Sapphic vampire girls and a story of sisterhood. I finished it about 2 weeks ago and really enjoyed it.
Sapphic vampire girls and a story of sisterhood. I finished it about 2 weeks ago and really enjoyed it.
This has been sitting on my kindle since September 2020 so I remembered little about it or why I owned it! I enjoyed especially the first two thirds. It was a rich story of a traveller community being attacked and twin sisters taken into captivity. There was burgeoning romance m/f and also a beautifully written f/f and a sense of the main protagonist really growing into herself. The ending however felt rushed and the ‘reveal‘ flat.
Since I‘m making an effort to finish the Swedish version of Dracula, Powers of Darkness, I decided I should try to read this at the same time. This was a gift from our Halloween swap this year from @CloakNQuill
I received awesome books and goodies from @CloakNQuill today for the #allhallowsreadswap! 🧡🧡🧡 I‘m very excited about the books, and y‘all, look there‘s a Count Dracula candle! Good stalking! Excellent chocolate choices and I cannot wait to try the Italian bar. Like wow!! Thank you so much!!!! @MaleficentBookDragon
The huge hole in the side of the box was not an issue. The darling Halloween bag and all the wrapping inside saved the day!
This one was a quick read. Perfect for those looking for a spooky read that is a unique retelling. I really have not read other stories about Dracula‘s brides so this was a first for me. Other than that it was an average read, nothing really sticks out as a OMG this book is awesome for me. So if you are looking for just something spooky themed to read for October that is quick this is the book for you.
I read this Oct 4-6 and gave it 4 ⭐️. Simply the story is a tale about two of Dracula‘s Brides - who they are and how they become his brides. I personally adored this book even though they are a few faults but I can see why others may not like it as much. For me, the book captured the same feel of the original Dracula novel by Stoker. And it was less about Dracula, which is true to Stoker‘s novel. The LGBTQA+ pairing did let me down a bit.
First apple spice doughnut of the season! 😋🍎🍩 It's a perfect snack to go with this beautiful book! 📚💕 Happy Saturday!
I liked this book - it tells the story of Lil and Kizzy, twin sisters who become the ‘brides of Dracula.‘ The story was really engaging - really descriptive writing - but I felt like the ending with meeting Dracul himself was a bit rushed. I would‘ve liked a bit more of the story.
This book is gorgeous - the book jacket and foil design underneath. Wow! I did enjoy the story of Lil and Kizzy, but the end felt somewhat anticlimactic.
This is a YA telling of Dracula's "dark sisters" as part of the Bellatrix series of books about girls forgotten about in literature. The two sisters are twins who's Traveller community is destroyed and they are taken as slaves. It tells how they went from innocents to slaves to vampires. It was dark and beautiful with a sweet f/f romance in it. There needs to be more books with Romani or Traveller protagonists.
"I swallowed. All my life I saw my inaction as harmless. I was happy to stand by while Kizzy made decisions, while she ran towards danger or threat, answered back to insults. I thought my silence, my stillness, was a fine way to be. But now I realised it made me as bad as those men who took the side of a monster..."
Going to read this book next.
Book mail! I cannot get over how completely stunning this book is!
You guys. YOU GUYS. Look how absolutely gorgeous this book is! The actual cover and the dustjacket are incredible! 😍
Okay not at all what I was expecting! I really liked this from start to finish. It's one of those books that sort of changes genres part way through which always keeps it interesting for me. I do wish the ending wasn't so hasty. Give it another chapter or two? I enjoyed the characters a lot. This is one I will definitely comeback to and reread every year or so. The physical book is also absolutely stunning. A+ book design. Rep: f/f romance
Next up!
Bk6 of my #JanuaryBookHaul is this absolutely gorgeous edition of a YA version of the brides of Dracula. 17yr old Lil & her twin sister Kizzy are stolen from their traveller community & forced to work in Boyar Valcar‘s castle kitchens.Lil meets & falls for fellow slave Mira, but when Kizzy comes to the attention of The Dragon, a terrifying figure, Lil does what she must to try and protect her.Part of a new series about forgotten female characters.
Kiran Millwood Hargrave‘s YA gothic fantasy (a homage to the ‘dark sisters‘ in Bram Stoker‘s Dracula) has some beautifully written scenes and shows the discrimination faced by Travellers but there‘s not much plot, Lil‘s first person POV leaves Kizzy under-developed and in the final quarter, her disappearance means that a key decision has no tension or explanation while the ending is very weak such that it doesn‘t do the dark sisters justice.
A retelling if Dracula‘s brides was so refreshing and thrilling to read.
It follows twin Traveller sisters whose camp is raided, burned and leaving them and a hand full of kids alive. They are taken as slaves and that‘s where the story really takes off. I really enjoyed this book and honestly had no expectations going in. I didn‘t even know this was about Dracula but I enjoyed it soooo much. This book is beautiful inside and out.
Very dark story about two of Dracula's wives, beautifully written but dramatic and Gothic tones and probably because of that, I did not really love it. Just not my cup of tea. I loved the f/f romance in the plot and it was an easy read. Honestly, I know this is a stand alone, but I would actually mind a sequel because there is space for more - really trying to avoid spoilers here.. 3⭐
#IreadYA #YAaddict
#preorder #specialedition #books #inthemail #dracula #draculasbrides
A Dracula retelling from the POV of his brides