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Beauty, Volume 1
Beauty, Volume 1 | Jeremy Haun
36 posts | 47 read | 82 to read
Modern society is obsessed with outward beauty. What if there was a way to guarantee you could become more and more beautiful every day? What if it was a sexually transmitted disease? In the world of The Beauty, physical perfection is only one sexual encounter away. The vast majority of the population has taken advantage of it, but Detectives Vaughn and Foster will soon discover it comes at a terrible cost. Now, they'll have to find their way past corrupt poiticians, vengeful federal agents, and a terrifying mercenary out to collect the price on their heads. Collects the first six issues of the critically acclaimed, Pilot Season winning series by writer/artist JEREMY HAUN (Constantine, Batwoman) and co-writer JASON A. HURLEY.
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The Beauty Vol. 2 | Jeremy Haun, Jason A. Hurley
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The Beauty Tp Vol 1 | Jeremy Haun, Jason A. Hurley
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The Beauty is an STD that makes people better looking - but two years in, with half of America infected, the price is becoming apparent. I‘m not sure what I was thinking, starting this series as we enter year two of Covid, but 🤷🏻‍♀️

This first volume is violent and vivid; of course it ends on a cliffhanger, so on to the next we go!


The Beauty Vol. 2 | Jeremy Haun, Jason A. Hurley
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Had to read this! I need to get Vol 3 now. I am really enjoying this graphic novel series :)

@Bookworm54 @AkashaVampie @AsYouWish @jb72 @AnansiGirl

The Beauty Tp Vol 1 | Jeremy Haun, Jason A. Hurley
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I loved this one (so much so that I already put Vol 2 in my “cart“ so that I can read the next one ASAP. Its got a great pandemic type vibe but.. like relevant and just good! (I am not a critic so .. yeah I know I am not “selling it well“ but Ooo can't waIt!

@Bookworm54 @AkashaVampie @AsYouWish @jb72 @AnansiGirl

#DogsOfLitsy for the flavor!

Bookworm54 This does look super good! 😋 and yay for doggy 🐶 3y
ElizaMarie @Bookworm54 I really really enjoyed it! 3y
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The Beauty Tp Vol 1 | Jeremy Haun, Jason A. Hurley
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So, I need to make sure my husband thinks I am so beautiful that the can't fathom or recognize when I am more beautiful! ... Ha I love it!

@Bookworm54 @AkashaVampie @AsYouWish @jb72 @AnansiGirl

The Beauty Tp Vol 1 | Jeremy Haun, Jason A. Hurley
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Just picked this one up at the comic book store (the cover just drew me in!!!)

@Bookworm54 @AkashaVampie @AsYouWish @jb72 @AnansiGirl

jb72 Very cool 😎 3y
AkashaVampie It looks awesome. 3y
wellreadredhead I love this series! 3y
ElizaMarie @collegecatlady I am excited to start it. The book just grabbed me (the beauty so haunting) 3y
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The Beauty Tp Vol 1 | Jeremy Haun, Jason A. Hurley
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Yay giveaways! I just can‘t resist 🙈 A graphic novel I‘ve enjoyed recently is The Beauty. The premise is that there is an STD that people willing want to get which is called The Beauty and it makes the afflicted absolutely gorgeous. Problem is, those that have The Beauty are now essentially imploding. It‘s up to two detectives to find out why. @callielafleur #Clearingyourshelves1

callielafleur Oh that looks excellent! Thanks for entering! 6y
RainyDayReading @callielafleur It was so good! I just wish my library had more than the first volume because I need to know what happens! 6y
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The Beauty Tp Vol 1 | Jeremy Haun, Jason A. Hurley
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#comics #graphicnovel

The creepy cover art drew me in, but the unique and interesting concept caught me: An STD that people want because it makes them beautiful, but then...

This is one of the more enjoyable comics I've read recently. It hooked me immediately and kept me reading. It has all sorts of potential; I cant wait to see what happens in volume 2.
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

readordierachel Interesting concept! 6y
Regi_C I loved this one! 6y
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The Beauty Vol. 2 | Jeremy Haun, Jason A. Hurley
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My plans for the night...graphic novels and hockey!

The Beauty Tp Vol 1 | Jeremy Haun, Jason A. Hurley
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My comics from the past two weeks. I finally got a chance to catch up.

The Beauty Tp Vol 1 | Jeremy Haun, Jason A. Hurley
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Wow! Really loved this one and will definitely be continuing on! Engaging storyline, awesome artwork and enough unanswered questions to keep you wanting more. If you‘re looking for a disease based adult detective/ horror graphic novel I would recommend checking out The Beauty. 5 ⭐️ There‘s a new STD out there, one that people WANT to catch. Once you get it, you become Beautiful. Drop dead gorgeous, too bad now the “dead” part is actually true.

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The Beauty Tp Vol 1 | Jeremy Haun, Jason A. Hurley
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So I didn't catch on to the graphic readalong last week till the middle of the week so decided to do my own this week and bring the graphic TBR pile crashing down 😁 first up; volumes 1-3 of The Beauty ☣☢☠

Beauty, Volume 1 | Jeremy Haun
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#bookmail It appears that I‘ve already ruined my goal of not buying as many books in 2018 but they were ordered in 2017 so they don‘t count 😬

bunny Books ordered in 2017 definitely don‘t count! At least, that‘s what I‘m saying myself. Hope you like Zoo City! I really enjoyed it. 7y
queerbookreader THE BEAUTY IS VERY GOOD 7y
TheLibrarian @bunny Good to know! I haven‘t heard much about this one but I‘ve enjoyed her other works. @queerbookreader Hooray!! I absolutely love the cover and intriguing plot. 7y
blondie It's from 2017, no worries :p I did the same thing. I'm waiting on my new books i ordered on New Year's Eve. 7y
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The Beauty Tp Vol 1 | Jeremy Haun, Jason A. Hurley
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This my #newcomicbookday pick.

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Beauty, Volume 1 | Jeremy Haun
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Holy cats this was amazing!! The story literally had me gasping and the art is some of the most beautiful I've seen in a graphic novel. Very eager to read Vol. 2!!

TricksyTails The artwork 😍 7y
HeatherBlue @tricksytails ❤️ It gets even more beautiful inside the book! 7y
TricksyTails My library doesn't have this. 😫 I'm adding it to my wish list. I can't wait to peek the insides. It looks so cool! 7y
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Beauty, Volume 1 | Jeremy Haun
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Two years ago, a new STD appeared that made people more beautiful. Soon it was the virus everyone wanted to catch. However, now these "beauties" are beginning to die.

Wow, this graphic novel was so good. Interesting way to explore deeper issues. Vol 2 is going straight onto my wishlist!

Sace Sounds fascinating! Stacked and added to Hoopla list. 7y
CoffeeCatsBooks @RestlessFickleBookSlut I hope you like it! I found it very interesting. 7y
Reggie There's this indie horror movie called It Follows about the worst kinda std you could get. This post reminded me of it. Lol it was so good. 7y
CoffeeCatsBooks @Reggie that movie is so good! It completely creeped me out. 7y
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Beauty, Volume 1 | Jeremy Haun
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Reviewing both Vol 1 and 2 together. Very cool idea that never goes anywhere or reaches its potential. I was expecting a scathing look at our culture's obsession with beauty and instead got very pedestrian crime noir. It's filled with shallow characters, cliche plots and dialogue, and mediocre artwork. Plus vol 1 and 2 are not even related in any way; the story and characters are completely different. Do yourself a favor and skip this series.

The Beauty Tp Vol 1 | Jeremy Haun, Jason A. Hurley
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The concept of this comic is very intriguing. It's very well written. I wished there were more horror elements, but that's just me. Otherwise, it's very interesting and I plan on picking up the second volume.
💉💉💉⅟💉 (3.5/5)

Beauty, Volume 1 | Jeremy Haun
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I bought this, simply because of the cover. And, having not read what it was about, went into it completely blind.
Different from the things that I normally read, but definitely an interesting premise for a graphic novel.

Zelma I'm waiting very impatiently for my library to get this one in. 7y
TbrandBeyond That cover though😍😍😍 7y
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The Beauty Vol. 2 | Jeremy Haun, Jason A. Hurley
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Dear library,
I love you but it doesn't really make sense to own volume two of a comic series when you don't own volume one.

Zelma That used to drive me nuts too, working at the library. Whenever I saw missing parts of series, I always tried requesting them to be added. It also drove me crazy when series were split up between branches. (edited) 7y
jfalkens Or they have book 1 but not two and have three! 7y
Yanes Have the same struggle too... don't get me wrong I love the library but whenever I see a missing part of a series I want to read... I get crazy and upset. 7y
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mrp27 That is my biggest library pet peeve! 7y
Indexasaurus I routinely order entire series for my library, but, inevitably, one or two will end up missing or never returned. It's super frustrating all around. The librarian may not notice it's gone until someone says something, so you can always notify the staff that there's a gap in the collection and hopefully another can be ordered 🙃 7y
LibrarianRyan In most of the libraries I work with if they are missing a volume in print it's because it was damaged or never returned. If it is in ebook it's probably that the book reached its usage numbers or usage date and expired. It's a pain in the rear. 7y
writerlibrarian Unfortunately, some patrons do not return parts of series, return them damaged. As the librarian that buys the books sometime it's impossible to replace missing, stolen damaged parts of series. Drives me bunkers but that's what ILL is for. There are series that as prone to this, some I've purchase over and over. (edited) 7y
melbeautyandbooks Yes! I have noticed this recently and it's frustrating. I can see how it would be an issue for the library because of people not returning or ruining books. 7y
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The Beauty Vol. 2 | Jeremy Haun, Jason A. Hurley
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Whenever I get shot trying to save my boyfriend, a little yoga sure does the trick. Love this comic book!

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The Beauty Vol. 2 | Jeremy Haun, Jason A. Hurley
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Just love this tale of a transgender hit woman who loses the man she loves ( fellow hitman) while trying to get out of the game. Revenge is sweet, and gorgeous. Lol

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The Beauty Tp Vol 1 | Jeremy Haun, Jason A. Hurley
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On a graphic novel binge today and they are all so amazing! The art and concepts behind this one are five star worthy!

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The Beauty Vol. 2 | Jeremy Haun, Jason A. Hurley
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Love this series! I wish I could afford to own them all. The Beauty is a virus you can inject yourself with that makes you beautiful. It takes the world by storm. We are all beautiful...just one little side effect: you burn up from the inside, eventually explode. The series focuses on the implications and consequences of a world transformed by this kind of beauty. Dazzling art and writing.

The Beauty Tp Vol 1 | Jeremy Haun, Jason A. Hurley
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Finished on the last leg of my journey home last night. I feel like it's missing a little something in terms of plot, but very creepy with great artwork!

Beauty, Volume 1 | Jeremy Haun
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😍😍😍😍😍😭😭😭😭😭 I AM SO EXCITED FOR THIS COMIC. AU in which an STD makes people beautiful. So it's totally possible to be smoking hot, but you have to get infected with an STD in order to get that way. Wild concept, right? Which would you choose? Beauty, or health? #ittookmesixtriestotakethisphoto #ijustrakedleaves #myarmshavebeenreplacedwithtwolimpnoodles #cantevenholdmyphonesteady

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The Beauty Tp Vol 1 | Jeremy Haun, Jason A. Hurley
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#booktober #creepycover The Beauty is about a sexually transmitted disease that makes you incredibly beautiful, but at a terrible cost.

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The Beauty Tp Vol 1 | Jeremy Haun, Jason A. Hurley
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All the covers for The Beauty are equally creeptastic. Great new mystery/horror comic series from Image about an STD that makes you more beautiful...and then your insides combust. #booktober #creepycovers

RealLifeReading Definitely adding this! 8y
LindsayReads @RealLifeReading Be prepared for all the icks! 😁😝 8y
SuperPunkNinja Ew! I like it! 8y
LindsayReads @McShelfington Oh it is gross for sure! 8y
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Beauty, Volume 1 | Jeremy Haun

Really loved this one. Can't wait to find out more. The art is beautiful and I love the way they show the differences between people with Beauty and those without. The next volume comes out in December but I don't know if I can wait that long!

The Beauty Tp Vol 1 | Jeremy Haun, Jason A. Hurley
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Comic Carnival in Indianapolis, IN is one of my favourite places. #getindie .

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The Beauty Tp Vol 1 | Jeremy Haun, Jason A. Hurley

Comic Carnival in Indianapolis, IN is one of my favourite places. #getindy .

The Beauty Tp Vol 1 | Jeremy Haun, Jason A. Hurley
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Beautifully drawn social commentary...

Beauty, Volume 1 | Jeremy Haun
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Beauty! An STD that makes you hot sweeps the world. But it might have deadly consequences when beautiful people start ending up dead. Two cops are in hot pursuit of the cure and the mystery behind the killings. Loved this comic - check it out!

BookishMarginalia I'm intrigued. 8y
Carol This sounds amazeballs! 8y
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Beauty, Volume 1 | Jeremy Haun
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Lol exploding beautiful people! Watch out. Loved this comic about a deadly STD making people hot and two cops trying to find the cure.

LauraBrook That picture reminds me of an episode of Torchwood. 8y
ultrabookgeek @LauraBrook oh Torchwood!! I miss it sometimes. 8y
LauraBrook @sharimichele Me too! When I think about Ianto (or see the actor in another thing) I get so sad. 😢 8y
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Beauty, Volume 1 | Jeremy Haun
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I love this series. A new STD is sweeping the globe. Beauty will make you beautiful once you catch it, but it comes with a price - an elevated fever and maybe even death. Two cops investigate recent beauty deaths and may have uncovered a plot to prevent the cure from being distributed. But do they have enough time to save the beautiful people.

tpixie Wow. Crazy. Concept. 8y
RealLifeReading Ok I'm intrigued 8y
[DELETED] 1409720085 Very interesting... 8y
Poindextrix That's so effed up and I *must* read it. 8y
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