Morning reading spot. The bird and ocean sounds are so calming if only a photo could capture that.
I think this would have made a really good essay or podcast but there just wasn‘t enough content to make a book. The central message of turning fear into love and to relinquish control to the universe and all that is really well presented. But she labours the point in bloated chapters with some weak examples. Towards the end of the book, she comes across a little privileged and self-entitled too.
Today‘s daily affirmation...
I‘ve been feeling a lot of emotions lately with everything going on. As I am sure all of us have. There have been many lows and some highs. Bernstein‘s book has helped me a lot lately to be more mindful and to just take a moment and breathe.
Wanted to start sharing some of my daily affirmation cards. Hope everyone is hanging in there! 💛💕☀️
This was Audible's daily deal today. I had a $5 coupon, so thought I'd check out this #selfhelpbook. Here's hoping it's a good one! #somethingnew #selfcaresunday #multitasking #catchingup #SelfImprovementSept
#mantramonday #bfc #bookfitnesschallenge #teamnamastepositive
Blessed Monday my lovelies! Here‘s the mantra card I pulled for the week! What you focus on is what will grow! Positive thinking brings positive results! Do not underestimate your power!! Keep believing in yourselves ! Sending light and love to you all and blessings for a great week 2! Namaste !
Week one has begun for #BFC3 !! Super excited to have such a positive and encouraging team! A lot of us have similar careers and interests but we all bring a unique and diverse energy! Here‘s a little mantra card for the week. Let‘s be conspiring with the universe to continue in an energy of love. No negativity! Only positivity and love in this space! Our team name says it all #teamnamastepositive ❤️💕❤️
1. Yes. Sometimes my empathy is too strong for me to handle.
2. My bedroom is my sacred space. all the things that make me happy are in here. My plants, candles, crystals, art, and piles of books. Sacred means it is part of my identity/ what I love. #moonreflections
3. In the beginning was the pale signature/ Three-syllabled and starry as the smile/ And after came the imprints on the water/ Stamp of the minted face upon the moon - Dylan Thomas
Absolutely brilliant in reminding me to let go of control and have faith in destiny 🌎🌻🌙
Alice and I both enjoyed this one. Simple steps to help decrease stress and enjoy life. #catsoflitsy
There is a stream of love supporting all of y‘all littens! Don‘t forget! It‘s been a rough couple months with the eclipses and the retrogrades. Litsy has been a great outlet for my creativity! And reading has helped me calm . My sister gifted me the 52 card deck The Universe Has Your Back! And it‘s beautiful the words and the art! My mantra for tonight “The universe is for you and so is everything else! “ goodnight friends 💕
I don‘t usually take selfies, but the doge was looking super regal so I had to capture this moment. #dogsoflitsy
Does anyone have any recs for nonfiction a funemployed person should be reading—whether it be memoir, self-help, theology, whatever you liked? I would greatly appreciate it. 🤓
P.S. Please don‘t mind my weird looking fingers.
Edit: Poetry and fiction recs would be great, too.
I started re-reading this today because it changed my perspective when I first read it earlier this year. It got me to start meditating, praying, and journaling regularly again which helped me so much with my anxiety. (Of course I fell off with the meditating and journaling.) All this is to say that I hope y'all are taking care of yourselves, and I'm so grateful for this community. I love you. Stay safe. ❤️
Feeling like this is a good book for the middle of nowhere in God's country. Wyoming bound tomorrow for a hiking trip; hoping to get some reading and journaling in too!
For #marchintoreading day 3 ... #recentnonfiction. One of my goals this year is to read more personal development. I loved this one! ❤️
Loved this! The exercises and meditations fit perfectly into my existing morning routine. ❤️🙏🏼
I didn't love the last book of hers I read, Spirit Junkie, but I'm hoping this one shows a little more depth. I'm encouraged that each chapter contains meditations and other exercises I can add into my daily practice. #currentread #riotgrams #day6
i just read the intro and I can't wait to dig in. I need this right now.
I just love her writing, I get so many useful tips to apply into my life. All of her books have similar ideas but she does a great job of adding new exercises and new ways to think about difficult situations. Very relatable and easy to read. I took this out of the library but I'm going to have to buy my own copy so I can go back, reread and highlight because I'm sure there's more I can learn from her.