This was not supposed to be a comedy, but I laughed out loud a couple of times when the book exactly nailed the ways I give in to willpower. Like the author was right inside my head. I recommend the book.
This was not supposed to be a comedy, but I laughed out loud a couple of times when the book exactly nailed the ways I give in to willpower. Like the author was right inside my head. I recommend the book.
Loved this book. Such a unique character. My favorite book so far this year.
Wow. This book made me consider all the ways our past shapes us. Interesting. A great story.
I almost didn't finish this book because part one dragged on too long with too much scientific mumbo jumbo - I didn't need to be convinced that deep work was a good thing. I was already convinced. I'm glad, though, that I stayed for part two. Some of it detailed practices I already inherently knew, such as get away by yourself when you need to concentrate on deep work, but there were enough new-to-me suggestions that I'm giving this book a "pick."
Loved this book as it barreled toward the finish, making me wonder how the lives of a Honduran girl/immigrant would meet with a young couple running a BBQ restaurant in Austin. One of the best books I've read this year.
I asked some friends for the names of authors who write about modern issues, similar to Jodi Picoult. One of them suggested this book, which deals with immigration. I certainly got what I asked for. Very hard-hitting so far.