Peter had a love for words and wanted to do something with that. He eventually created the thesaurus, which is crazy to think about! This book was written in a really interesting way and was my favorite of the biography books I read this semester.
Peter had a love for words and wanted to do something with that. He eventually created the thesaurus, which is crazy to think about! This book was written in a really interesting way and was my favorite of the biography books I read this semester.
the pages are so bright, colorful, and cute. It was written in cool ways and was fun to read. Children would enjoy this book!
“Your frock is a lovely shade of azure, violet, sapphire.”
I found this quote humerus: “Sarah was so filled with grief, she insisted on wearing a black dress every day for the rest of her life.”
This book explains how Sarah Josepha Hale spent a lot of her life trying to make Thanksgiving a holiday. She accomplished this, also while raising a family. She seemed to be a strong women. I also love the use of the watercolors in the illustrations.
This was perfect to read right before thanksgiving, a somewhat controversial holiday. I would read it to my students around this time, too.
It was really interesting how Maya was only 21 when she designed the memorial.
“She wrote that her long, polished wall would be a quiet place to remember all those who died during the war. A place to be experienced by walking down then up past names that seemed to go on forever.”
Maya Lin: Artist-Architect of Light and Lines is the story of an amazing artist. She designed the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. The illustrations in the story were also beautiful, and flowed well. It sparks inspiration and intrigued me to look into Maya and the memorial more.
I love the part of the story that capitalized in Einstein‘s father giving him a compass,
opening the door to wonder more about this wold and how it works.
This is a powerful book about Albert Einstein. It shows drive, creation, curiosity and imagination. The illustrations are lovely and unique, including the cover. There is also a good science aspect to reading the book.
“question that you someday may answer...by wondering, thinking, and imagining.”
“Barbecued robs, stewed greens, sweet potato soufflé, and Audrey‘s favorite—-hot rolls baptized in butter.”
I like the line ‘baptized in butter‘. I also liked the illustration of Audrey and her mom on this page.
(2017) I had never heard of the Children‘s March prior to this book so I really enjoyed reading about it and learning more. It is a well written book. This would be a good story for introducing specific history and social lessons in the classroom, as well as issues that still occur today.
this book had really beautiful and powerful illustrations. They used soft colors and lots of emotion.
“This hero would be a stranger in a regular place.”
(2008) Boys of Steel is the biography on the creators of superman and his comics. As a reader, you get a better idea of the process behind creating a superhero. Also, the way the book is written is cool because they used a comic/comic illustration theme.
I think many students would enjoy reading on the creation of one the most famous superheroes-superman. A lot of students would recognize who superman is from television, comics, movies, and books.
This short story has lots of cool images on the pages. It has an onset theme of accomplishing anything you set your mind to. It‘s story is about Carl Sagan and his history with space and stars.
When I was a younger student, and still, I was very interesting in space, galaxies, the universe, stars, and everything else. So, I think this would be a great read in the classroom. It shows dreams turning into reality
“We are star stuff harvesting sunlight.”
This is a Caldecott honor award book. It is about a poet and his journey to being able to make a living while continuing his passion. It‘s interesting to think how he‘s famous for poetry but was a medical doctor in his life career. The pictures compliment the story of William really well.
The pages and illustrations in this story were really creative! They reminded me of vision boards or collages.
“In the summer of 1951, Father invited me to his house in Sasebo but I didn‘t go. Instead, Tokida and I spent a lot of time exploring the big world of Tokoyo.”
(2011) The Drawing From Memory is written by and about Allen Say. It explains his journey as an artist. It has a lot of good themes in the story as he works through his hardships. It can show kids resilience and compassion.
I‘m not sure students would find it easy to stay interested in this book through the whole thing. It‘s quite long, with lots of words on each page. It also goes back on forth on time periods in which he‘s discussing which might be confusing.
(2009) This is a book about two, very different, brothers discovery. It educates us on an invention I had never thought much about. It introduces glowing colors with the help of fluorescent colors. It‘s a fun book with fun illustrations. I think students would find it interesting to learn about the progress of color!
“the colors made their way onto gas station signs and detergent boxes”
the very first thing I noticed about this book was the cover. It was like none I had every seen, with bright neon colors. It is the reason I picked it. I knew it would have cool illustrations, and it did!!
“You can discover why by asking questions and doing things to get answers.”
I like how it unified real activities and experiments to do with children. It makes learning about wind fun. It was published in 2003.
This nonfiction book touches on science for young learners. It answers questions we have about wind and how it works. The illustrations were interesting too. The book flows nicely, one of my favorite this year.
“Sometimes I feel sorry for animals in the frozen wild and sometimes I am envious of them.”
I like how this children‘s book includes a table of contents. It would be good to use to introduce to children the basics to a non-fiction book.
(2015) This book is about animals living in cold environments/habitats and how they sustain themselves in it. It‘s full of information and has pretty illustrations. It would be of interest to young children, since animals usually intrigue them.
“These animals are living on the rock layer called the Bright Angel Shale, which formed more than 200 million years after the Grand Canyon Supergroup.”
The bright and colorful illustrations also include maps and diagrams making the book more enjoyable and informational!
This non fiction book did an excellent job portraying the beauty of the Grand Canyon. It discusses the wildlife and plant life there and how that adds to the environment. It also is a Caldecott medal book.
This was a cute, fun book all about beetles. It includes education images and headings. It includes the life cycle in the book and makes the topic of beetles interesting.
this book had a lot of cute illustrations including the front cover. they are colorful, detailed, and uniquely drawn.
The images included were cool. Some children might be scared, others may be intrigued by this topic though. I would probably read it to older ages students who are beginning to understand the concept of death more.
“Almost a year after the discovery, archaeologists conducted a thorough excavation of Ötzi‘s discovery site. They retrieved his bearskin cal, a fingernail, and some strands of hair.”
This book was interesting,
mysterious, and somewhat disturbing. It was about glaciers, but mainly about the ancient bodies exposed due to the glaciers melting. It includes real images and long explanations/details. It shows what we can uncover from the past.
“...we do know that all mammals and most reptiles sleep, and possibly dream.” it‘s cool to think that animals dream too!
the pictures and other data examples hypes well with the written aspect of the story. It is an excellent book for science and math.
This book discussed everything from the number of species to what those species/animals typically weight and everything in between. It includes interesting facts, graphs, and colorful pages.
I would Definitely include this book in my future classroom. Because children phone animals so interesting, I think it‘s a good topic. It also holds information to knowing more about this world and the creatures in it.
This is a children‘s non-fiction book on animals. It is very detailed and creative. It includes illustrations of the different animals sleeping. It is accurate and informative.