1. Going back to the library. They have to reopen eventually, right? But I‘ll wait until they can ensure staff safety!
2. Definitely (weather permitting).
1. Going back to the library. They have to reopen eventually, right? But I‘ll wait until they can ensure staff safety!
2. Definitely (weather permitting).
Sorry I‘ve been MIA for the last several days. Working from home and everything else has had me down in the dumps and out of sorts. But this too shall pass. I‘d like to jump into #bookspin and see how that goes. With the library closed indefinitely, I threw on a couple of those books too. Kili was helpful as ever.
Check out this awesome display my library has up!
1. Tagged!
2. I‘m constantly stalking my library online and visit the building about once a week.
3. I‘ve also checked out movies and CDs. Once I checked out a tote bag because I had to walk home. #getlibrarycarded
1. I'm within ten minutes of three libraries.
2. Sitting outside to read in the evenings.
3. Corn on the cob.
4. Yes.
5. *waves*
Phone not cooperating so I'll have to add the picture later. [ETA photo and tag.]