fuzzy blanket (a lighter, maybe mohair version of the famous striped Hudson Bay blankets) and reading a book off Mum's shelves.
As usual I enjoyed visiting Three Pines very much. This one has a good mystery as well as some interesting developments in the ongoing story. I wonder how she will handle them going forward.
#BookReport Apart from bailing on The Arsonist, this was all I read this week - too much pre-Christmas socialising.
#WeeklyForecast Not sure what I'll pack. It's going to be stinking hot for a few days where I'll be so there should plenty of reading time.
Louise Penny is a gem! I love listening to her books on tape. This one follows the three pines clan as they investigate a mysterious inheritance, Royal lineage and a murder. Meanwhile, inspector Gamache is also tracking down a dangerous street drug before it kills half of Montreal. Grab a mug of cocoa and some cookies to snuggle up with this cozy mystery.
First read of this Louise Penny. I read it in French (would have prefer to read it in English) but it was a great book. Not the kind I read often but I really enjoyed the intrigue.
#TeamSlaughter @Clwojick #ScaryScavengerHunt Finished this mystery set in Three Pines and part of the Armand Gamache series. Armand, Myrna and Bernard are made the liquidators of the will of a cleaning woman known as the “Baroness”. Seemingly they have no connection with her prior to her death. Also, the drugs that escaped from the sting operation of the previous book are on the streets ready to kill. Points for #Mystery and #PartofaSeries
#coffeeandbooks #ThreePines
To quote the author herself:
“My books are about terror. That brooding terror curled deep down inside us. But more than that, more than murder, more than all the rancid emotions and actions, my books are about goodness. And kindness. About choices. About friendship and belonging. And love. Enduring love.
If you take only one thing away from any of my books I'd like it to be this:
Goodness exists.” ❤️🌲🌲🌲
This #audiobook brought back memories of the Canadian winters—brrrrr! The humorous banter between the characters is a delight. The book addresses multiple themes, including the opioid crisis. There are some sections that drag a little; but overall, it‘s a solid addition to this excellent series.
Misty, I came home from a rough day at work (heck, it's been a rough couple weeks with overtime, short staffed, not feeling well, etc) to a wonderful surprise package from you! You are just the sweetest! I am getting better. About to schedule surgery but it should be an easy procedure and hopefully get me back to normal. 💛💛💛 Thank you for being so amazing! Can't wait to read these!
So excited to be getting back into this series. My only problem was that it had been so long since I read the last one, I‘d forgotten how it ended. I‘m glad I don‘t have to wait long for the next. I can‘t believe how fast she keeps churning these out, it‘s awesome! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
#InMyPlace (my reading chair)
2 books that I won from Goodreads!! Anyone read these?
Having surgery on my knee tomorrow. Picked up a short stack at the library to keep me occupied for at least the next few days while I‘m on the couch.
I‘m attending a book event for Louise Penny tonight and I walked in right behind her! That was fun. I‘m behind in her series but I intend to catch up #ThisSummer for sure. #SongsofSummer
I just bought a ticket to see Louise Penny! I'm behind on her series, but I might be able to catch up in time. I've seen her before and it was really fun.
Starting this one- Gamache and Three Pines- like a cafe au late and a warm baguette....and a duck🦆🌲🌲🌲
I have not been listening to this series in order, but I‘ve enjoyed each installment all the same. My favorite characters are Ruth & Rosa......fhaaaaaaaak. 😜🦆
Really enjoyed this one. Sometimes a series gets ‘old‘, but I do think that Penny hit this one out of the park!
Was ok - not my favorite from this series