I think this quote is powerful, especially for the day and age did this book is based out of.
I think this quote is powerful, especially for the day and age did this book is based out of.
I like a story is told in first person by the kid that could be around the age that I could be teaching it gives perspective. It helps the children understand the holocaust better
In The Book Thief, a little girl named Liesel is placed in a new household since her mother cannot afford to care for her. Death, the narrative's narrator, develops into a person you admire and even feel sad for at the story's conclusion. The narration offers an odd viewpoint on the narrative.
The last call on the right page. I think this was important to include because once you do get out of the bottom, there are still people always there to tell you that you‘re over, or you are not as good as it used to be or not to good it all.
The story reminds me of how many great legends came about. They started with nothing, but ended at the top of the world.
The humbling beginnings of the two William sisters of how they went from a worn out, tennis court in Compton to Olympic world medalists in the challenges they have a face.
The last sentence on the right page is probably one of the most heartbreaking sentence in the story. It‘s so true for the time in age of the story, and for everyone now every day, all around the world. Hate runs so deep.
I love the artwork in this book it‘s a simple yet, so perfect for the story and for Malcolm X.
A beautiful story written by his daughter of the little boy who grew into the Macolm X. He grew up with a big, welcoming, awesome family, but in father and his life he was threatened and discouraged, but he was a natural leader and Conquered through.
I chose this these quotes because I feel like questioning is a big part of being curious and a genius and that‘s good for children to see that.
I love how this book gives like honest beginnings, because then it gives a children‘s, hope that they can start from anywhere to become a genius.
A book about the start Albert Einstein‘s life and how he was a very peculiar child, and everyone noticed it and how he went onto it be in an amazing inventor.
The last sentence on the right page. I love how she believes that she can take charge just as the others have, even though many of her classmates and other people do not believe so.
I find this interesting that they would put her in a younger grade, considering that she was a sixth grade level and didn‘t understand that she was at a higher level.
This is a timely, inspiring picture book biography of the dynamic twentieth-century educator, activist, and politician Shirley Chisholm, who opened the door for women in the political arena and for the first black president of the United States.
I love the quote on the right page. It just shows how if you really know someone you can see past their disabilities and see if there‘s so much more than anyone else can see.
This part is so sad because her sister leaves, and she misses her because that was more than just a sister was her best friend
A book about the extraordinary Judith Scott‘s life and how she defied the odds. I think it is so sweet how her sister is the one writing the story of her life. Judith has down syndrome and is deaf and never learned to speak, but she was very talented in art. She was institutionalized until her sister reunited with her and rolled her into an art class.
The fact that they had to trick the Dogs of the people who wanted them killed is so sad.
I feel like this is a story that all children need to learn about, and I always have interesting learning about it. I think you can also learn about it through text books and videos and movies. You could use this book as a starter for learning about her and then eventually watching the movie films about it.
This is a short story of Harriet Tubmans journey of leading her people to freedom. This shows her challenges and struggles and how she conquered them
“ she said it had been a pleasant nap” I love this quote because it was a very long and dangerous adventure, and she is humbled to say it was a pleasant nap.
I love this quote. Remind me much of modern days how everyone is trying to be everyone else besides themselves. A great acting technique.
I love this thinking bubble, we can actually see the visions and what they‘re talking about. I think learn about stuff like this for our kids. They need this visual aid to help them understand.
This is from a collection of books that I have no trouble getting my youngsters to read. When I lend this out, I'm confident that I'm not giving my kids anything I'll later regret because the photographs are interesting enough (which is a problem that I run into a lot with this sort of book).
I couldn‘t really find a quote for this book, but I like how the title of this page is called hothead and it relates to it.
Personally, this would be a topic for me, but students are very intrigued about the deep blue ant, sharks in general.
The great white sharks return to California's Farallon Islands each fall to hunt their preferred prey. She saw sharks being tagged in the wild, watched seal assaults, and had a close-up view of the majestic Farallons—a wildlife reserve that is Neighborhood Sharks is an intimate portrait of the life cycle, biology, and habitat of the great white shark, based on the latest research and an up-close visit with these amazing animals.
How can I get everything with everything because everything is connected.
I love how the story has like a book full of watercolor pictures, but also represents evolution. I feel like this appeals to the younger grades because it is teaching you some thing that‘s real well also appealing to the eye.
explains the concept of evolution while examining the relationships between humans and all other forms of life on Earth. It provides kids with a straightforward, engrossing narrative that explains Darwin's theory of evolution.
The story is transitioned by lively drawings and eye-catching primary colors, which pique the young reader's attention as they strive to figure out Who Will It Be?
“But how was I ever going to get through and medical school when I could barely sit still”
I think this is a really good thing to put a children‘s book because there‘s a lot of students who do struggle with this, and he eventually became an a famous astronaut.
I like how this book goes back-and-forth with drawings and real pictures because I think it engages children because I‘m trying to figure out the pictures really not because you never know.
Does a nonfiction story about the first astronaut from NASA, Scott Kelly, spent one complete year in space. This captivating picture book memoir follows Scott's incredible journey from his early years as an average student to his record-breaking year in space.
I like they mentioned these two women beat the odds.
I like this book because it gives historical background on glaciers in different things from Ice Age times and around when they found the body. I‘ll go get it along with like how they found it and why they just recently found the body.
A real story where body was discovered by mountain climbers in 1991 on the Niederjoch Glacier on the border between Austria and Italy. Five bodies had previously been discovered in the region during the exceptionally warm summer. The body was discovered with items that showed it might be quite old, possibly dating from the 1800s. The oldest human mummy ever discovered preserved in ice was given the name Tzi.
“ by the end, the pregnancies mother dolphins are weighed down so much that they swim slower than the non-pregnant Dolphins.”
I have this clothes, funny and I feel like human mothers feel this way too, even though it‘s not actually true.
I love us buckets, many different scenarios, and things that could be happening with the mother to give the child explanation about why they‘re feeling this way. I also enjoy the did you know sections and how big the baby is at the moment.
It‘s a preparation, book to get a a child, ready to become an older sibling and explain to them what is happening in their mothers, body step-by-step.