“They were one of the first predators to walk on land, starting more than 350 million years ago. And they are still one of the most successful predators. Today, there are more than 38,000 types of spiders.”
“They were one of the first predators to walk on land, starting more than 350 million years ago. And they are still one of the most successful predators. Today, there are more than 38,000 types of spiders.”
I enjoyed reading this book and think it would be appropriate for all ages. This book would pique the interest of any study who is interested in learning more about animals, especially spiders. The book has an intriguing cover with a large image of a spider. The book is a Robert F. Sibert Honor book.
This book contains lots of information about the way spiders live, how their body works, different statistics about spiders, and the different species of spiders. The book includes photographs of real spiders with captions describing what the spider may be doing in the photograph. The book also contains facts about how spiders find a mate and acquire their food.
“They were one of the first predators to walk on land, starting more than 350 million years ago. And they are still one of the most successful predators. Today, there are more than 38,000 types of spiders.”
This book is intended for children ages four to eight years old. Although I agree that this book could be presented to children within this age band, I also think that it would be appropriate for children of all ages. This book would pique the interest of any study who is interested in learning more about animals, specifically spiders. This book is a Robert F. Sibert Honor recipient.
This children nonfiction picture book contains lots of factual information about the way spiders live, how their bodies work, various statistics about spiders, and the different species of spiders. The book includes realistic photographs of real spiders with corresponding captions describing what the spider may be doing in the photograph. The book also contains facts about how spiders find a mate and acquire their food.
“They were one of the first predators to walk on land, starting more than 350 million years ago. And they are still one of the most successful predators. Today, there are more than 38,000 types of spiders.”
This book would be appropriate for all ages. This book would pique the interest of any study who is interested in learning more about animals, especially spiders. The book has an intriguing cover with a large image of a spider. In addition, the book is a Robert F. Sibert Honor book.
The book, Spiders, by Nic Bishop, discusses the topic of spiders. It states information about the way spiders live, how their body works, different statistics about spiders, and the different species of spiders. The book includes photographs of real spiders with captions describing what the spider may be doing in the photograph. In addition, the book also highlights facts about how spiders find a mate and acquire their food.
“They were one of the first predators to walk on land, starting more than 350 million years ago. And they are still one of the most successful predators. Today, there are more than 38,000 types of spiders.”
I enjoyed reading this book and think it would be appropriate for all ages. This book would pique the interest of any study who is interested in learning more about animals, especially spiders. The book has an intriguing cover with a large image of a spider. The book is a Robert F. Sibert Honor book.
This book contains lots of information about the way spiders live, how their body works, different statistics about spiders, and the different species of spiders. The book includes photographs of real spiders with captions describing what the spider may be doing in the photograph. The book also contains facts about how spiders find a mate and acquire their food.
this is a very cool non fiction book to learn more about spiders, I think it is very informative and could be more fun
This book is very detailed about spiders and uses different color letters to highlight important parts on the page.
The bottom quote.
For one i love how they make the s‘s in cursive. But I love how they describe their facts!
This can be a bit scary for children who are scared of spiders but can also help them understand their purpose is not to disturb us humans just do their job of eating other animals and more!
Up close and personal images of spiders and simple facts that are engaging for children along with fun facts!
Spiders are air-breathing arthropods that have eight legs, chelicerae with fangs generally able to inject venom, and spinnerets that extrude silk. They are the largest order of arachnids and rank seventh in total species diversity among all orders of organisms. And some bite like Wolf spider i think 🤔 and brown spiders. That's all i know and spiders are dangerous some spiders.
Off-topic but what the heck is this kind of spider?! On our front door! I wonder what Princess Charlotte and David Attenborough would think of this! 🕷
Review: Spiders by Nic Bishop, 2007, is a nonfiction book all about spiders! It talks about the different kinds of spiders there are, what it eats, how it grows and more interesting things!
Blurb: Again I would use this in my classroom if children showed an interest in the topic and wanted to learn more. It's a great resource because its factual, has pictures and is well researched.
Quote: “Spiders don't have bones inside their body for support.“
the bottom of each page has a small fact in the corner which I thought was cool. they added to the book and the pictures in the book.
This non-fiction book was all about spiders, as the tittle suggest. It includes very zoomed in illustrations of the spiders/bugs and many interesting facts to go with them. The pictures are very detailed too. It‘s main focus is how spiders survive.
“Spiders were hunting long before lions and tigers. They were hunting even before Tyrannosaurs rex.“
I would use this book in a classroom because the author is qualified to write about this topic, it may appeal to readers' interests about spiders, and it builds knowledge about the natural world.
I really found this book interesting and it is a good nonfiction book because the author is qualified to write about spiders. The author has his doctorate in biological sciences and has several other books.
Spiders by Nic Bishop was published in 2007. The book describes a lot of different spiders and the characteristics that they have. Although they all might look different, they have similar characteristics. I like this book because the illustrations are large and realistic allowing children to get a good representation of each one.
The images were very interesting and detailed, but they were a little creepy to look at. They gave me the chills looking at them because they were so close and focused.
I thought this book was very interesting and had a lot of cool images. Although I am not the biggest fan of bugs, so the images were not so appealing to me. This book described different aspects about spiders, and gives a lot of information about spiders.
A spider's body has two main parts. The back part is called the abdomen. This contains the heart, which pumps pale blue blood (yes, blue!), and the spinnerets, which make silk.
This book talks about the different sizes of spiders, different kinds of spiders, fangs, molting, weaving webs, hunting, dancing and eating. It gives you very detailed and close up photographs of the spiders so beware--spooky. But so awesome if you want to learn more about spiders!
I enjoyed learning more about spiders and the different ways that they can survive. I also enjoyed the close up photos of the spiders.
My favorite part of the book was the small fun fact at the bottom of each page. it made reading the information a little more fun. I also loved the fun and realistic images
This was a very cool book if you are interested in spiders(creeped me out). The structure of the book made it very easy to read. It had a certain sentence emphasized in each page and then more information ins smaller font if you'd like to read more on the topic