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Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World
Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World | Cal Newport
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Finished this with about 90 minutes to spare in #SuperSeptember, hitting my goal of 4 books finished!

I'm not convinced this needed an entire book - it could have just been a long form article. Because if you're picking up this book, you're already bought into the idea you don't want to spend 1/3 of this book being preached to about the value of deep work. The examples also very much skew to white men, a little more diversity is needed.

Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 2y
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I struggle with distraction. It wasn't great before 2020, but doomscrolling made it so much worse. I've made some attempts: todo lists, focus blocks, inbox zero, prioritized lists, to mixed success. Deep work has clicked for me. I think the focus on shallow, vs deep work, being intentional with your time, and what you're planning for, is really what's new about this for me.

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I found this very intriguing. I am a person who struggles to not check notifications of new slack messages etc, so deep work can be hard for me. However, after reading this book, I‘ve been convinced to give it more of a go. #workbooks

BkClubCare Fabulous! Mind-focus is good for those neural paths in the brain, I bet. 🧠 2y
annahenke @BkClubCare most definitely! 2y
Sparklemn I'm struggling being back in the office with ringing cellphones, cubicle chatter, etc. I miss my quiet home! 2y
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I‘m listening to this one in hopes of applying some of the concepts to my creative work. I am constantly distracted in the workplace and don‘t make blocks for “deep work” … yet. Convince me Newport.

Listening on audio, and I like the narrator!

BkClubCare I like your commitment to read work relevant for 15 min/day. Let me know how this one is? (If you review it, tag me ?) 2y
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If you wana read either Indistractable or Deep Work . Go with Deep Work. I will read it again !

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Overall good read but had to speed up the audio as felt it was dragging a bit. Writing very academic. 🤓📚📚📚📚📚

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Have I told you about this one? I do love self-help books, by now I‘ve read over 200+ books..but this one stands out! It resonates with me. It taught me to just put my head down and get on with (whatever) task I‘m working on. It was a major help, when I need all the focus I could muster to finish my masters thesis.

Are you too distracted? I‘m hyper, and at any one time..working on multiple things (even when it comes to reading).


Incredibly useful

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This book made me quit Facebook and Instagram.

julesG Glad you're still on Litsy. 5y
Crazeedi Yep, I don't use them anymore either...Litsy is my go to app thank God for this community!!💕💕 5y
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Mail day. Loved Steven Pressfield‘s first couple of books and been meaning to read Deep Work for a couple years now. If I knew artistic tendencies were so much work when I was younger maybe I‘d have stayed in school :o

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A book about how to get in a state of total concentration to perform cognitive intensive tasks that advance one's carreer forward. The book has very helpful tips on how to achieve this and also some good examples of people applying these principles. However it gets a jit repetitive and I felt that it wasn't adding much value after a certain point. But I recommended it nevertheless.

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Taking a brief break from paper writing. I‘m trying to decrease my ridiculous TBR on Litsy but the starting over every time a delete a book will make it a very long process. What are your TBR #‘s?

IamIamIam The worst part is that the books in my house aren't even on my TBR on here!!! I'm going with a rough estimate of 600. 5y
Liatrek My Goodreads TBR is at 1,030 and I‘m pretty sure I add a new book each just from Litsy post 😊 5y
TalecArashi I have 27 ahaha ...but like a hundred more on LibraryThing... 5y
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LauraJ I refuse to keep count. 5y
DrexEdit I empathize! My #MountTBR is definitely over 1000, but most of it is on goodreads. 5y
ShelfRighteous I wish litsy gave a number, I'm sure it's too much tho😆 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Are we talking books we already have on our tbr shelves or books we have on our list?! 🤣🤣🤣 5y
Chrissyreadit @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks on the TBR on Litsy 😆- @ShelfRighteous I went on the computer site for Litsy and there are actual numbers!!! I‘m trying to make mine manageable and discovered I have 1200 books listed....what are yours? 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Chrissyreadit ok that ones not near as bad!! 5y
Gissy I have not count how many books are in my Litsy tbr? But the reality is that it could grow at anytime😱in this little problem of book dependency😌But I'm updating it all the time. I am constantly deleting books I buy or books I received. 5y
LibrarianRyan the little bubble on my Litsy TBR says 2k. 5y
Chrissyreadit @LibrarianRyan your number definitely makes me feel better! 🤣 5y
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Reading before dinner and movie 🎥

keithmalek Boring and repetitive. 5y
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A great book on how to get more deep work done. Read if you are a worker that is frustrated with interruptions and piddly things.

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This book has legit changed my work life (& work/life balance)! Productivity like whoa. All thumbs up.

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Started this bc my partner‘s health care research company adopted it as an operating philosophy. I‘m about 2/3 through it, and it‘s been kind of a Shaka Buku.

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An interesting premise though jury is still out for me on this title overall.... Good to challenge your own assumptions sometimes though!

quietlycuriouskate I thought he made some valid points but he seemed unaware of how much of an "insider" he is in how his work life is structured. 5y
Balibee146 @kathedron yes you hit the nail on the head 👍 5y
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Well well ,
1_the reason why i leave social media
2_deep work is valuable but missing
3_Live life free from all stresses

Go for it

StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Welcome to Litsy 📖💖 6y
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Currently listening to.

An interesting companion to my current distracted state and a lot of helpful thoughts on the subject of concentration.



I agree with the fact that social media has killed off our ability to really focus. When I was in college I could focus for hours and hours now if I can focus for an hours consider it a good day.

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“Clarity about what matters provides clarity about what does not.” ~ Cal Newport, Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World 💗

Banishing shiny object syndrome with every turn of the page. ✨

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Well written and to the point. Newport provides succinct and thoughtful analysis and suggestions for practical application. I found it to be very relevant in an era of constant distractions. Working to produce high value, hard to replicate, content is tough but necessary.


Raising the necessity of Deep Work in a hyper-connected and distracted world.. With practical tips for how to implement a workflow that includes deep work no matter what your vocation!

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I‘ve tried listening to this twice and I can‘t tell you what I‘ve learned.

3njennn That‘s disappointing. Someone recently recommended this to me. 6y
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This book has strategies which are very practical and feasible. It urges the readers to quit the menace of social media, quit shallow work and find the solace of deep work in a normal work-day. Written in an easy-going language, Cal Newport has made his voice quite clear in one of the fast diminishing skills of humanity --Focus. A must-read for anyone.

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Love the concept of shutting out everything for a period of time to encourage deep work. But, it's not practical for much of my current job responsibilities. I am starting a new job next month that is more project based and I'm going to try some of these tips.

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I find it ironic that while reading how social media and network tools distract us from focusing I'm thinking that I need to post this quote on Litsy. I do agree with the premise and actually Litsy is the only social media I use regularly and I'm a failure at email, so I have that going for me.

MrBook 😆😁👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻😎🙌🏻 6y
Weaponxgirl Same, I'm not on most social media either. It's all a mixed blessing, I can use the Internet doing absolutely nothing sometimes but at other times it really enhances my reading experience and knowledge. 6y
sudi This is so true 6y
Cathythoughts Me too. Only Litsy 👍🏻👍🏻 6y
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Some great actionable points in this to get the most out of your work time. A great read!

Chelleo Welcome to Litsy! New book friends are the best! We hope you‘re loving it here! Checkout these #Litsytips: http://bit.ly/litsytips and #LitsyHowTo videos: http://bit.ly/litsyvideos There‘s so many fun things to do: book exchanges, buddy reads, photo challenges and more! Check out #LitsyHappenings for details. @LitsyWelcomeWagon 6y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Welcome to Litsy 👋😄 6y
Wife Welcome to Litsy!🌹 6y
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ReadZenRites Hi 👋🏻 Welcome to Litsy ✨📚✨ 6y
Jess7 Welcome to Litsy! 6y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy !! 6y
Ingerella Welcome! 6y
Logcabingal Welcome 😊 6y
asiriusreader Welcome to Litsy!! 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Welcome to Litsy 🙌🏻🎉🎊 6y
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Life-changing book.

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Audio-booking so I can work on a household project that needs attention, eyes, and hands. The author would not be pleased as I am doing some pretty deep multi-tasking 😬🤣 #24in48 #24in48readathon @24in48

Claireluana I really liked this book!!! 7y
Lola @Claireluana I am really liking it so far! I am SUCH a multitasker that I really didn‘t want this book to make sense, but it absolutely does. 7y
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Weekend TBR: Subtitle 'Rules for Focused Success in A Distracted World' This is the stack for 24in48 and hopefully the tagged book will help. Winnie is patiently waiting for couch potato time 🐶 Aloha Friday 🌺❤️ #24in48 #readathon #DogsofLitsy

britt_brooke Winnie is just the cutest! 💚 7y
tomes4gnomes Hi, I‘m new to Litsy, is #24in48 just what it sounds like? Reading 24 out of 48 hours? Wondering if I need to know anything other than that to participate. Thanks! 😁 7y
Bookchipmunk @tomes4gnomes 1.Read about it and sign up at 24in48.com 2. Follow 24in48 on Litsy 3. Have Fun! 7y
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Bookworm83 @tomes4gnomes Yep! Check out @24in48 for more info. You can get signed up so you are eligible for prizes 😃 7y
BookMaven407 Winnie 💕 7y
tomes4gnomes Thank you both so much for helping out a newbie! 👍 @Bookworm83 and @Bookchipmunk 7y
AlaMich Hi Winnie!! 🐶❤️ 7y
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Very good points are made for developing deep work habits in ones personal and professional lives. I will hang onto this book and reference it from time to time. Interesting. #MMDbookclub

Joanne1 Listened to an interesting podcast about this from Hidden Brain. 7y
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I was just leafing through my copy of this book, and pages 193 - 200 are completely blank. No words. Nada. Zilch. Bare paper. What the what? #MMDBookClub. So, here‘s the hilarious part. I had forgotten that I had ordered this book, and I ordered it again, and that copy (which I have switched to) has every page intact. Also, I have 2 copies of Daily Rituals by Mason Currey, because I forgot I ordered it.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Wow!!!! 🤣😂 7y
StaceyKondla I'd be interested in what you think of this book - it sounds interesting! Would you tag me when you post your review so I don't miss it? 7y
Suelizbeth @StaceyKondla Sure! I‘d be happy to. 😃 7y
StaceyKondla @Suelizbeth Thank you so much! Happy Reading 😊 7y
Clare-Dragonfly What the heck? I guess you picked the right book to accidentally buy two of 😂 7y
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You don‘t need a rarified job; you need instead a rarified approach to your work.

RaimeyGallant Great quote! And welcome to Litsy! #LitsyWelcomeWagon Some of us put together Litsy tips to help new Littens navigate the site. It's the link in my bio on my page in case you're interested. :) 7y
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Newport takes focus in your life and work to a whole new level. He discusses the “shallow” work that keeps us from really pursuing the deep work that matters. Many of his tactics are great but in a corporate environment, unless it is applied from the top down, it is tough. His process-centric email management tactic is amazing and I‘ll be applying that one immediately. #mmdbookclub #idratherbereading

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While I think this author‘s advice and stance is solid, I don‘t really like his attitude that he‘s imparting some sort of rare wisdom to us readers—particularly given that Laura Vanderkam has espoused similar ideas in several best-selling books as well.

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One of my New Year‘s resolutions was to read more non-fiction and more classics this year. So far, so good. #MMDBookClub

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A meeting at the state library means 2 hours of audiobook time in the car. I‘ve been in an audiobook slump after HRC‘s phenomenal What Happened. Hoping this will give me a few tips for working smarter!

Lindy Have a safe trip. 7y
Suelizbeth I‘ll be reading this in January with #MMDBookclub and @annebogel 7y
Lacythebookworm Thank you @Lindy! It‘s a rainy day but hopefully the drive home will be uneventful. 7y
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Part of what fueled social media‘s rapid assent, I contend, is its ability to short-circuit this connection between the hard work of producing real value and the positive reward of having people pay attention to you. It has instead replaced this timeless capitalist exchange with a shallow collectivist alternative: I‘ll pay attention to what you say if you pay attention to what I say—regardless of its value.


On social media use:

If you don't attempt to weigh pros against cons, but instead use any glimpse of some potential benefit as justification for unrestrained use of a tool, then you're unwittingly crippling your ability to succeed in the world of knowledge work.

CouronneDhiver 🙌🏽🙌🏽 7y
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When you work, work hard. When you're done, be done.


"Great creative minds think like artists but work like accountants." --David Brooks


The creed of medieval quarry workers: We who cut mere stones must always be envisioning cathedrals.


How to get the most important creative work done. So good.

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I almost didn't finish this book because part one dragged on too long with too much scientific mumbo jumbo - I didn't need to be convinced that deep work was a good thing. I was already convinced. I'm glad, though, that I stayed for part two. Some of it detailed practices I already inherently knew, such as get away by yourself when you need to concentrate on deep work, but there were enough new-to-me suggestions that I'm giving this book a "pick."

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Also reading now ... and it's fascinating!

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This book rocked my socks off. I love me a good productivity book but this one was so well done. Explaining why it's becoming harder and harder for us to focus on difficult tasks and how to fix it. Has already drastically improved my work life!

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I don't read a lot of self-help, but I heard @rebeccaschinsky talk about this ages ago on the All the Books podcast, and I'm really, *really* glad I picked it up. The theory in the first half is interesting, but Newport really nails it in second half with four deeply researched, applicable steps to increase your productivity and train your brain to think deeply. As a freelance writer, this was the exact kick in the ass I needed.

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I appreciate how Cal Newport delivers a ton of information without filling it out with needless anecdotes and fluff to up the page count. There are some interesting ideas and practical tips about doing deep work as opposed to the kind of shallow work that doesn't add value, takes up too much time, and can be largely reduced or eliminated. I found the sections of social media and email particularly thought provoking. #audiobook #productivity

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Quite insightful. Although, as a stay-at-home mom and not as a paid knowledge worker, it will take some maneuvering to apply these principles.