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The False Prince
The False Prince | Jennifer A. Nielsen
THE FALSE PRINCE is the thrilling first book in a brand-new trilogy filled with danger and deceit and hidden identities that will have readers rushing breathlessly to the end. In a discontent kingdom, civil war is brewing. To unify the divided people, Conner, a nobleman of the court, devises a cunning plan to find an impersonator of the king's long-lost son and install him as a puppet prince. Four orphans are recruited to compete for the role, including a defiant boy named Sage. Sage knows that Conner's motives are more than questionable, yet his life balances on a sword's point -- he must be chosen to play the prince or he will certainly be killed. But Sage's rivals have their own agendas as well. As Sage moves from a rundown orphanage to Conner's sumptuous palace, layer upon layer of treachery and deceit unfold, until finally, a truth is revealed that, in the end, may very well prove more dangerous than all of the lies taken together. An extraordinary adventure filled with danger and action, lies and deadly truths that will have readers clinging to the edge of their seats.
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False Prince | Jennifer A Nielsen
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I am posting one book per day from my to-be-read collection. No description and providing no reason for wanting to read it, I just do. Some will be old, some will be new - don‘t judge me I have a lot of books.
Join the fun if you want. This is day 244

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The False Prince | Jennifer A. Nielsen
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Book Report! It was a bit of a slow week. I've been having a lot of flare ups so I've mostly been sleeping.
Blood Truth
The Savior
Currently Reading:
Where Winter Finds You
City of Bones
The False Prince
Carry On
@Cinfhen #bookreport

The False Prince | Jennifer A. Nielsen
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The False Prince, the first book in Nielsen‘s Ascendence Trilogy, is a fabulous middle grade fantasy. So too are the second...and third books. My entire family loves this series. So we are all VERY excited to learn that a fourth book will be coming out next October. Best of all? The publication date gives us plenty of time for a reread! Can‘t wait to revisit this world!

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The False Prince | Jennifer A Nellson

An immensely enjoyable read, the subterfuge seen in Sage as well as all the individual characters was amazing. Seeing the court life is something that I love to read as well. The book got a little slow towards the last few chapters, but it was still very interesting. Can't wait to pick up the next book. I give it a 4.8/5 stars!

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The False Prince | Jennifer A Nellson
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This book was amazing! (Not as good as rules for disappearing though). Every time I feel myself drifting from the fantasy genre a new amazing book snatches me up. The characters really had you rooting for them and the ending was INCREDIBLE. I plan on completing the series because I know this author could not possibly ruin the amazement the reader feels in this book in the next 2. The only downside of this book is it kinda feels like a prologue.

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False Prince | Jennifer A Nielsen

“There's an old saying in Avenia that goes, ‘Just because it's calmer than a hailstorm doesn't mean it's calm.‘”

False Prince | Jennifer A Nielsen
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This is one of my all-time favorite books from one of my all-time favorite authors. The False Prince is a fantastic page-turner with plenty of twists and turns to keep you on the edge of your seat. 👑

The dialogue/writing style is incredibly witty; the plot is very complex. By the end of the book, you‘ll get to know and love the characters very much. 💛

Highly recommend this one for middle/high school! Action-packed, clean, and outstanding! 🎉

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The False Prince | Jennifer A Nellson
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I really enjoyed the plot line, but I felt as if the writing was often too simplistic or childish. After reading other reviews, I‘m wondering if it was just the narrator who made it sound that way (audiobook through my library). Maybe for book 2 I‘ll get the physical book from the library instead. Regardless, a fun/easy read. Royal family dies, plot to pass off an orphan as a prince to take the throne, etc.

The False Prince | Jennifer A Nellson
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Thanks for your generosity, Sherry! @Slajaunie #sherrysgiveaway

Slajaunie Your very welcome! 5y
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The False Prince | Jennifer A Nellson
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Wow! I wasn't expecting to like this book so I am greatly surprised at how much I actually loved it!!! I've had to go and get book 2 to start right away!!

The False Prince | Jennifer A Nellson
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47% in..... and somewhere through these pages the story imprisoned me.... I can't put this down 😯

The False Prince | Jennifer A Nellson
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20% in.... Not a bad start at all.... I'm interested although not fully invested yet....

The False Prince | Jennifer A Nellson
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I'm giving this a go.... although not completely convinced it's a book I'd enjoy....

Bookaholicforlife I hope this book surprises you and you really enjoy reading it! 6y
Ronda @Bookaholicforlife I hope so too 😊 6y
WriterAtHeart I hope you enjoy it! I read the trilogy a while back and enjoyed it. 6y
Ronda @WriterAtHeart I've read a few chapters and it actually seems ok... here's hoping I do enjoy the rest 😊 6y
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The False Prince | Jennifer A Nellson
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So many books....Not enough space in the car.😀

CoverToCoverGirl Buy a really big truck.. problem solved! 🤣😊 6y
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The False Prince | Jennifer A Nellson
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This is Stump he comes by every afternoon for a goldfish cracker and to listen to my book with me.

LauraBeth Is he missing his foot? 😔 6y
rubyslippersreads What a great reading buddy! 6y
imabusybee @LauraBeth Yes but I dont think he knows it. 6y
mabell How friendly! 6y
Jabberwocky So lovely ♥️ 6y
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The False Prince | Jennifer A. Nielsen

Hi I am looking for a book to read and I was wondering if you could help me. I didn‘t know how to blurb without posting a book. I like fantasy/adventure/ and like coming of age. It doesn‘t have to be all three. Usually I don‘t read romantic books. Also, I like them to be clean. Thank you for helping!

Lys858 Rebel of the Sands by Alwyn Hamilton 6y
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The False Prince | Jennifer A. Nielsen
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I picked up this book on the recommendation of Sarah Mackenzie from read aloud revival, and thoroughly enjoyed it. I was into it from chapter one and it was intriguing and suspenseful. Super excited about the next books in the series. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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The False Prince | Jennifer A Nellson
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An entertaining middle grade/YA novel that really takes very little effort to get into. For readers familiar with royalty tropes, the “twist” is pretty obvious. But I do have to admit there were still things that caught me by surprise at the end. Not sure if I‘ll continue with the series, but it was an enjoyable listen!

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The False Prince | Jennifer A. Nielsen
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I first read this book last year and it was introduced by my student Abdi. I thank him every day for persuading me to read this. I enjoyed every bits of it!

myabdi4 Oh. This so sweet. I love this book 7y
VicReader ☺️😌 @myabdi4 7y
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False Prince | Jennifer A Nielsen
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Alright sorry for the bombardment of posts but I have a lot to say!!!!

Ok, I lasted maaayyyybbbbee 20 minutes into this on audio... fake English accents 😱😱😱😱😱nope can't do it.

Melissa_J I really liked this book, but I read it rather than listened. I recommend trying again if you can get it in print. 7y
Yeah_I_Read @Melissa_J I'm definitely still interested and I think my kids would like it too. Maybe I'll give it a little bit tho so I can forget the terrible accents lol 7y
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The False Prince | Jennifer A Nellson

This book is amazing. This book has a very different type of story. Our main character, Sage, is very opinionated and fights for what he believes in. Competing against Tobias and Rhoden, two fellow orphans, to trick the kingdom. Can one of these boys become the lost prince, Jaron? I highly suggest reading this if you want an interesting, suspenseful, read.

The False Prince | Jennifer A. Nielsen

This book was nothing short of amazing. It tends to be neglected since it is placed in the middle-school aisle of the bookstore; however, isn't Harry Potter there as well?

It is truly a magnificent read for all ages. The characters are each so lovable in their own unique ways and the plot isn't drowning in romance like most YA. The plot twists also added a marvelous spin! I deeply recommend indulging in this series. You won't regret it!

The False Prince | Jennifer A. Nielsen

For a middle grade fantasy, I enjoyed this story (chosen to please my 14 y.o. daughter who is currently obsessed with it). I found it an enjoyable palate cleanser after several darker adult reads lately, even though I predicted several of the "twists". #middlegradefantasy #readtodiscusswithelise

The False Prince | Jennifer A. Nielsen
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My most current TBR pile - starting with the Nielsen book to please my teenager.

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The False Prince | Jennifer A. Nielsen

Meh. Middle grade novel about a rebellious orphan who is tapped to impersonate a missing prince. Hijinks abound. This fell so flat forms though I think it certainly has a wide audience. I predicted the plot partway through and found it pretty predictable. The characters were one-note and the dialogue stilted. However, the right reader will really enjoy this series.

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The False Prince | Jennifer A. Nielsen
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“In a crowd of a thousand boys claiming to be the prince, there would be only one with the same look of trouble in his eye.” -Jennifer A. Nielsen, The False Prince. 👍👍I had zero expectations going into this book, but what a pleasant surprise. Quick and fun. Sage is one of the most clever and entertaining characters I've ever had the pleasure to read. #fantasy #ascendancetrilogy #thefalseprince #booknerd

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The False Prince | Jennifer A. Nielsen
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Decent if you're wanting a middle grade adventure book. Was not expecting the entire book to be centered around this two-week period where Super Serious Conner the Fun-Sucker tries to train an orphan to be the prince. Thought that would just be a part of it, but nope! Whole book! Stilted language detracts from character believability, but not bad overall. Was good for reading in short bursts on my phone.

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The False Prince | Jennifer A. Nielsen

I think of this book/series as middle grade Game of Thrones, minus dragons/religion. Non-magical high fantasy world with a plot centered on the politics of a kingdom. Started liking it more towards the end; read the second book and found it boring. My kids LOVE it, though. Full review: http://mrskaoreads.com/book/the-false-prince/

The False Prince | Jennifer A. Nielsen
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Well thank goodness. The dialogue in this gets a 3/10 for realism, but half the fun is reading it and thinking "nobody in the history of ever would actually say that." In addition to Conner the Fun-Sucker, the 14 year old orphan boys in his trio of treason are strangely succinct and eloquent, which makes me lol inside.

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The False Prince | Jennifer A. Nielsen
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Some of the kids are obsessed with this series so I'm giving it a try. Pretty excited for some YA fantasy.

The False Prince | Jennifer A. Nielsen
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Super quick read on the retelling of the prince and the pauper with some great twists. Highly recommend and I can't wait to continue on with this trilogy. Side note-it is predictable but in the best way

The False Prince | Jennifer A. Nielsen

I did enjoy this series.

The False Prince | Jennifer A Nellson

I'm listening to this book, and I'm 99.9% sure it's narrated by the human equivalent of Kovu from The Lion King 2... or the spiritual successor to Xander from Buffy. I might have to actually consider buying this as a book instead of listening. My strength fails me. Send help.

The False Prince | Jennifer A Nellson

So I just started this as an audiobook, and it's not starting off great. I feel like I'd really like this as an actual book. So far I've got an emo-Peter Parker narrator (the actual narrator, not the character), Renaissance Faire opening music and a whole bunch of very interesting accents. 🙄

teariffic.books Oh, no! And this is one of my favorite books. 🙈 8y
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The False Prince | Jennifer A. Nielsen

So many good books from Jennifer Nielsen. The False Prince knocked my socks off. Literally. I'm sitting here barefoot.

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The False Prince | Jennifer A. Nielsen
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Jennifer Nielsen is my new favorite author. Amazing!!!

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