A cute little book about an amazing individual. I'll definitely be checking out the documentary Bombshell on Netflix.
A cute little book about an amazing individual. I'll definitely be checking out the documentary Bombshell on Netflix.
“People seem to think because I have a pretty face I‘m stupid…I have to work twice as hard as anyone else to convince people I have something resembling a brain.”
This story is great for young girls who are interested in inventing and stem. I really loved the illustrations that highlight her life.
This story published in 2019 highlights the double life of Hedy Lamarr. She was both an actress and inventor. The story includes quotes from Hedy‘a life that highlight her own beliefs in her work. It not only talks about her life in Hollywood but also her life in Austria where she was born.
“I acted all the time .... I was a little copybook. I wrote people down on me“
This story helped further my knowledge about what Hedy Lamrr achieved during her lifetime.
Hedy was a glamourous movie star and while she did this, she had a double life. She had another life. By night, she was a wonderful inventor and for many years, only close friends knew about what was going on.
I love this quote. Remind me much of modern days how everyone is trying to be everyone else besides themselves. A great acting technique.
I love this thinking bubble, we can actually see the visions and what they‘re talking about. I think learn about stuff like this for our kids. They need this visual aid to help them understand.
This story is a telling of what it was like being the world's most beautiful woman as well as the creator of the technology that keeps us from being hacked on our devices. The concepts can be tough to grasp for those who do not have a mathematical or scientific mind but the science concepts are offered up more than once from different angles to help with that.
The story of how, during World War Two, Hedy Lamarr, a movie star, developed a groundbreaking communications system that still remains essential to the security of today‘s technology.
Great bio of a girl boss! She is a famous female actress but also is an inventor behind the scenes
Great biography book! It is engaging and educational about the life of Hedy Lamarr. It is an easy read for kids and the illustrations are great!
Got some reading and movie watching done last night #TeamSlaughter
Watched Beetlejuice
Finished reading Tooth Trouble with my kid (non theme)
Read tagged book in preparation for helping my Brownie Troop earn an inventor badge (non theme)