“Rock bottom is everything out of focus. It‘s a failure of vision, a failure to see the world how it is, to see the good in what it is, and only to wonder why the hell things look the way they do and not—and not some other way.”
This was my first Vonnegut. Boy was I disappointed! Definitely not what I expected.
This is supposed to be Sci-Fi, and that aspect is way underdeveloped.
Encountering derogatory content almost made me bail on it, but I persisted nonetheless, telling myself it was a short book —that actually took me an eternity to finish.
I did enjoy the commentary on religion –which remains relevant up to this date– so I‘ll give him one more chance.
This was an interesting take on how humans might attempt to extend —and perhaps perpetuate— life, specially in old age.
It also tackles some philosophical notions on what the soul is and what makes us who we are.
3.5/5 stars for me.
#upgradesoul #graphicnovel #scifi
Thank you Netgalley and Diamond Book Distributors for the ARC!