Finished this one today. Started it a while ago and abandoned it. I did have to change it cause I don‘t “rowl” 😉with one of the authors the pa v ttern had.
Finished this one today. Started it a while ago and abandoned it. I did have to change it cause I don‘t “rowl” 😉with one of the authors the pa v ttern had.
I'm getting closer to understanding the hype. After three less successful Vonnegut's this was my next at-random pick, and I think I lucked I to one where the ratio of very obvious social commentary was higher than the amount of entertaining? nonsense and sporadically suggestive bits. I tend to enjoy when author's play with words, even make up their own, but I think Vonnegut can get a little caught up in it, to the detriment of storytelling. 1/?
Today's 'scratched my brain just right' sentence.
I wanted some light hearted escapism for my holiday and it‘s hard to imagine the destruction of life on earth could make for an absurdly fun tale - yet here we are! Let‘s hope the sea doesn‘t freeze over before the end of the journey…
I went to a book embroidery class at my location independent bookstore today! I loved getting to learn a new hobby and had so much fun talking books with the other attendees. 📚 🧵 🪡
This is a fairly short book, but it took me most of this week to listen during short bits of time when I was working alone. This included while disking & getting the baler ready to bale more straw. #BooksOnTheFarm
The story was darkly humorous due to the eclectic mix of characters, but also very pessimistic about the fate of the world. I found the plot interesting and enjoyed it more than Slaughterhouse-Five.
#1001books #audiobook
Christians join the absolute dumbest cults. Just capitalize the word "god" and they're like "Sounds legit to me!"
Say "girlpool" one more time without telling me what that is, Kurt. I dare you. ?
For George - it‘s hurts me that a few don‘t match. 😅 @Trashcanman
@britt_brooke how many of these books are there?
Inspired by @BarbaraBB I'm joining #TBT with a favorite Vonnegut in honor of the week of his birthday centennial. A favorite quote, that I often think of while at work:
Beware of the man who works hard to learn something, learns it, and finds himself no wiser than before.
The first Vonnegut I ever read. (Have I mentioned I named my firstborn after him?) This was assigned reading in my sophomore honors Comp & Lit class in high school, and began my lifelong obsession with the author's work.
#Alphabetgame #LetterC
Sarah! Thank you so much for this thoughtful #spookysummerswap package! I‘m intrigued by the book, love the earrings, and can‘t wait to use the fun bath stuff. Thank you! 🖤
A chemical compound, capable of destroying the entire world, has disappeared. What happens when a writer decides to investigate the life of the scientist who developed it?
Weird stuff. Very, very weird stuff. This seemed to be trying to do a lot all at once, without actually accomplishing anything except making me hate the narrator. There wasn‘t really a plot, & the ending was very dismal for me. & a general warning for all the isms.🌕🌕🌑🌑🌑
Kurt sure do be working through his post war trauma in all his writings. Also he's very horny in this one
My summer of Vonnegut continues and I am still wrapping my brain around this one, but I loved it! As I get older I gain perspective with different authors but Vonnegut always surprises me and makes me feel things that I still need to feel.
Reread this not long after watching The Prisoner, and was struck by the similar themes, specifically fear and disdain for the breakneck pace at which humanity pursues technological advances without stopping to consider their potential impact. Not surprising, given both were released in the aftermath of the Cuban Missle Crisis. An incredibly funny book, as all good social critiques should be. If I ever find religion, I'll be a Bokononist for sure!
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ A nihilistic exploration of humanity, world destruction, science, technology, war. Oh, and there‘s that irreverent religious movement, Bokononism. I‘m always down for some religious satire. This has all the Vonnegut elements we love and expect: absurdity, dark humor, and hard truths. Absolutely one of his best! #reread
Vonnegut never disappoints. You can tell he lived an interesting life just through his books. He writes simply and conveys profoundly
This is a begrudging Pick from me.
It is possibly the end of the world as we know it, but does anyone feel fine? Populated with tin pot dictators, an unlikely clarinet virtuoso, grubby capitalists, & a noble ambassador it has the makings of a literary treat.
Vonnegut is a master; an absolute genius; but I didn‘t connect this time with the ridiculous, simultaneously depressing yet uplifting stream that I think usually runs through his work.👇
These new sci fi editions are LOVELY ...
I remember, when I first saw this book on Goodreads I imagined it to be a light hearted comedy novel. I couldn't have been more pleasantly surprised. This book was very intellectually humorous and witty with addition of politics, religion, and science into the most credulous fictitious world that I've ever come across. I definitely reccomend this to everyone. #bookspin #bookspinbingo #bookspinaugust #cat #cradle #catscradle
This is my first time doing #bookspin and I'm really excited! This list looks really, REALLY long, but I'm excited, nevertheless. @TheAromaofBooks thank you so much for hosting the challenge and patiently explaining it to me!
Review and reasons here:
This was my June #bookspin book
Looking forward to my #june2020tbr
All of these are #newtomeauthor and #newtomebooks
2Birds by Tom Franciskovich
Nightmare Asylum by Sonia Kilvington
The Black Book by Tarek Alduaji
Fallen Angels by JC Seal
Earth Angel by Chris Stevenson
An Uneasy Alliance by Kyra Radcliff
A Trade in Tears by Samantha Shiye
The Automation by B.L.A. and G.B. Gabbler
Cat‘s Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut
Well Met by Jen DeLuca
Vonnegut is a trip. This isn‘t my favorite (It‘s still Breakfast of Champions) but I loved it all the same. This is another zany book, I couldn‘t even BEGIN to tell you the plot. 165/1,001 #1001Books
This one was marvelously weird. What a wild ride! #1001books #googleplay #applepodcasts #soundcloud
This is not one of my favorites by Vonnegut. Maybe I am not in the right frame of mind to read it...? The purpose of some of the characters was lost to me. I will always love his style of writing, it‘s fast and comical. The ending was good and brought the book together nicely. I will probably read it again to try to get a better understanding of the characters.
“What is the secret of life?” I asked.
“I forgot.” Sandra said.
“Protein,” the bartender declared. “They found out something about protein.”
Loved this satirical book about the end of the world, brought on inadvertently by the children of one of the creators of the atom bomb, and a religion created by a Calypso singer.
1. Any Vonnegut really.
2. Toy Story 4
3. Lemon 🍋 (salad with lemony dressing, lemon desserts, etc)
4. 24 (not including spouses) but only 22 living.
5. Aye aye cap‘n
#friyayintro @howjessreads
A lot bleaker than Sirens, and perhaps less profound as a result. A brisk read, certainly, and a fine warning against humanity's worser instincts.
I woke up to discover that this little #catoflitsy had been out all night. OOPS! (Pic from earlier in the week.) Sorry, Oliver!
1. It was 2000 so I‘m going to go with Eminem and Dr Dre
2. Cancer
3. Vonnegut. Made me love a while new genre.
4. @britt_brooke my Vonnegut sister 😁
#wondrouswednesday @Eggs
This was my first Vonnegut. Boy was I disappointed! Definitely not what I expected.
This is supposed to be Sci-Fi, and that aspect is way underdeveloped.
Encountering derogatory content almost made me bail on it, but I persisted nonetheless, telling myself it was a short book —that actually took me an eternity to finish.
I did enjoy the commentary on religion –which remains relevant up to this date– so I‘ll give him one more chance.
Mostly picked this book for the cover, and because I‘ve wanted to read something by Vonnegut for a while. Glad I picked it up though. It was definitely an interesting read.